Updated: 04-27-11 08:23 AM
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Updated:04-27-11 08:23 AM
Created:04-03-09 02:09 PM

oUF Slim  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: r15
by: Dawn [More]

oUF_Slim is based on oUF_Nivea and updated to work with oUF 1.5+ for WoW patch 4.x+ / Cataclysm.

* easily customizable, with lots of options - frame size, fonts, textures, enable/disable features ...
* set/clear Focus via Shift + Left Click (set/clear focus are removed from right click menu to prevent errors)
* moveable frames - via oUF_MoveableFrames by haste
* boss and main tank frames
* player, focus and target castbar
* Soul Shards, Holy Power, Druid mana, Evangelism/Dark Evangelism, Shadow Orb and Maelstrom tracking
- separately moveable via oUF_MoveableFrames by haste (pClassPoints frame)
* Runes, Eclipse bar support
* Totembar support (via oUF_TotemBar plugin)
* combo points
* health value's color changes for low health
- current health value is colored yellow between 35% and 25% health
- current health value is colored orange between 25% and 20% health
- current health value is colored red below 20% health
* built-in aggro highlight
* built-in debuff highlight
* built-in experience and reputation tracking (mouseover player frame to show it)
* advanced raid and party frames, with aura filtering and more ...
* vehicle support (incl. raid and party)
* featured hankthetank's raid icon textures
* optionally hides Blizzard Auras
* optionally hides Blizzards raid frame manager

Supported frames
* player
* player pet
* target
* target of target
* focus
* party
* party pets
* raid
* boss frames
* main tank - can be set via /maintank, /ma
* main tank target
* arena frames + targets

Plugin support
* oUF_CombatFeedback
* oUF_SpellRange - highly recommended
* oUF_Smooth Update - ***a customized version is embedded (included)***
* oUF_BarFader
* oUF_MoveableFrames - highly recommended
* oUF_TotemBar
* oUF_WeaponEnchant

*** Do not use the standalone oUF_Smooth plugin while using this layout, aka remove it from your addon folder or disable it. It will mess up bar updates, otherwise. Thanks to Ke11ett for finding it out the hard way.


Player buffs/debuffs are not part of the layout. Simple reason is blizzard going secure on them, which means you can't right click them off with oUF currently. This is oUF core related and has nothing to do with the layout. Therefore you have to use the default blizzard buffs or something like nivBuffs that replaces them with secure functions and thus still allows for buff cancel.

-- colors --
	cfg.maincolor = {53/255, 69/255, 105/255}				-- portrait BG, raid health bar, castbar color
	cfg.sndcolor = {255/255, 207/255, 164/255}				-- font color, ...
	cfg.trdcolor = {30/255, 30/255, 30/255}					-- castbar color
	cfg.backdropcolor = {26/255, 25/255, 31/255}			-- backdrop color	
	cfg.brdcolor = {0/255, 0/255, 0/255}					-- border color

	cfg.TransparencyMode = true								-- enable/disable Transparency Mode - transparent healthbars, with class/reaction colored background. Besides looking nifty, it's especially nice for healers.
	cfg.hpTransMcolor = {30/255, 30/255, 30/255}			-- health bar color - Transparency Mode, only
	cfg.hpTransMalpha = 0.3									-- healthbar alpha - Transparency Mode, only
-- media --
	cfg.HPtex = mediaFolder.."dM3"							-- health bar texture
	cfg.PPtex = mediaFolder.."dM2"							-- power bar texture
	cfg.CBtex = mediaFolder.."dM2"							-- castbar texture
	cfg.Itex = mediaFolder.."dM2"							-- BG texture
	cfg.Auratex = mediaFolder.."dBBorderL"					-- border texture for buffs/debuffs

	cfg.NameFont = mediaFolder.."Pixelway_Baseline.ttf"			-- font used for text (names)	- recommended: (hooge0655, size 8, "OUTLINE MONOCHROME") OR (Prototype, size 10, "THINOUTLINE")
	cfg.NumbFont = mediaFolder.."Pixelway_Baseline.ttf"			-- font used for numbers		- recommended: (hooge0557, size 10, "OUTLINE MONOCHROME") OR (Prototype, size 10, "THINOUTLINE")
	cfg.NameFS = 10												-- name font size
	cfg.NumbFS = 10 											-- number font size (power value, etc.)
	cfg.hpNumbFS = 20											-- health value font size (player, target, focus)
	cfg.CastFS = 10												-- castbar font size	
	cfg.ComboFS = 20											-- combo point and class points font size
	cfg.FontF = "OUTLINE MONOCHROME"							-- "THINOUTLINE", "OUTLINE MONOCHROME", "OUTLINE" or nil (no outline)
	cfg.fontFNum = "OUTLINE MONOCHROME"							
-- general settings --
	cfg.Numberzzz = 1					-- 0 will display 18400k as 18k, 1 = 18.4k, ....
	cfg.FadeOutAlpha = 0.3 				-- alpha for out of range units (oUF_SpellRange plugin, required)
	cfg.BarFadeAlpha = 0.0				-- alpha for oUF_BarFader (required) plugin (can be 0 - 1)
	-- switches -- true/false (on/off)
	cfg.useCastbar = true					-- show/hide player, target, focus castbar
	cfg.useSpellIcon = true					-- show/hide castbar spellicon

-- player --
	cfg.PlayerRightSideSpellIcon = true		-- switch player's castbars spell icon position from left to right
-- class bar - Holy Power, Soul Shards, Runes --
	cfg.useClassPoints = true				-- show/hide class bar
	cfg.ClassBarHeight = 2					-- height of Deathknight rune bar and Totembar (oUF_TotemBar plugin required) for shamans
-- target --
	cfg.TargetRightSideSpellIcon = false	-- switch target's castbars spell icon position from left to right
	cfg.onlyShowPlayerBuffs = false 		-- only show buffs casted by player (target and focus)
	cfg.onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false		-- only show debuffs casted by player (target and focus)	
-- focus --
	cfg.FocusRightSideSpellIcon = false		-- switch focus's castbars spell icon position from left to right
-- party --
	cfg.PartyFrames = true 					-- set to false to disable party frames
-- raid --
	cfg.RaidFrames = true	 				-- set to false to disable raid frame groups 1-5
	cfg.RaidFrames2 = true	 				-- set to false to disable raid frame groups 6-8
	cfg.disableRaidFrameManager = true		-- enable/disable blizzards raidframe manager
-- arena --
	cfg.ArenaFrames = true	 				-- set to false to disable arena frames
-- main tank --
	cfg.MTFrames = true	 					-- set to false to disable main tank frames

-- boss --
	cfg.BossFrames = true	 				-- set to false to disable boss frames	

-- aura specific --
	cfg.HideBlizzardAuras = false			-- hide blizzard buff, debuff and weapon enchant frame AND replace them with oUF's buffs/debuffs
	cfg.HideAuraTimer = 180					-- spell timer is shown for shorter durations, than set value, hidden otherwise
	cfg.FilterAuras = true					-- filter arena, party and raid auras by applying a whitelist (the whitelist can be found in Slim_AuraFilterList.lua)
-- framesize --
	-- height
	cfg.heightP = 8			-- player
	cfg.heightT = 8			-- target
	cfg.heightF = 8			-- Focus	
	cfg.heightS = 8 		-- ToT, FocusTarget, pet
	cfg.heightM = 8 		-- MT, boss frames	
	cfg.heightPA = 6		-- party, party pet - arena
	cfg.heightR = 24		-- raid
	cfg.heightCB = 30		-- class bar

	-- width
	cfg.widthP = 240		-- player
	cfg.widthT = 240		-- target
	cfg.widthF = 200		-- Focus	
	cfg.widthM = 140 		-- MT, boss frames
	cfg.widthS = 48 		-- ToT, FocusTarget, pet, party pet
	cfg.widthPA = 200 		-- party - arena
	cfg.widthR = 64 		-- raid
	cfg.widthCB = 30		-- class bar
	-- hp|pp height, pp|info offset (optional)
	cfg.heightHP = 18		-- change frame height above, instead
	cfg.heightPP = 2		-- power height
	cfg.PPyOffset = 4		-- power y-Offset, can be a positiv/negative (down/up) value
-- oUF_WeaponEnchant settings --
	cfg.WeapEnchantIconSize	= 30			-- oUF_WeaponEnchant icon size

* TOC update for 4.1
* removed pet happiness
* added more PvP relevant auras to the whitelist filter (Throwdown, Skull Bash, Hungering Cold, Ring of Frost, Smoke Bomb, etc.)

* improved mouseover highlight appearance
* tweaked raidframes
- added an option to set the maximum number of debuffs visible on raidframes (default: cfg.RaidDebuffNumb = 2)
- changed debuff and name position
- added Fear Ward to priest's class tags (red "FW")
* added experience and reputation info on player
- no plugin required, thanks to Hank for inspiration and animation code <3
- can be disabled via config (cfg.showXpRep)
- there's a delay of 2 seconds until rep/xp info will show on mouseover (player)
- the delay can be changed via config (cfg.delay)
- xp display is hidden at max lvl
- capable of tracking xp and rep at once

* added some Cataclysm raid spell IDs to the aura filter list, thanks to breor
* removed Lady Deathwhisper's Frost Feaver spell ID from IC - since it keeps poping up from any ordinary Deathknight in PvP ...

* changed background texture to a plain white one and increased alpha
* tweaked player cast time position (should no longer overlap spell text with certain fonts)
* changed player and target default position
* added an option to change the aura size (default: cfg.buSize = 30)
* added an option to adjust the aura height (default: cfg.buHeightMulti = 0.8)
- this option allows for rectangle buffs/debuffs, instead of just square ones
- set to 1 for square auras

* changed folder structure
- made media folder separate, one folder to be used for all of my addons
- added alternative non-pixel font to dMedia: SF New Republic Bold.ttf ... works fine for everything, with THINOUTLINE and size 11+
* some tweaks to castbar time's font string Set Points
- should work better for different fonts
* added an option (hpNumbFS) to change the font size of health value (player, target, focus), independent from NumbFS (i.e. power value, etc.)
* added an option to enable/disable blizzards raidframe manager (disabled by default)
* improved raid frames
- splitted raid frames in 2 groups
>> cfg.RaidFrames = 25 people in group 1-5 and cfg.RaidFrames2 = 26-40 people in group 6-8
- you can separately enable/disable groups 1-5 and/or 6-8
- mana bar is now inside the healthbar and shorter
- increased default health height
- changed some things around
* cfg.PPyOffset is working again...
* class points font size is now also defined by cfg.ComboFS
* removed cfg.PlayerBuffsOnPlayerFrame option, as there are no player buffs since r1 ... oUF_Nivea leftover

The change to raid frame display means, that people in group 6-8 will not show up at all UNLESS your raid group is larger than 25 people. People moved to these groups will be hidden.

* changed how transparent mode works and thus got smooth healthbar updates working for it, too *yey*
* added options to change the healthbar color and alpha in Transparency Mode
* disabled smooth bar update for raid frames
* added Class Colors support, you can get it on WoWinterface (by Phanx)
- makes it possible to change class colors without taint, in game

* hide level when casting ...

* fixed string error on level up
* changed AnyDown to AnyUp

* embedded oUF_Smooth
* removed some reduntant variables from config
* added "Transparency Mode" - transparent healthbars, with class/reaction colored background. Besides looking nifty, it's especially nice for healers.
* added an option to enable/disable Transparency Mode - enabled by default

Note: The healthbar's filling/depleting won't be "smoothed" (through oUF_Smooth) in transparency mode, at least for now.

* changed threat and debuff highlight appearance ... might be even final now :p
* changed, removed some name abbreviation code
- possibly fixed erratic name string error on level up *crosses fingers*
* added gradient to target and player frame
* un-interruptable casts got a purple castbar color
* no longer show player in party by default - this time for real ... really ... I swear! *cough*
* several tweaks

* some more tweaks to aura appearance (different default border texture, etc.)
* no longer show player in party by default
* changed threat highlight to highlight the unit's healthbar border

* fixed Shaman Maelstrom display
* changed frame strata for icons (player, target, focus)
* tweaked aura appearance
* tweaked mirror bar(s) appearance
* ugly red border around non magic/curse/disease/poison buff/debuffs be gone!

* updated maintank and boss frame appearance
* updated raid frame appearance
* added afkdnd tag to raid frames
* no longer hides blizzards player auras by default
* added castbar spark
* changed castbar to overlay health instead of power, changed transparency to 70%, changed default castbar color, removed background

* renamed pClassbar frame to pClassPoints - contains holy power counter, shadow orb counter, etc.
* added Evangelism/Dark Evangelism, Shadow Orb and Maelstrom tracking (Maelstrom is untested)
* fix error with TotemBar plugin
* updated TotemBar appearance
* smaller party health and mana value (name font size)
* some code clean up

* initial release
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Unread 05-11-09, 08:25 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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How do I change the position of the cast bars for both myself and my target? I looked in the .lua and couldn't find it
Last edited by Mingz : 05-11-09 at 08:25 PM.
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Unread 05-09-09, 02:57 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Any chance you could add oUF_Runebar support for us DKs out there? I love this layout btw!
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Unread 05-05-09, 01:43 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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any chance to make focus cast?
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Unread 05-03-09, 01:09 PM  
A Molten Giant
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-- party toggle in raid
local partyToggle = CreateFrame('Frame')
partyToggle:SetScript('OnEvent', function(self)
	if(InCombatLockdown()) then
		if(GetNumRaidMembers() > 5) then
			for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Show() end
			for i,v in ipairs(partypet) do v:Disable()	end
			for i,v in ipairs(partytarget) do v:Disable()	end
			for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Hide() end
			for i,v in ipairs(partypet) do v:Enable() end
			for i,v in ipairs(partytarget) do v:Enable() end

Change the red line to:
for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Hide() end
For buffs/debuffs on target look for the "target" part in the lua. EVERYTHING is commented.
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Unread 05-03-09, 08:58 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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One question...

How can I disable the raid party frames and the buffs above my targets frame?


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Unread 04-06-09, 07:51 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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another quickfix for matching buttons:

I took the border file in ouf slim and overwrote the gloss or w/e the main graphic file is in buttonfacade rothar. Similar actions may work with rbuttonstyler.

Originally posted by Toran
Buttonfacade_Simplesquare comes very close to the border Dawn uses. If you darken the border in Buttonfacade.
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Unread 04-06-09, 02:36 PM  
A Nerdscale Dorkin
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Originally posted by Massus
Yes, I'd pretty much like to know the name of every addon and its skin in that picture >.<.

Specifically the buff one.
Buttonfacade_Simplesquare comes very close to the border Dawn uses. If you darken the border in Buttonfacade.
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Unread 04-06-09, 02:06 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Hi Dawn,

Although oUF_HealComm there's not on your supported plugins list, but I use it with your layout, seems work.

Thanks for this good layout!

EDIT: And also, this thread " Making oUF_Frames movable " is interesting to help us drag layout somewhere without repeatever to edit .lua, will you take those function call to your code?
Last edited by Johndu : 04-06-09 at 02:44 PM.
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Unread 04-06-09, 02:01 PM  
A Molten Giant
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It's a customized version of nBuff.
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Unread 04-06-09, 11:09 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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That is a very nice looking buff addon... Something you wrote for yourself, or is it included in the package?
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Unread 04-06-09, 07:25 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by scaife
What is your minimap addon on the screenshots ?
I believe it's dMinimap
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Unread 04-06-09, 01:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Rab1d
Hi could you tell me the name of the mod that is below your UniteFrames? it looks sweet
Looks like Ellipsis or ForteXorsist

What is your minimap addon on the screenshots ?
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Unread 04-05-09, 07:39 PM  
A Molten Giant
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Originally posted by Neverwhere
Is there a line of code I can insert to change the growth of the party frames from Vertical Up to Vertical Down? Just for personal use?
Look for

party:SetManyAttributes("showParty", true, "yOffset", 105)
The red number is the offset which tells oUF to spawn the next party member 105 pixel ABOVE the first one and again for the following ones....

Just make it a negative value and it spawns from below the first one, aka growth downwards.
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Unread 04-05-09, 10:39 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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vehicle combo point support

Tested it on malygos, a rogue, a cat druid, and Aces High. I think you should add it in under the target area.

		-- combo points
		self.CPoints = self:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
		self.CPoints:SetPoint("RIGHT", self, "LEFT", -10, 0)
		self.CPoints:SetFont(font, 38, "OUTLINE")
		self.CPoints:SetTextColor(0, 0.81, 1)
		self.CPoints:SetShadowOffset(1, -1)
Last edited by sillysyra : 04-05-09 at 12:39 PM.
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Unread 04-05-09, 09:15 AM  
Great White Cow
A Kobold Labourer
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can you tell me how to make it so mana values get numberized, and also how to change when certain values are shown?
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