Updated: 03-06-10 06:57 PM
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Updated:03-06-10 06:57 PM
Created:03-02-10 05:58 PM


Version: 1.4.1
by: Zenh [More]

Nowadays Gear Score rules with an iron fist. One problem is it's generalized prestige. How do you make the distinction of a long-time hardcore player with 5.8k GS and a more casual raider with 5.8k GS? Well, you inspect their achievements of course. That's where Elite comes in to simplify that process.

Elite adds very select Feat of Strengths/achievements to a player's tooltip. By "very select" I mean Elite displays only the most difficult raiding/PvP accomplishments (hence its name). The achievements are colored/grouped by rarity/difficulty. Pet/gimmicky-rare FoS are excluded (with the exception of Tyrael's Hilt because it's that awesome). Elite works cross-faction. Elite has very little configuration and is very lightweight using virtually no memory or CPU.

Elite has three display modes activated using CTRL and SHIFT keys.

- Without any modifier pressed, Elite shows a compact summary of elite achievements the player has.
- Holding CTRL will expand the summary into a list of achievements.
- Holding CTRL + SHIFT will expand the list into a descriptive list.

Elite will add an extra tag to FoS/achievements that meet a special deadline. For example, having Death's Demise before Patch 3.2 will add the tag [Pre-Nerf].

Elite will reward rank tags for raiding achievements accomplished after a period of the original raid's debut. These mostly apply to the epic category of achievements.

- [Gold] = achievement accomplished in 2 weeks
- [Silver] = achievement accomplished in 5 weeks
- [Bronze] = achievement accomplished in 8 weeks

e.g. The Fall of Naxxramas (25 player) [Gold] = This player cleared Naxxramas within 2 weeks of WotLK's release.

Elite has two configurable options: to show category labels, and to show Elite in combat. Modify Elite.lua to make changes. Defaults:

local options = {
    showGroupLabel = false,
    showInCombat = false

* If you have suggestions for FoS/achievements Elite should show, or special tags, let me know in comments. *



- 3/08/09: Caching.
- 3/08/09: Option to disable loader text.
- 3/05/09: More compact default display. [Completed]


Known bugs:

- 3/03/09: Opening the achievement panel shortly after /reload and mousing over a player unit will result in a FrameXML error. This is a peculiar and very situational bug related to add-on loading, so I'm overlooking it for now.
- 3/04/09: Elite and Needy work together but FrameXML errors occur after opening the achievement pane (/reload will fix it). This only occurs if running these two mods together. Still looking into this.


Here's the current list of FoS/achievements Elite will show:


Uncommon (Old school PvP ranks):

- Horde: Scout -> Warlord
- Alliance: Private -> Field Marshal

Note: High Warlord and Grand Marshal are categorized as Legendary (see below).

Why do I show these achievements? Old school PvP titles are the only way in the game to tell who was around during classic WoW (other than Old School Ride), and I find that an interesting stat to see on someone's tooltip.


Rare (Glad mounts/etc.):

- Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker - Special Tag: [Pre-3.0], Deadline: 10/15/08 (3.0.2)
- Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros - Special Tag: [Pre-3.0], Deadline: 10/15/08 (3.0.2)
- Ashes of Al'ar + Special Tag: [TBC], Deadline: 10/15/08 (3.0.2)
- Any of the Gladiator reward mounts.


Epic (Raiding achievements):

- Glory of the Raider (25 & 10) - Deadline: 4/14/09 (3.1)
- Glory of the Ulduar Raider (25 & 10) - Deadline: 8/04/09 (3.2)
- Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 & 10)
- The Fall of Naxxramas (25 & 10) - [Gold: 11/25/08] [Silver: 12/16/08] [Bronze: 1/06/09]
- The Twilight Zone (Sarth 3D) (25 & 10) - [Gold: 11/25/08] [Silver: 12/16/08] [Bronze: 1/06/09]
- You Don't Have An Eternity (5-min Malygos) (25 & 10) - Tag: [Pre-Nerf], Deadline: 1/20/09 (3.0.8)
- The Secrets of Ulduar (25 & 10) - [Gold: 4/28/09] [Silver: 5/19/09] [Bronze: 6/09/09]
- Observed (Algalon) (25 & 10) - Deadline: 08/04/09 (3.2)
- Heroic: Call of the Grand Crusade (25 & 10) - Deadline: 12/08/09 (3.3)
- Heroic: Fall of the Lich King

Note: achievements with deadlines in this category are not shown unless the deadline is met.

Future consideration: I will most likely add special tags for Icecrown clears that were achieved before the overtime buffs were established (sans the 5% one).


Legendary (PvE realm-firsts, Scarab Lord, etc.):

- Any raiding realm-first (WotLK).
- Any Rank 1 Gladiator.
- Grand Marshal or High Warlord.
- Realm First! Death's Demise - Extra Tag: [Pre-Nerf], Deadline: 08/04/09 (3.2)
- Warglaives of Azzinoth - Extra Tag: [TBC], Deadline: 10/15/08 (3.0.2)
- Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury - Extra Tag: [TBC], Deadline: 10/15/08 (3.0.2)
- Tyrael's Hilt
- Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
- Shadowmourne
- And I'll Form the Head!
- Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
- A Tribute to Immortality (Horde or Alliance)
- Invincible's Reins
- Old School Ride
- Scarab Lord


Artifact (Player realm-firsts; e.g. Druid, Enchanting, etc.):

- Any Lv. 80 race/class/profession realm-first.
- Realm First! Northrend Vanguard

v1.4.1 (3/6/10) - Added an option to disable Elite in combat. Default is off as large tooltips can be a distraction or clutter the UI in-combat, especially for healers that use Clique or mouseover macros.
v1.4 (3/5/10) - Added more compact default display, w/option to show group labels.
v1.3 (3/5/10) - Fixed a minor bug by checking if the player is dead.
v1.2 (3/4/10) - Fixed more bugs; now works more friendly with other tooltip mods.
v1.1 (3/3/10) - Adding more features, optimized code, fixed some bugs.
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Unread 03-08-10, 05:11 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Jzar
Next feature requests, since you were so fast to answer my first one:

I'm getting sick of watching the tooltip tell me it's scanning every party / raid member I mouse over for a half second before the message disappears entirely for most people, or else shows a few elite achievements etc. Can you give me an option to turn off that message on the tooltip? I know it has to scan them, don't change all my tooltips for the first half-second it takes to scan them; just add on the elite status if there is something to display.

The loader text is just a cue that the mod is working for that unit, and the player should wait a moment to see results. Occasionally on mouseover the mod doesn't work. I'm not exactly sure why. To differentiate from these "failed mouseovers" and when the mod is working, I added the loader text so the player knows when to retry from a failed mouseover.

That said, I'll add an option to disable the loading text.

Second, to improve performance in raids, and around Dalaran etc., could you implement a cache of 25-30 players? I think this would really help reduce the annoyance of when I'm watching my tooltip while mousing over people looking for elites.

I'll consider it.
Last edited by Zenh : 03-08-10 at 05:11 PM.
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Unread 03-08-10, 05:17 AM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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Next feature requests, since you were so fast to answer my first one:

I'm getting sick of watching the tooltip tell me it's scanning every party / raid member I mouse over for a half second before the message disappears entirely for most people, or else shows a few elite achievements etc. Can you give me an option to turn off that message on the tooltip? I know it has to scan them, don't change all my tooltips for the first half-second it takes to scan them; just add on the elite status if there is something to display.

Second, to improve performance in raids, and around Dalaran etc., could you implement a cache of 25-30 players? I think this would really help reduce the annoyance of when I'm watching my tooltip while mousing over people looking for elites.
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Unread 03-07-10, 01:42 PM  
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Originally posted by shinchih2001
not support zhTW??
I don't think localizing this mod is necessary. Elite doesn't have much configuration and most of the tooltip text is taken from the server, so it should be localized already.
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Unread 03-07-10, 08:13 AM  
A Cyclonian
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Originally posted by Zenh
Nah. There's a lot of easy/frivolous/trivial achievements. I don't consider total achievement points an accurate gauge for a truly hardcore raider/PvPer. You can have a high achievement point count and not have any of the really hard PvP/raiding achievements.
Heh np. Someone was asking me if there was a way to display that in a tooltip and I did not know any tooltip addon that did this and this one was the only one that did anything with achievements. Thanks for your quick reply
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Unread 03-07-10, 03:02 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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not support zhTW??
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Unread 03-06-10, 02:04 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by zohar101
Does it show somewhere total number of achievement points?

Nah. There's a lot of easy/frivolous/trivial achievements. I don't consider total achievement points an accurate gauge for a truly hardcore raider/PvPer. You can have a high achievement point count and not have any of the really hard PvP/raiding achievements.
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Unread 03-05-10, 08:52 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Does it show somewhere total number of achievement points?
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Unread 03-05-10, 02:54 PM  
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Re: ULTRA concise mode

Originally posted by Jzar
I like the idea behind this. However, I would not call adding 4 lines to a tooltip concise. What would you think about an option for ULTRA concise mode where the addition to the tooltip looks like this:

(1 / 5 / 3 / 1)

I would put the rarest first, and omit putting anything if they don't have any elite achievements for a category, rather than a 0.

You could even then assign a weight to achievements like, 5 points for gold, 3 for purple, 2 for blue, one for green, multiply each weight by the number of achieves in that category, and give them an EliteScore based off it, and give them a title based on a scale.

lol Then it turns Elite into GS all over again, but with achieves instead of gear. I can appreciate if you don't want to go down that road. I really only wanted to post mostly to suggest putting all the summaries on one line for more conciseness. Thanks!

I was thinking about making them more compact. I agree, 4-5 lines isn't really compact. Elite already omits categories that have zero achievements.

The weight/score idea was an early idea pre-development, but I think the colors and numbers give enough of a quick reading. It's rare to find someone with any Elite achievements, let alone 5 or 10. Finding a player with 10 or more achievements pretty much means "hardcore player right here". A title might be redundant when an elite player is probably already sporting a prestigious title like Gladiator, Immortal, Death's Demise, Kingslayer, etc. Plus, I'm no good with imagining creative titles. ;-)
Last edited by Zenh : 03-05-10 at 02:54 PM.
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Unread 03-05-10, 02:39 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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ULTRA concise mode

I like the idea behind this. However, I would not call adding 4 lines to a tooltip concise. What would you think about an option for ULTRA concise mode where the addition to the tooltip looks like this:

(1 / 5 / 3 / 1)

I would put the rarest first, and omit putting anything if they don't have any elite achievements for a category, rather than a 0.

You could even then assign a weight to achievements like, 5 points for gold, 3 for purple, 2 for blue, one for green, multiply each weight by the number of achieves in that category, and give them an EliteScore based off it, and give them a title based on a scale.

lol Then it turns Elite into GS all over again, but with achieves instead of gear. I can appreciate if you don't want to go down that road. I really only wanted to post mostly to suggest putting all the summaries on one line for more conciseness. Thanks!
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