Updated: 05-02-10 07:52 AM
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Updated:05-02-10 07:52 AM
Created:12-04-09 12:37 PM

X-Perl Skin UI (now supports WS)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.03.01
by: Lawura [More]

The package will no longer be updated.

The textures used for this UI are aviable in xpDeluxe package

One day, when I rolled a druid healer and entered my first raid with her, I have discovered, that Blizzard UI is not helping much my performance. Ever sinse I worked on trying to move things out of my way and, finally, ended with a panel UI.

I tried a couple graphical designs, tried to draw my own graphics but sense of simplicity took over and this is the result.
I hope someone find this usefull for themselves and it will save your time building your own UI from a scrach.


I like to say shortly about what I tried to achive in my interface.
I am more or less a clicker. I like all my spells and abilities to be visible or, at least, at ease access. Also, as a raider I wish every single bit of needed information to be clear and noticable while having a clear viewport and minimum of not related graphics. What I have achieved with this UI satisfies me fully in all my demands.


This UI is for you if:
  • you are tired of Blizz frames overlaping the whole your viewport
  • you always miss at least 12 extra bars besides those Blizz offers
  • you never have room to place your 24 bars
  • you are tired of looking for the spell you need in the brick of bars you got
  • you are sick of brightly colored mosaic of your addons but need them all
  • you often get ganked by something from outside your viewport
  • you love things to be sorted thematically
  • you love your minimap to be clean
  • you are fan of panels
  • you are fan of X-perl default skin


1280x800 Widescreen
1280x1024 Normal Screen


The package contains:

1. Addons collection
These addons are basic of the UI. You must have for the UI to look as intended
  • Bartender 4- moveable action bars that replace standard blizzard action bars.
  • Button Facade - skining for action bars and buffs icons .
  • ButtonFacade: Apathy - a skin for action bars that gives the icons that pretty glow and compact shape =)
  • Chinchilla Minimap - moveable minimap with some additional features. Allows to move world state frame, quest traker frame, repair frame and others. Allows include or exclude default minimap icons and more.
  • kgPanels (3.3.2)- additional panels. In the X-Perl skin UI used for backgrounds for buffs and player frames
  • LunarSphere - Additional 10 action bars with additional features such as autosell junk.
  • Minimap Button Frame - Moves all your minimap buttons into one compact box.
  • Titan Panel with additional plugins - a panel on top and buttom of your screen that is customizable to show information you most need
  • Satrina Buff Frames 3 - moves and customizes buff frames
  • Reflux (3.3.2)- support addon that allows quick switch of multiply profiles
  • Skada Damage Meter(3.3.2) - modular damage meter with various viewing modes.
  • Sunn - Viewport Art - resizes viewport and places graphic into the freed space
  • Tipsy - moves tooltips
  • X-Perl UnitFrames - used for moving and customizing unit frames
Those addons I use myself in addition to the UI. If you dont like them, you are free to exclude them from your useage.
  • Arkinventory - combines all your bags into one and allows sorting contents of your bags into categories. Also alows viewing inventory on other caracters on your account and even other realms.
  • Atlas and Atlasloot Enhanced (3.3.2) - a huge database containing information about dungeons, dungeons loot, pvp rewards, professions and more
  • DBM (3.3.2), also known as Deadly Boss Mods - Your friend on most deadly boss encounters, warining and informing you on most major events of combat. Raid addon.
  • Easycopy - another chat addon that allows to copy everyting what appeares in your chatbox. Als places time to every posted line and allows mouse weel chat scroll.
  • Icehud - highly customizeable HUD with quite a few skins.
  • Mik Scrolling Battle Text - arranges your combat events into categories. Customize it on your taste - it can never be same for two different players.
  • Power Auras Classic - Places a graphical or textural waring on your viewport on event you decide. Raid/pvp addon. Very customizable.
  • QuestItemBar - shows all the quest items (except those you decide not to show) on additional bar.
  • Spam me not - reports gold sellers automatically and cuts all their crap off from your chat.
  • Tidy Plates - enhances the Blizzard nameplates, providing graphical and functional improvements.
  • Vuhdo (3.3.2) - hightly cuztomizable raid unit frames. I prefer them to X-Perl for raiding. Concidered to be raid frames for healers.
2. Graphics for Sunn Art
3. Textures for KgPanels
4. Textures for MBF
5. Interface settings for normal screen.
5. Interface settings for wide screen.
6. README.txt with information about UI.



1. Download "X-Perl Skin UI" Package
2. Backup your Interface and WTF folders
3. Delete both Interface and WTF folders from WOW directory.
4. Extract X-Perl Skin UI:
4.1 Wide screen only:
• Copy contents from WTFWS into WTF folder, replacing the existing files
5.In your WoW directory rename:
• WTF\Account\YOUR_ACCOUNT with your account name
• WTF\Account\YOUR_ACCOUNT\YOUR REALM with your realm name
• WTF\Account\YOUR_ACCOUNT\YOUR REALM\YOUR_CHARACTER with your character name
6.Log into your account and check "Load Outdated Aaddons".
7.Log your character into game and call UI layout for
• Normal screen: /reflux switch X-Perl
• Wide screen: /reflux switch X-PerlWS
Mind capital letters
8.Set profiles not covered by Reflux:
• "Titan bar" by right click on the bar and selecting in drop down menu profile to [Profiles: Manage] > [Custom:X-Perl] > Load
Use [Explorer] version for character below lvl 80 (XP configurated)
Use [Raider] version for top level characters (Spec change and Reputation configuration)
• "X-Perl Unit Frames" by clicking X-Perl icon on titan bar and loading:
• X-Perl profile for normal screen
• X-PerlWS profile for wide screen
9.You are done! Enjoy your new UI!
You are done! Enjoy your new UI!


*Tests did not report any LUA errors from outdated addons In the collection. If you experience any, please let me know.


Known issues (to be fixed in next version)
  • Blizzard boss frame is deforming top boss health bar due being placed too close to edge of veiwport.

    During Gunship and Blood Princes encounters in ICC.

    To hot fix:
    • Right click your minimap.
    • Go to Position tab
    • Check Enable for boss frame
    • Move the boss frame one inch down your screen.
    • Lock the frame again.


  • How to install UI for multiple characters? I made it work on one character but nothing happens when I /reflux others
    You have to install the UI settings for every character and for every realm, and every account in order to make UI work on a character that is linked to those.
    So, if after installation your WTF folder looks like this:
    __╚═ Account
    ______╚═ YOUR_ACCOUNT
    __________╚═ YOUR_REALM
    ______________╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER

    then in order to make it work for multiple characters you have to dublicate YOUR_CHARACTER folder as many times as many characters you want to run UI on:
    __╚═ Account
    ______╚═ YOUR_ACCOUNT
    __________╚═ YOUR_REALM
    ______________╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_A
    ______________╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_B
    ______________╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_C
    ______________╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER_D

    Now the more interesting thing comes. You want to make UI to work also on characters on other realm? Dublicate realm folder as many realms as you are playing, and in each realm folder dublicate the characters folders for as many characters as you have on that realm:
    __╚═ Account
    ______╚═ YOUR_ACCOUNT
    _________╠═ YOUR_REALM_A
    ___________ ╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_A
    ___________ ╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER_B
    _________╠═ YOUR_REALM_B
    ___________ ╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER
    _________╚═ YOUR_REALM_C
    ____________ ╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_A
    ____________ ╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_B
    ____________ ╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER_C

    Guess, what? Its absolutely same system, if you are playing with different accounts:
    __╚═ Account
    ______╠═ YOUR_ACCOUNT_A
    ________ ╠═ YOUR_REALM_A
    __________ ╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER
    ________ ╠═ YOUR_REALM_B
    __________ ╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_A
    __________ ╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_B
    __________ ╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER_C
    ________ ╚═ YOUR_REALM_C
    _____________ ╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_A
    _____________ ╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER_B
    ______╚═ YOUR_ACCOUNT_B
    _______ __ ╠═ YOUR_REALM_A
    _______ ___ ╠═ YOUR_CHARACTER_A
    _______ ___ ╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER_B
    _______ __ ╚═ YOUR_REALM_B
    ______________ ╚═ YOUR_CHARACTER

    • Copying folder of existing chracter may result in bugging lunar sphere in the case if it's bars on donor character were filled up. If possible use the folder from original installation.
    • If you are temping to edit anything in the original profiles, after a failture to install UI on multiple characters, keep in mind, the changes will be applied to all characters, that share the profile.
    • For addons that support profiles, create a new profile, copy X-Perl Skin UI profile settings into it. Set the new profile as active and do your changes.
    • Most efficient way to back up profiles of multiple addons is by using Reflux feature that allowes to copy all existing profiles into a new set. Visit Reflux page for more info.

    Where the heck is?...
    • ...stance bar/pet bar?
      Its switched off. You may recativate it via Bartender options.
      You can find bartender icon in lower right corner of your screen, on titan panel. You can also use /bartender command or find the settings via blizzard interface menu.

    • experience bar/reputation bar/map location lable?
      Are texted on the Titan panel. X-Perl Explorer setup uses Experience plug in, while X-Perl Raider does Reputation. You can always activate one or another to be shown at same time.

    • ...micromenu?
      Right top of Titan Panel, next to clock.

    • ...bags?
      If you are not used for [b]-key, use button on Titan panel.

    • buttons?
      Just outside your screen. If you want them just move chat frame a little and you will see them. I dont need them as EasyCopy addon allows scrolling chat with mouse wheel

  • I think there is something wrong with target of target and target of target of target and my pets target and all those are sorta overlaping each other...
    Make sure you did not skip Step of the instalation paragraph.

  • How to fill up the round button bars?
    Right click round button in upper row (menu button)
    Drag and drop skills from your spell book into lower row as normal action bar.
    Close bar by right click menu button or by using spell from submenu (the lower bar)
    For more information about Lunar sphere visit the addon Website

  • I wish raid frames [insert random request]...
    VuhDo addon homepage

  • There is something wrong with the circled bars, they all are overlaping each other and I cannot find my way into them
    Thats Lunar bug in 3.3, that openes some bars when you log in. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. By now, you just have to close them manually or try to reload UI.

  • Titan bar on top on my screen got a black hole...
    It's not permanent. Reload UI once and its gone forever.

  • I have filled up Lunar bars, logged off and when I am logged back all the circles are in the middle of my screen and all buttons data is lost
    Let me guess, you have tried to place your equipment sets into Lunar?
    From author of Lunar Shpere:
    Originally Posted by Moongaze
    Found the issue. You have a "Use last submenu action" or "Use second to last submenu action" assigned to one of the menu buttons with the equipment sets, yes? On the menu button, check to see if "Show Count" is turned on for one of these left, middle, or right click actions. If it is, turn it off. There is an issue with trying to get the equipment set's "item count" and we're crashing because of that. I just got that error while doing some tests, looked at your error log and I see that you are suffering from the same error. Once I turned off the count for that menu button, the issue went away.
    I fixed the code for version 1.08 ... [...]
  • I am using a different resolution in game, will this UI fit into it?
    Resolution configuration is included into package. You will get the resolution needed for the UI once install the WTF folder. This may cause your game viewport to twist a bit. Use monitor configuration to correct the edges.
    If you dont get it make sure you have been using the correct WTF folder from the package.

  • Whole game turned to be very pale. Give me back my old colors!
    You Have got my personal color gamma configuration together with the package. To set back your old gamma use Blizard video settings.

  • Why can I not track more than 1-2 quests or achivements?
    Because chinchilla did resize the quest tracking frame. To fit it your taste:
    • right click minimap
    • go Quest Tracker tab
    • check Enable
    • configurate the quest tracker on your taste

  • There are so many things to configurate, cant you make interface that I can just download and use?...
    Practically it is impossible to please everyone. I tried to make the UI useable by any class but I cannot satisfy all players tastes. I left a lot of room for customization. And I hope you will enjoy moving things a little around to fit your taste while enjoying the general idea.

    Have fun!


Special credit to X-Perl developers, and Lunar autor who's work became foundament of this UI.

And, also to all addon's autors, whos creations are used in X-Perl UI

Special thanks to a big white arse bear, without whom I would have never begun even to worry about my interface layout.


[b]Configuration changes:[b]
Lunar Shere is now correctly configurated for WS


General visibility:
Added AI-Artv to enhance the look of blisard frames to match the UI style.

Addons replaced:
- Spam-me-not with BadBoy: same functionality, replaced in order to have minimum outdated addons)
- EasyCopy with Prat: same functionality with additional visibility configuration
- Tipsy with Tiptac: due to visibility configuration.

Addons added:
LootRollmOver: Loot roll frame no longer shall pop up over action bars.

Technical reconfiguration:
- Redesigned structure for WS setings. Now WTFWS contains only specific WS settings that are not configuratable by reflux.

Addons configuration changes:
- Removes WS vestions for Titan profiles as not needed.
- Titan: redesigned information positioning due changes in chat frame settings.
- Added layout templates for Lunar Shpere
- DBM may have slight change of positions
- Chinchilla shall no longer cause Blizzard boss frame to deform.
- DBM: PVP modes switched off by default.
- All panels graphics now placed in KGpanels, SunnArt now only used for viewport resize.

Addons updated:
- Atlasloot Anchanced
- Deadly Boss Modes
- Icehud
- KgPanels
- Lunar Sphere

Addons updated:
- SunnArt
- Arkinventory
- Tidy Plates
- Titan Panel[Micro Buttons]

Global configuration:
- Some personal data cleaned up.

Addons configuration, normal screen.
- Questlog, World status, and Blizzard Boss frames slightly changed positions.
- Boss health frames, special warnings, raid warnings, timers slightly changed position to not overlap with combat text.

Addond removed:
- Chatbar
- Omen
- Recount

Addons added:
- Skada
- Tidy plates

Textures changes:
- Panels for unit fames, damage meter and minimap buttons are now part of Sunn Art texture.
- Added unique textures for minimap buttons frames.

Addons reconfiguration.
Titan panel:
- Added micromenu plugin
- Added reagent tracker plugin.
- Added profiles oriented on raiding and leveling
- Removed panels for damage meter, minimap buttons, unit frames.
- Deeper functionality configuration.
- VuhDo Tooltips Removed
- Maintanks, pets, Private tanks frames closed.
- Raid frames changed default position.
- Changed position from lower right corner to top right corner
- Font style and size changed to more compact.
- Scroll areas changed positions.
- Incomming and outgoing areas changed scroll directions.
Lunar Spere:
- Warriors now also recive the intended dafault configuration.
- All submenu buttons are now safe to place equipment sets in without additional configuration needed.
- Changed buttons frames skins.
- All frames slightly changed position.
Chinchilla minimap:
- Boss frame, world status frames slightly changed position
- Equipment damage alert frame moved to center of screen.
- Player and target archs swapped placed.
- Added range check
- Font changed
- Player and Target HP and mana text no longer overlap eachother.
- Added GCD arch.
- Pet archs redesigned.

- added wide screen resolution.

- Fixed typo in Sunn Art textures.

Known issues:
- some personal settings and profiles remain in few addons. CBA cleaning them =P

Addons updated to latest versions:
- Deadly Boss Mods 4.41-beta-r3466
- KgPanels v1.36
- Reflux 1.8
- VuhDo 1.240

Addons updated to latest versions:
- Atlasloot Enchanted v5.09.05
- VuhDo 1.236
- Deadly Boss Mods 4.40-r3317

Addons updated to last versions:
- ArkInventory 3.02.28
- Atlasloot Enchanted v5.09.03
- Deadly Boss Mods 4.38-r3147
- Mik Scrolling Combat Text v5.4.75
- Titan Panel
- Titan Recount 0.05
- VuhDo 1.231

Updated Addons to last versions.

Removed some personal data lose

- Nessesary addons are included into the package.
- Added skins for several optional addons
- Buff frames for pet, focus, ToT are removed.
- Petbar in Bartender is removed, Bar3 is extended to 12 buttons.
- Resolution configuration is included into download

- Added Reflux for simplify in-game configuration.
- Cleaned unrelated personal settings files.
- Changed Titan profile
- Moved Titan custom profile it into a proper category.

1.0: Actual release
Optional Files (0)

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Unread 04-09-10, 05:13 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by Taggert

Love the UI but the only thing that bugs the heck out of me is the countdown timers for PVP captures, they take up the middle top of my screen and in AV they reach near the middle of my screen. How can i move them? I thought it was cooldown counter but thats not in the UI.
That would be DBM (Deadly Boss Mods). Open the DBM config, and unlock the timers and move them to a better location that works for you.

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Unread 04-09-10, 05:12 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by azguz
How can I set this up for more then 1 character?
It worked for my main, then i switch to my alt and it did not work.
When I finally for it to work it no longer worked for my main.
I did follow what you had said in a previous post.
i found it easy to copy your main char wtf folder and paste it in your other characters wtf folder. Might be a little config need (not much) but that is what has worked for me.

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Unread 04-08-10, 06:40 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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How can I set this up for more then 1 character?
It worked for my main, then i switch to my alt and it did not work.
When I finally for it to work it no longer worked for my main.
I did follow what you had said in a previous post.
Last edited by azguz : 04-08-10 at 10:56 PM.
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Unread 04-08-10, 11:41 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Love the UI but the only thing that bugs the heck out of me is the countdown timers for PVP captures, they take up the middle top of my screen and in AV they reach near the middle of my screen. How can i move them? I thought it was cooldown counter but thats not in the UI.
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Unread 03-31-10, 05:51 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Vehicles

Originally posted by Soulslayer9731
Ok. I absolutly love this ui However i found a couple problems that made me have to get rid of it first off there was no button to get off a mutli person mount such as the motorcycle. Also when i got onto a vehicle that i needed to do something on such as the horeses in h toc there were no buttons whatsoever how can i fix that?
The mount bar will replace the bar one once you get on a mount.
Every combat mount in game has a cancel (Leave viechle) button, the last one on the bar that is usually.
In this UI the cancel button will appear last on upper row of your bar 1.

The mount bar shall look like this:

If it does not for you, in bartender configuration, for bar one go to tab "State configuration", make sure "Enable" and "Possess" are checked. This shall pretty much fix the issue.

As for multi passenger mount, I dont play passenger often myself. In rare cases when I do, I ask my ride to kick me from mount. If you use this option often yourself and cannot be bothered to communicate with your rider (like using multi passenger mounts on BG for instance) then you can activate the viechle bar via bartender options. Open bartender configuration, go to Viechle bar options, check "Enable".
Move the bar to desireble position, lock bars.

Thank you for your feedback. I hope I have helped you to solve your issues and you will be using the UI again =)
Happy gaming =)
Last edited by Lawura : 03-31-10 at 06:00 AM.
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Unread 03-30-10, 01:21 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Ok. I absolutly love this ui However i found a couple problems that made me have to get rid of it first off there was no button to get off a mutli person mount such as the motorcycle. Also when i got onto a vehicle that i needed to do something on such as the horeses in h toc there were no buttons whatsoever how can i fix that?
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Unread 03-28-10, 11:37 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: love the addon

Originally posted by stonevipor
is there a way to get it to fit with 1440x900 resolution?

love the addon

Yes! But you will have to do it manually by now.
Install WS version.
Make sure you have at least KgPanels and Icehud up-to-date (3.3.3)

Log into game and
- Adjust the width of Sunn Viewport if needed
and fix the frames position of the following addons:
- Chinchilla minimap
- Bartender action bars
- Blizard chat frame
- Skada

Other addons pretty much have procental positioning and shall be fixed on your screen propertly.

I will be working for unique graphics for widescreen for next big update. So you may want to check with X-Perl Skin UI once in a while =)
Thank you for your interested, Good luck with adjustments and happy playing =)
Last edited by Lawura : 03-28-10 at 11:45 AM.
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Unread 03-28-10, 11:30 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: errors installing

Originally posted by syzz
after i enter /reflux switch X-Perl, the game reloads and nothing changes. all the bars and stuff are still at the middle of the screen, not the bottom.
Hello, Syzz
Thank you for you feedback.
I have not had a chance to update the UI at the patch day as I just have returned from my vacation.
I have tested the current UI version instalation right now on few toons and have had no problems except of outdated addons.

Try the following trouble shooting:
1) Make sure you do mind capitals letters when switching the profiles with reflux command X and P must be capital. Same as W and S for WS vesrions.
2) Make sure you have the *Load outdated addons* Checked on.
3) Make sure you have installed the correct folders and renamed them correctly. You may have missed the following steps:
- You forgot to rename WTF-WS with WTF after installation
- You have renamed Account folder with your account name instead of YOU_ACCOUNT one
- You have been using the wrong account name. Correct one is the name of your account before @-sign in capital letters. If your account is [email protected], the folder shall be spalled as MYACCOUNT
- you have forgot to rename any of the following folders: YOUR_ACCOUNT, YOUR_REALM, YOUR_CHARACTER
- you have misspelled any of those
- you are trying to run UI on a character UI is not installed for. Make sure to install YOUR_CHARACTER folder for any of the characters you wish to run UI for and rename them correctly for each of the character.

This shall pretty much solve your problem

When you succeed, make sure to update IceHUD and KGPanels, as the versions included into current package are not working correctly with corrent WoW patch.

I shall update the addons in the package pretty soon too.

Hope this will help you.
Happy playing! =)
Last edited by Lawura : 03-28-10 at 11:38 AM.
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Unread 03-24-10, 08:59 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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love the addon

is there a way to get it to fit with 1440x900 resolution?

love the addon
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Unread 03-23-10, 09:14 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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errors installing

after i enter /reflux switch X-Perl, the game reloads and nothing changes. all the bars and stuff are still at the middle of the screen, not the bottom.
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Unread 03-18-10, 12:17 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thx for the help \o/ and yeah I think I should give a better read on the front page right? xD

thx again \o/
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Unread 03-17-10, 12:49 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Spheres

Originally posted by Pharaoh90
Well I am DK and I didn't see a place for my "presences" but thats not the problem cause I saw a lot of empty spheres, the problem is now I want remove my skills from that spheres and just can't xD I tried everything I could without instructions but I just can't clean that sphere T.T all I want is to remove my skills from there plz help T.T btw I liked your UI and I'll be using it for the next mounths you've done a great work dude, sry for bad english I'm not an american you see, thx!
Thank you for your feedback.
Both of your questiones I have answered in X-Perl Skin UI FAQ on the main page.

I am using Lunar Sphere bars for My druid's shapeshifts and the most lower left bar (Nr4 if to stick to Bartender numeration) for stance bars for my warrior. I am shortening bar3 to two buttons and placing pet bar on freed space for my warlock, and bar2 is replaced with petbar For my hunter.
Use your imagination. You may access Bartender configuration using icon in lower right corner of your screen. Have fun moving some things around =)

A few examples:






As for spere buttons, I did not think of someone willing to actually wipe any data you have stored in those bars.

If you want to replace the existing spells in your bars, just drag the new spells on the place of old ones.

If you want to completely empty the bars, whatever the reason can be, simpliest solution I can think of is for you to replace the LunarSphere.dat and LunarSphere.Lua files on in your WTF/Account/YOUR_ACCOUNT/YOUR_REALM/YOUR_CHARACTER/Saved Variable folder with default X-Perl Skin UI ones. And build your bars again.

And finally, if you have more questions about configurating Lunar Shpere, It will be best if you visit their Website: They have huge database about the functionality of the addon that is being constatly updated. And as pros, they will answer your questions better than I will ever do.

Would you wish to try configurating the Lunar Spheres on your own without a manual, you may enter the Lunar edit mode via an icon in the low right corner of your screen, on titan panel, in same row as Bartender one.

Good luck in your exploration, and I hope you enjoy game with your new UI =)
Last edited by Lawura : 03-17-10 at 01:42 PM.
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Unread 03-16-10, 10:17 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Well I am DK and I didn't see a place for my "presences" but thats not the problem cause I saw a lot of empty spheres, the problem is now I want remove my skills from that spheres and just can't xD I tried everything I could without instructions but I just can't clean that sphere T.T all I want is to remove my skills from there plz help T.T btw I liked your UI and I'll be using it for the next mounths you've done a great work dude, sry for bad english I'm not an american you see, thx!
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Unread 03-14-10, 10:05 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: I dl'ed it but it's gone lol wth.

Originally posted by digihax
I can't open this up to use it always opens in notepad for some reason.

Possibly you do not have a program to manage this archive.
Quickest solution I can offer you to get a trial version of WinRAR and I shall keep the further uploaded in zip archives.
Last edited by Lawura : 03-14-10 at 10:09 AM.
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Unread 03-12-10, 06:56 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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I dl'ed it but it's gone lol wth.

I can't open this up to use it always opens in notepad for some reason.
Last edited by digihax : 03-12-10 at 07:20 PM.
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