Updated: 03-17-13 11:25 PM
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Updated:03-17-13 11:25 PM
Created:11-06-08 06:49 PM

Useful Extras  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 0.3.5
by: EVmaker [More]


I tend to be a bit wordy at times so bear with me. The mod started as a personal mod of mine that I added things I found helpful and used them myself, until it got to a point where I thought others might be able to find it useful as well and decided to post it. Useful Extras is a small little mod to make a number of helpful options availible, it takes almost no memory or processor use. To summarize; There is a basic calculator, color picker that is mainly helpful to developers or anyone messing with WoW text colors in-game, and a couple auto options similar to what TwoBox used to do but with more options.

The readme gives more specific details, but below is a basic summary of whats there right now.

And the portal here, will have have more frequent news about this mod same as Looter, as well as the Bug Reports and Feature Requests section there is availible for Useful Extras as well.

* Toggles for: Autoaccept Invite, Summon, Ress, Autofollow, Automount, UE on or off, Allow friends or Guild lists to use commands, Auto-accept Quests, Auto-complete Quests, Sticky Follow (follow after exiting combat), Whisper Relaying, Low Health/Mana Warning, and Return/Delete icons for the Mailbox.
* New toggles for Auto-declining Duel requests, or Guild Invites/Charter requests, as well as Auto-releasing on death in a battleground and Auto-passing on loot rolls.
* The before said features the toggles are for (that always work for those manually added to the Leader list, and work for those on the friends or guild lists if the use friends or guild toggles are on).
* Basic GUI, can be accessed with /ue menu
* Minimap button to open the menu, or reload the UI
* LDB(Broker) Support, minimap button functionality but on Titan Panel Fubar, or other LDB compatible displayer.
* Exp Report with /ue exp, or whisper command with /whisper name exp
* In-Game Basic Calculator (/ue calc (9*9)/3)
* ID command, to get a moused over items itemLink, item id, and stack size
* Ability to use the In-Game Color picker to get RGB values of any color, or the 'real' value used by WoW for its chat colors, Useful for developers to get the wow color values for using in chat messages. Can use /ue test chat to see what the current selected color will look like in a chat message, or /ue setcolor to set a standard R,G,B value (/ue setcolor 255,124,56) for seeing what it'd look like in a chat message with /ue test chat. If using /ue getwowcolor, only the first two digits after the period are really necessary (0.04, 0.48), or simply get the RGB values and put (rgbvalue/255) in your code.

Using the recently added change to the mounting up function, you can make a global macro with /script UE_pickMount("smart") and it will automatically mount your best availible mount depending on what you have, your location & if you have cold weather flight for northrend. You can then put the global macro button on the actionbar of any character that has UE enabled and click it to smartly mount the best mount for the location regardless of what mounts each char may or may not have.

New Mounting Macros: Commands are /ue createmacros local, or /ue createmacros global Will create three mounting macros either in the global, or character-specific sections for the three mounting functions, such as one for best ground mount, one for best air, and one for "smart mounting" which can then easily be put on the actionbar. In the case of making them global, you could then have them availible to any character on the account to use the same macro and mount up regardless of what mounts they may or may not have.

Also the recently added preferred mount feature will be taken into account first when using any of the before said macros (or mounting whispers).


In-Line Todos:
* Improve the Basic GUI (really this time)

Future Todo:

Eternal Todos:
* Eliminate any bugs (if any)

5.2.0 Compatibility, mainly a TOC update, though smart mounting support for flying in Pandaria is now in, as otherwise most functions still appear to be running properly, I have recently gotten back to warcraft however and wanted to get this out for everyone, the mod has not been updated for all the new mounts yet. I will have another update in the next day or two which will add them, but if anyone wants to help speed that along, if you type /ue list mounts, it will list all your mounts and tell you any that are not currently added with the ID I'll need to add, so feel free to message me (preferably on wowinterface) with any ID's and the mount names you have that aren't added already.

5.0.4 Compatibility, fixed a number of bugs caused by the patch as well as a couple that had cropped up during a prior patch. Menu background is back to being black and options will display correctly (not look like settings weren't saved on first loading/reloading). Errors that would crop up on first load and on dieing due to api changes were also fixed.

Updated the mounts list to include more mounts that have since been added (such as the Obsidian Nightwing RAF mount), but more importantly coded it so if you do /ue list mounts it will add a line under any mount that UE doesn't currently support saying it's not currently supported and it's ID, if you see the message please message me with the ID so I can add it to the list.

Updated toc for 4.1 (mod itself worked fine already), added new mounts to the mount list, fixed the issues with worgens and mounting (apologies worgens, running wild used to be a 'mount' and now its just a spell, UE now realizes that), and updated water mounting to use a subdued seahorse if available, abyssal if in vash'jir and flyer otherwise (ground if no flyer/or no appropriate training available).

A note to worgens, running wild as it is a spell currently doesn't work with the mounting macros, that should be resolved in the next update.

Tracked down and finally completely fixed the autoress bugs (now if you would have auto-accepted a ress while still having a "can't ress for so many seconds left", it will wait until after that time and then accept the ress). Also delayed the acceptance for group invites by half a second so it shouldn't not accept when first logging in/in lag situations.

Added a random mounting option, will randomly choose a mount when using the ground, flying or smart mounting options. Auto-accept group invite and other such options will now recognize realID friends in addition to whispers. Fixed the auto-accept group invite window not going away after an invite is automatically accepted.

Support for realID whispers for all the whisper commands, realID whispers are on the same 'allow friends' option in the menu, if there's interest I can make a separate option for them since realID is a level of trust above regular friend list.

UE's mounting/smart mounting has also been updated for flight license and flying in old world, plus seahorse for Vashj'ir (turtle in other swimming area if you have it, otherwise best ground mount). I wanted to get the support for druid forms/shaman wolf in, but that is going to take a fair bit more tinkering and I don't want to delay the release even more (also an update to the mount list for new Cataclysm mounts).

Simply the cataclysm/4.01 compatible release, otherwise same as 0.2.6.

Added option for setting the right-click of the minimap/ldb button to mount the best useable mount (smart mounting) via /ue rightclick mount. Useful for a quick mounting without using macros, without switching actionbars, or on small computers (like the netbook I use while away from home).

Added the Celestial Steed and X-53 Touring Rocket to the mount list, again if you don't care about those mounts then no need to update.

Just adding the Frosty Flying Carpet to the mount list, if you don't care about that mount then no need to update.

3.3 Compatibility and TOC Update. Also updated to include all (believe anyway) currently availible mounts (including invincible and big love rocket, etc..).

Added "WhisperLoot" toggle (off by default) that those on the leader list (and leader list only) may whisper passloot, greedloot or needloot, and if WhisperLoot is enabled then all the currently being rolled on equipment will be passed, greeded or needed; most helpful for multi-boxers or those who's friends have gone afk and such and need to get them to greed or need. Also setground/setflyer now can be used to set a regular ground or flyer as the preferred mount instead of just an epic, and it will say whether the mount set as preferred is an epic or not (such as Swift Brewfest Ram is now the preferred epic ground mount); can also enter the spell ID if known.

3.2 Compatibility & TOC update, Added most (believe all, not positive) of the mounts added in 3.1 and 3.2 to the mount list. Thanks to the much improved flyable area API, and a bit of code changing; smart mounting is now a whole lot leaner, does not need to be localized for any client, and no longer needs the ZonesLib (yay for optimization). Optimized other parts of the code as well. EMLib Update. And lastly, smart and ground mounting will take into account 'water mounts' (like the one that is fished up) if you are swimming and have one to use that, or else mount a regular ground mount.

Added an option to display return/delete icons in the mailbox (a letter for will be returned, or X for will be deleted under the time left for each mail, so you can tell at a glance what will be returned or deleted). Also updated the setting updating function to 'merge' the data rather then the old method, which essentially means that it will be able to update previous users settings with the new settings without needing to clear their settings, so no more needing to re-check settings after a new version. Also added the new "zone" north of the Argent Tournament in icecream to the zone list, so UE is now 3.2 compatible as well as still being 3.1 compatible.

Added an auto-complete quests slash toggle (running out of room in the GUI, it will be added there in the GUI rewrite I promise) which will auto-turnin a quest that you select from a quest giver (assuming it's completed and able to be turned in of course) see the disclaimer in the readme for more information. Also added additional functionality and/or choices for what right-clicking the minimap button (or LDB) will do; with /ue rightclick (again will have a menu option later) you can decide whether you want right-clicking the minimap button (or ldb display on Titan etc..) to reload the ui (default), update your mount list, or open the color picker. If anyone has any suggestions for further options to be chooseable for it, feel free to leave a comment here or post a feature request on the portal.

Lastly, updated the mountlist to include the new and old versions of the Argent mounts and the hippogryph; however, the old orc wolf, and the old gnome mechanostrider were not on WoWhead and had to be gotten off thottbot so I am not positive they are correct, if anyone has either one, please do a /ue list mounts, and /ue list mountnumbers and send the results to me in a comment on the mod, private message, or email at the email given when you click on the email link on my site (which can be gotten from clicking on homepage on my WoWI Profile) thank you.

And with the update to the .lua to update the version number, I forgot that it also uploaded my changes to UE where I removed the colorpicker features to integrate them into EMLib so they can be used by all my mods, and hence UE's EMLib needed to be updated as well. This should be the last 'update' for 0.1.8 of UE, really.

Quickfix for ZonesLib, apparently somehow the mispelling of sholazar got re-uploaded into the current version, but yet was still fixed in my copy that I put onto the svn, I'm really confused on how it happened but the mispelling should most definately be fixed now, my apologies for all this may have effected and thank you xtoq for pointing it out.

Added pass on loot rolls slash and toggle. Changed the way auto-accept group invite works, as the method in the prior version had issues for a user (although I couldn't reproduce it myself), this way shouldn't have any problems. Also added a couple ()'s around some ifchecks (particularly auto-accept group invite) so that it doesn't accept the invite if you have allow friends/guild enabled but auto-accept group invite itself off (darn those parenthesizes).

Implemented subzone checking, so that you can now smart-mount on Krasus landing in Dalaran, if there are any other places where this is the case (a certain subzone of a zone that can be flying mounted in) just let me know and it can easily be added in now.

Cosmetic fix, seeing as how 3.1 added a number of new macro icons, anyone using the /ue createmacros command would be seeing drastically different icons then intended for the UE ground, flying or smart mounting (not that the user is free to put the icons and names of the macros to whatever they wish, but I am a little bit of a neat freak and like the icons to start as what they were intended to be, so they are back to what they were).

3.1 Compatability, which consequently fixes the auto-accept group invite bug. Added a hide quest whispers slash and toggle. Sholazar smart-mount problem due to a mispell also fixed.

Now has a ruRU translation for the mounting features thanks to Chiffa TheFox, also implemented a "Preferred" epic ground or flyer mount feature for the mounting features (/ue setflyer, /ue setground), idea and original code thanks to Chiffa. Added a new slash command to create three macros for the mounting features (/ue createmacros global, or /ue createmacros local). Fixed a bug with Sticky Follow introduced in the last version with the 'mute' whispers option.

Added 'hide follow whispers' toggle in GUI and slash commands, for those times when all the follow whispers are getting too spammy but you still want to keep the follow options on. Also thanks to some ideas figured out while working on XPGain, I very improved the variable resets (player won't likely notice a difference but for me it is much improved).

Integrated LDB support, can now be put onto Titan Panel, Fubar, or other LDB compatible mods (DockingStation).

Renamed 'Auto-Decline Guild Invites' to 'Auto-Decline Guild Requests', as it now will automatically decline Guild Charter requests while enabled. Added a simple chat message when a guild charter request is denied such as:
<UsefulExtras> Ichiyoru tried to offer you a guild petition.
So you know that someone tried, in case you do wish to accept and can simply turn Auto-Decline guild requests off to do it, might also add a 'silent' option (so you don't even see that much) if people think it'd be useful. Lastly UE has finally been updated to use EMLib (see portal FAQ for more info there).

(q same as Looter being for quickfix), I apologize for this, there was an error popping up about 'populateBuffs' which is a function from when I was working on buff timeout warnings, but had been taken out to get the last version released, but missed a call to it which caused the error and also led to the menu not updating the options on login. Both issues have been fixed now and everything should be working fine again. Coincidentally, if there's a way to get swatter to always show errors when they happen instead of hiding them over reloads, please let me know (I never knew of the error because swatter would always hide it).

Added a minimap button, left clicking it will open the options menu, while right clicking it will reload the ui, left-click and drag to move it around the minimap. Also added an exp report feature, do /ue exp to get a basic printout of your experience status, or receive a whisper with exp (/whisper name exp) by a friend, guildmate or leader list to send the same printout to them. I apologize on the buff timeout warning, its taking a bit more effort then I'd thought it would so it'll be in the next version, which will be released after a basic working bookmod (what is to be a continually updated Librarian/Bookwormish mod).

Jumped the version a bit because of the fairly important feature implemented, that being a basic GUI, where you can more easily configure all of UE's various options without needing to use the slash commands (/ue menu). You'll still need to use the slash command for the calculator and ID features however. Buff timeout warnings, and possibly a minimap button, will hopefully be in the next release.

Added Sticky Follow (re-follow after getting out of combat), Whisper Relaying (relay whispers received to the current leader), Auto-accept Quests (shared, escort quests, and quests from a quest giver), and Low Health/Mana warnings. Also along with those added the /ue leader name; slash command to set the current leader which is used for a few options (such as the above whisper relay and low health/mana warnings). /ue lowhealth # and /ue lowmana #; are used to set the percent of health or mana to warn at.

Rewrote the mounting function and variables, will now be able to choose the first epic flyer/ground if availible and if not regular without any problems (now goes by the mounts ID's versus matching names).

Updated the mounting whisper command to take into account the Deathknights ground and flying mounts (as I don't have a level 70 Deathknight as yet, I am fairly sure the latter will work, but if it doesn't please leave a bug report on the forum so I can fix it). Also added a check for if the person is in a guild before trying to update the guildmembers list (didn't harm anything, but printed "not in a guild" to chat when receiving a whisper if you were not in a guild).

Added toggles for Auto-declining Duel requests or Guild invites. Also added a toggle for Auto-releasing on dying in a battleground.

Added allow guild toggle (off by default) that if toggled on will let guildmates use the whisper commands and be considered for the auto-accepts. Added dismount and leaveparty whisper commands. Added the reload/reloadui and show tracking slash commands to the help list (they were already there, but forgot to add them to it), such as /ue reload (or reloadui) and /ue show tracking which simply reloads the ui, or shows the minimap tracking button (fiance had problems with it not showing up before due to other mods she was using and this helped until she found the problem, have encountered the problem with other mods as well).

Added most all of the 'special' flyers and ground mounts (winterspring frostsaber, drakes, headless horseman steed, etc..) as well as alliance mounts to the 'detect first availible' mount for mountup whisper. Also added the "id" slash command, which will print the item link, item id, and stack size of the currently moused over item.

Added the /ue add and /ue remove commands to the slash command list printout, they were already implemented but I forgot to add them there. Also added checks to the whispers when beginning to follow someone or if the follow is broken for if the autofollow toggle is on, and to not whisper if it isn't.

Initial release, included the auto-accept invite, summon, and ress toggles, autofollow and automount, as well as allow friends. Also included the basic in-game calculator and color picker features.
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Unread 11-06-08, 11:16 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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What does it mean by 'automounting'?
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Unread 11-07-08, 01:42 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Patchumz
What does it mean by 'automounting'?
Meaning if the person is in your leader list, or on your friends list (and you have allow friends toggled on) then they can whisper you (or them if they are using the mod) with /whisper person mountground/mountland, or mountair/mountflying, and the mod will automatically select the first epic ground or flying mount availible and mount it, or if no epics are then the first regular ground or flying mount.

For example, my fiance tells me she needs to go afk for a little bit, but I need to bring us from lights hope to the western end of eastern plaguelands, rather then walking all the way there, I can make her follow me, and mount her best ground mount.
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Unread 11-16-08, 10:43 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Ground mount issue in Northrend

I am new to using Useful Extras and 0.05b was my first introduction to your great addon. In Northrend (at least in Dalaran, where I first used the automount feature), it appears your addon calls on flying mounts when you send a tell for the ground mount (I received the "you can't use that here" error). I downloaded an older version (skipped down to 0.02b) and ground mounting worked fine. So something must have changed along the way in your programming that doesn't agree with Northrend.

I also just want to say thanks for a great addon! I use it now in conjunction with Twoboxtoolkit. I would LOVE if you could incorporate some of the features offered there as it appears to no longer be supported and it doesn't have your fantastic automount/dismount/followme whisper features which are a HUGE timesaver once one sets up macros for them.

I hope someday to see a version with a GUI of some sort (at this point, I find it easier to set defaults via the lua file than to mess with command line requests) and the ability to disable some options (calc/color picker stuff) - or better yet, a version with multi-boxing related features only.

Thanks again for your hard work!
Last edited by kittykatmax : 11-16-08 at 10:44 AM.
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Unread 11-16-08, 01:42 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Ground mount issue in Northrend

Originally posted by kittykatmax
I am new to using Useful Extras and 0.05b was my first introduction to your great addon. In Northrend (at least in Dalaran, where I first used the automount feature), it appears your addon calls on flying mounts when you send a tell for the ground mount (I received the "you can't use that here" error). I downloaded an older version (skipped down to 0.02b) and ground mounting worked fine. So something must have changed along the way in your programming that doesn't agree with Northrend.

I also just want to say thanks for a great addon! I use it now in conjunction with Twoboxtoolkit. I would LOVE if you could incorporate some of the features offered there as it appears to no longer be supported and it doesn't have your fantastic automount/dismount/followme whisper features which are a HUGE timesaver once one sets up macros for them.

I hope someday to see a version with a GUI of some sort (at this point, I find it easier to set defaults via the lua file than to mess with command line requests) and the ability to disable some options (calc/color picker stuff) - or better yet, a version with multi-boxing related features only.

Thanks again for your hard work!
Exactly what I'm looking for as I haven't tested the automount feature in Northrend yet (I had tested it a good bit in Outland). But a couple questions, what faction, and what mounts do you have? (if its a large list please send it in a pm or post it on the bug report I'll shortly be adding on the portal site). I'm guessing Horde since 0.02b pretty much only had horde mount support except for rams. An easy way to get a list (that would be more helpful to me as well since it has the exact mount names) would be the printout of /ue list mounts (as an example, the WoW site lists the windriders such as "Tawny Windrider" but the actual name in WoW is "Tawny Wind Rider" which may not seem like much but it makes a big difference).

Glad you find the addon useful, Twobox is what inspired a few of the features in Useful Extras, the "Leader list" was based off the master list there, as well as autoaccept group invite. What other features from Twobox that aren't already in Useful Extras would you say would be helpful?

I fully intend to have a GUI for the mod at a later date, I started with the slash commands (as you'd notice looking over the changelog of Looter my other released mod) and added the GUI later on after the basic functionality I wanted was working fine.

I have a question about the disabling of the calculator/color picker, yes I realize they aren't useful to all, but if they take basically no memory/processor hit (especially if they aren't even used). Adding an option to 'disable' calculator and colorpicker would basically involve moving the code for them into a seperate 'module' and making that on-demand (such as how there are multiple modules you have to enable or disable for AtlasLoot, Lightheaded, Auctioneer etc..) which I think is kind of a waste for what takes almost no processor or memory to begin with.
Last edited by EVmaker : 11-16-08 at 01:51 PM.
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Unread 11-16-08, 05:44 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Ground mount Issue and UE 0.07b

Well, I haven't found the problem myself, but I have thought up a way to get around it that will give foolproof mounting versus the 'guesswork' that UE essentially does now (smart guesswork but still guesswork). So in the next version UE should be able to choose the first available epic/regular or epic/regular ground mount available without a problem.
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Unread 11-17-08, 11:09 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Re: Ground mount Issue and UE 0.07b

Mounts are:

[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 2 is: Amani War Bear
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 3 is: Armored Brown Bear
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 4 is: Big Blizzard Bear
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 5 is: Blue Qiraji Battle Tank**
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 6 is: Cenarion War Hippogryph
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 7 is: Red Riding Nether Ray
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 8 is: Swift Brewfest Ram
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 9 is: Swift Pink Hawkstrider
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 10 is: Swift Purple Wind Rider
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 11 is: Swift Zhevra
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 12 is: Thalassian Charger
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 13 is: Thalassian Warhorse
[10:58:08] <Useful Extras> Item 14 is: White War Talbuk

**Item 5 is obviously a problem since you can only use it in AQ, so if there's a way to put it on an exclusion list, that would solve one potential issue.

The features I have turned on in Toolbox are:

- Sticky following
- Whisper Relay
- Auto Accept Quest (Don't remember if your addon also offers)
- Auto Accept Group Invite (Don't remember if your addon also offers)
- Buff timeout warning
- Low health warning
- Low mana warning

The only reason using your addon WITH Toolbox is a pain is because I wind up with a ton of whisper spam since I see the whisper I send to follow, then I get told my alt received a whisper (the one I sent), plus both addons tell me the toon is now on follow. lol

With a GUI, there wouldn't be the spam of commands one can use (doing a /ue is rather overwhelming in terms of the amount of choices to sort thru); the lack of a GUI is the only reason a "multi-box only" version was on my wishlist. WITHOUT the GUI, as I said, there's a lot of info to sort thru. lol

Thanks again for the swift response and the great addon! I'm going to give the newest version a try today.
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Unread 11-17-08, 12:38 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Re: Ground mount Issue and UE 0.07b

Originally posted by kittykatmax
**Item 5 is obviously a problem since you can only use it in AQ, so if there's a way to put it on an exclusion list, that would solve one potential issue.
The 'tanks' I left out of the mount list for the moment for that exact reason (except the black one which can be used anywhere), it's not a high priority right now, but later on I can look into adding an ifcheck or the like for if the person is in quiraj and if so then to use the 'tanks'.

The features I have turned on in Toolbox are:

- Sticky following
- Whisper Relay
- Auto Accept Quest (Don't remember if your addon also offers)
- Auto Accept Group Invite (Don't remember if your addon also offers)
- Buff timeout warning
- Low health warning
- Low mana warning
Ah, I used most of those myself as well, I hadn't implemented the whisper, buff or low warnings because I didn't know if others would find them useful. Auto-accept group invite is indeed already in UE, but the others I'll do some research on and maybe have in the next version (as always keeping an eye on the portal news, or feature requests sections is the best way to keep up-to-date on my addons, I already have a feature request up there waiting to be updated with your requests, that I'll be updating soon).

The only reason using your addon WITH Toolbox is a pain is because I wind up with a ton of whisper spam since I see the whisper I send to follow, then I get told my alt received a whisper (the one I sent), plus both addons tell me the toon is now on follow. lol
For the moment, I'd recommend doing /ue toggle autofollow, Twobox's sticky follow is more involved and you're already using it, that will disable UE's version and stop the follow whispers.

But since I hope to have a sticky follow'ish' toggle in the next version which I'll probably have out late today or tommorrow (the fiance 'asks' that I do alot of BG's with her, since she has two mounts to get her albino drake and plans to get two bg ones, and I was coding the improved mounting code for UE most of yesterday) you shouldn't have to wait long for a replacement for that.

With a GUI, there wouldn't be the spam of commands one can use (doing a /ue is rather overwhelming in terms of the amount of choices to sort thru); the lack of a GUI is the only reason a "multi-box only" version was on my wishlist. WITHOUT the GUI, as I said, there's a lot of info to sort thru. lol
I fully understand, there are alot of options to go through, and I will be adding a GUI to UE, its just the XML (or lua form of XML) isn't my strongpoint, so I was planning on having most of the features implemented before adding the GUI, but I'll start working on it so it may be there for the version after the next version.

Thanks again for the swift response and the great addon! I'm going to give the newest version a try today.
Anytime I'm glad others are finding my mod useful as well (let me tell you the colorpicker feature sure helped while finishing the code for XPGain (name not decided yet) my Experience printing mod that I may or may not release). There shouldn't be any, but make sure and post back if you still have any mount problems.
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Unread 11-18-08, 01:55 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Re: Re: Re: Ground mount Issue and UE 0.07b

Thanks again for being so amazingly responsive. I had no set expectations for when anything I commented on might be addressed; I realize these addons are a gift to the rest of us and I appreciate both your great work and your willingness to share it with the rest of us!

That last version worked perfectly. I will check out your portal to see what's coming down the pipeline.

As an aside, my husband and I WoW together. It's always nice to see other couples that enjoy the game. It's a lot more interactive and bonding than blindly watching TV together IMHO.
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Unread 11-19-08, 05:21 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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UE 0.08b

Originally posted by kittykatmax
Thanks again for being so amazingly responsive. I had no set expectations for when anything I commented on might be addressed; I realize these addons are a gift to the rest of us and I appreciate both your great work and your willingness to share it with the rest of us!

That last version worked perfectly. I will check out your portal to see what's coming down the pipeline.

As an aside, my husband and I WoW together. It's always nice to see other couples that enjoy the game. It's a lot more interactive and bonding than blindly watching TV together IMHO.
Really I'm glad that others can find my mods useful, I'd be ok if it was just us and a few friends that used them, but it makes me feel good knowing that more can find the mods useful as well. And I'm glad that the 0.07b version is working good for you so far, hopefully the 0.08b which I will be uploading in a minute will work just fine as well (it should anyhow).

And we agree completely, she isn't really into computer games besides WoW, but in that we have a good time playing together, when I read her your comment there she just nodded and said definitely.
Last edited by EVmaker : 11-19-08 at 05:38 PM.
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Unread 11-20-08, 09:40 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Re: UE 0.08b

I am so excited to see this! Twobox has been acting a little funky lately so it's great to know I can finally leave it behind. Thanks so much for doing this...I can't believe you even got to it so quickly; I feel like I have my own private Addon maker. rofl

My best to you and your fiance.
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Unread 01-13-09, 08:53 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin

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Great Addon EVmaker, ecspecially the mounting part when following someone.
When are you gonna release the update with the "todo's" working ? I Would really like to see that happend

@ kittykatmax i wish more people would think like you.
Originally posted by kittykatmax
As an aside, my husband and I WoW together. It's always nice to see other couples that enjoy the game. It's a lot more interactive and bonding than blindly watching TV together IMHO.
This has to be the best comment i've seen for a long time.
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Unread 01-13-09, 08:02 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by GOSYDELIX
Great Addon EVmaker, ecspecially the mounting part when following someone. When are you gonna release the update with the "todo's" working ? I Would really like to see that happend
Great to hear its being of use for you, and which of the todo's are you looking forward to, the buff timeout warnings, or the improved gui;titan/fubar compatibility? If the latter that will be a bit, if the former thats next in line once my librarian/bookwormish mod has at least a functional version out (on the portal news which is where I post updates and all, I'd said how UE is going on a temporary break until that's released).
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Unread 02-18-09, 04:34 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Great mod! Just wondering, I have the auto-decline guild invites checked, but that doesn't seem to stop Guild Charter Signature requests. I guess the question is, is that function supposed too?
Last edited by ilmorris : 02-18-09 at 04:35 PM.
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Unread 02-20-09, 11:07 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by ilmorris
Great mod! Just wondering, I have the auto-decline guild invites checked, but that doesn't seem to stop Guild Charter Signature requests. I guess the question is, is that function supposed too?
Not as its currently written no, I'll check and see if there is an API event for getting a guild charter request, if there is then I can easily add that into the guild invite decline option, otherwise it would take a fair bit more work though might still be possible.

Edit: After a little digging, yes it is possible, and I'll be adding the guild charter declining to auto-decline guild invites (which I'll probably rename to guild requests). On a side note, the same event which makes that possible also allows declining of arena charter requests, would anyone that uses UE think that'd be good to add, or not an issue? (I'll post the same question on the portal in a bit)
Last edited by EVmaker : 02-21-09 at 08:27 PM.
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Unread 03-02-09, 07:46 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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EVmaker, I wasted to ask, are you planning on making this more utilizable.
Not that it isn't great already. but using it made me think, your basically turning text to code and the mod is a decoder of sorts. or so it seems.
Well I have a few idea's
and assist would be nice, so i could msg my alt "assistme" and they would assist me. typing "healme" would make my alt heal me, I think you've hit something with this addon. I know nothing about code, but i have some pretty crazy idea's. In my eyes, the idea behind this would totally replace keyclone.
Or maybe you could let me know how i might go about making those changes myself.
Great work, hope to hear from you
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