Updated: 02-24-15 03:07 PM
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The Adventure Continues (6.1)
Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)
Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:02-24-15 03:07 PM
Created:05-31-10 01:50 PM
Categories:Generic Compilations, Graphical Compilations, Class Compilations

Supervillain UI (Classic)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 5.4.3
by: Munglunch [More]

This Version Is No Longer Supported
Find the current version here
To install: Open the downloaded zip file and drop all
containing folders into your install directory
(ie.. "C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/").
Be sure that at least the addons "SVUI" and "SVUI_ConfigOMatic" are enabled from your character select screen.

You can access quick config options by clicking the "Henchman" icon
on the bottom right of the screen (second from the right).

/sv or /svui  --- SHOW CONFIG WINDOW
/sv move or /sv mentalo --- MOVE FRAMES
/sv kb or /sv bind --- KEY BINDING
/sv bg or /sv pvp --- SHOW/HIDE PVP STATS IN BG's
/sv reset or /sv resetui --- COMPLETE RESET OF CONFIGS

/jenkins --- 3-2-1 PULL COUNTER/ANNOUNCER
/kombat --- ???
/lolwut --- ???
If you already have a copy of SVUI installed
then you MUST delete any previous versions from the "~\Interface\AddOns\"
directory BEFORE installing a new one.

SVUI -- Core addon
SVUI_ConfigOMatic -- Configuration window
SVUI_StyleOMatic -- UI and 3rd-party addons styler
SVUI_LogOMatic -- Inventory information across alts
SVUI_FightOMatic -- PvP tools plugin
SVUI_CraftOMatic -- Professions tools plugin
SVUI_ChatOMatic -- Chat history storage and the infamous "Answering Service"

Delete your ~\World of Warcraft\Cache folder
Inside the folder ~\World of Warcraft\WTF\[SERVER NAME]\SavedVariables: Delete any files that begin with "SVUI"
Inside each of your characters folders (~\World of Warcraft\WTF\[SERVER NAME]\[CHARACTER NAME]\SavedVariables): Delete any files that begin with "SVUI"

> Updated for 6.1

> Portrait options added for arena frames
> Adjusted "reverse" settings for health bars
> Made a slight adjustment to tooltip hiding when viewing items
> Fixed fight o matic errors

> Fixed quest tracker event errors causing looped faults
> This is the LAST update before copying to curse.

v5.4.198: (shows as 5.4.19)
> Updated token stat
> Expand feature will now resize the quest tracker as well as reposition tooltips
> Adjusted lockout abbreviations on the time stat
> Raid leader dock tool is now movable via the [alt-right-click] dock menu
> Various internal fixes, preparing for the transition to curse

> Re-styled the "Active" quest tracking header. It's much leaner and to the point.
> Quest item bar will now hide along with the tracker
> Quest items themselves (and after MUCH testing) are now stable and no longer dissapear for no reason.
> Added a right-click feature to the dock-hide buttons. This will allow you to "expand" the respective dock window to a greater height for readability (outside of combat of course)
> Several non-functional options were fixed
> Many redundant and unused config options were removed
> Some options that were causing confusion now have relevant notes to help users understand their settings


> Added new config category, "Screen". This is where you will find the familiar options for auto-scaling and multi-monitor but also the new ADVANCED screen adjustments (USE WITH GREAT CAUTION). The new settings allow you to forcibly change the overall scale calculation used by most elements, and for those of you having issues with getting the UI to fit perfectly on various non-standard screens, you can set your own width and height used for UI positioning.
> Fixed/adjusted combat text font (Scrolling)
> BG stats are working again
> Revamped quest tracker items. They are now anchored to their own position-able bar and can display more than one item at a time. The issue of items disappearing on use has been resolved (though not tested extensively).
> Left and right dock windows can now be hidden independently of each other by using their respective corner buttons.
> Bugs noted by all of you in the comments have been resolved. If there are any outstanding issues, or if I have missed something please let me know.
> More changes included that I will document at a later time....

> Zygor support (lite) added. This goes as far as fixing minimap blips and the equip manager button.
> Druid mana bar show states adjusted
> Keybind texts fixed
> Fixed bad loop in quest tracker (bonus objectives)
> Dock stats fonts will respect user options again.
> Login for mages with no spec fixed

> Fix for bag slot issues.
> Another aura filter config error fix
> Loot frame will no longer block mouse clicks when not shown.
> Mage errors fixed.

> Ready check icons have been made more visible
> Clicking the flashing down indicator on chat frames will scroll the chat all the way down.
> Adjusted Warlock resource graphics (added number value)
> Added an option to enable/disable the new Resolve bar for tanks (thats the green bar at the top of your health)

> Fixed Aura Filter option errors
> Adjusted Rogue resource graphics, and Inspiration text.
> Hunter traps now adjust their cooldowns when you have enhanced traps

> Fully fixed and updated the "Aura Watch" feature
> Updated Rogue combo point/anticipation graphics
> AFK screen has more safeguards for failed conditions
> Adjusted more fonts
> Mentalo sticky moving has been adjusted
> Minimap border frame level adjusted
> Many class resources have has minor details cleaned up

TODO: Hunter trap timers for survival spec (penguinsane)

> Fixed Rogue Anticipation error
> Warriors now have a classbar resource, ENRAGE BAR!! (Prot and Fury only)
> DK classbar revamped
> Mage has 2 new resources. Frost: Icicle meter. Fire: Ignite meter.
> Fixed several LUA errors coming from Chat, Tooltips and Nameplates.
> Added more event handling for the custom AFK screen to prevent weirdness during many situations.
> SVUI Quest Tracker can now be disabled from the /sv->General->Misc options
> Voidstorage style revamped...

> When chat frames are faded you will no longer see chat icons (raid icons etc..)
> Made some adjustments to quest item appearances
> Buff and Debuff stacks are now visible at all times

> Adjusted many class resources
> Fixed bugs in the installer and quest scenarios
> Other internal fixes.

> Fixed bugs in superbutton and fontmanager
> Redesign: DeathKnight runes! They are much easier to read visually now.... and ANIMATED!!
> Fixed issue causing Paladin power to dissapear when opening the worldmap

> Full support of MasterPlan added!

> Fixed many config settings that were causing issues.
> Plugin settings for TrackOMatic, ChatOMatic and CraftOMatic are working now.
> Made some adjustments to unitframe aura borders.
> Fixed issue causing Brewmaster Monk stagger bar from working
> Adjusted Hunter trap timers.

> New: Copy chat function. Just mouse over the upper right corner for the copy button.
> New: Minimalist setting available from the main installation page. This will set all major unit frames to a lean 22px, strip the minimap down to just the essentials, and disable MOST comic based flair (ie... comic popups, afk screen, gamemenu, comic style tooltips and unitframe borders).
> Added font settings for tooltips, loot/roll frames, bags/bank and a dash of others.
> Adjusted a few more pre-existing fonts.
> Updated font config screen.
> Slight style changes to garrison and character windows.
> Fixed layout issue with the installer.
> Fixed an issue preventing the Answering service window from showing.

> New: Custom SVUI Quest Tracker!
> New: Hunter Trap Resources on player frame
> New: Drunk Mode (can you guess how to activate it?)
> New: Castbars and class resources now have 3D effects, soooooo shiny!
> New: Graphics for Paladin resources. (I re-drew the hammer)
> Updated: Chat frames and their ability to be docked and un-docked.
> Updated: How SVUI handles fonts and their settings. Configs now found at /sv->Fonts
> Updated: Aura timers and filtering.
> Updated: Awesome GameMenu now has options for model usage.
> Updated: AFK screen now has options for camera motion.
> Updated: Stat docks now have a wider range of support. Including (drum roll please) Broker_Garrison!!!
> Updated: Addon support (very minor at the moment) for the Addons Details and MasterPlan.
> Fixed: Tooltips for stat dock brokers.
> Fixed: Follower level texts in Garrison Mission UI
> Fixed: Mentalo precision frame levels and positioning. These were causing issues with keeping the frame visible while adjusting.
> Fixed: Monk Brewmaster stagger bar updates properly now.
> Fixed: All known taints have been eradicated!!
> ...probably more but I can't remember what all I did now.....

> Many StyleOMatic styles updated
> Skada/Omen/Recount title bars all match now
> DBM updated, now using my classic style bars!!
> NEW: Garrison Building Frame now Styled!
> QuestTracker updated again, should no longer see weird scrolling behavior.
> Several font assignments updated, alert and combat were in need of a change.
> Fixed stack overflow bug from api library
> Version number properly updated this time.

> Fixed Skada sizing issue
> Nameplates now show cast text properly
> Changed default settings to enable focustarget and properly align focus AND focustarget buffs and debuffs
> Adjusted the way I am skinning tooltips and elite unitframes. They are scaling much better now.
> QuestTracker should now reliably display all tracked quests and achievements
> FINALLY figured out a way to force bags to properly color quest items ALWAYS!!!!
> Adjusted encounter journal styling. Looks much better now.
> Other misc fixes

> More adjustments to draggables
> Fixed achievement tracking
> Increased the scrolling depth of the objectives tracker
> Adjusted MANY MANY checkboxes that had lost their proper appearance
> Fixed SetAlpha overflow in StyleOMatic
> When using the installer, music volume SHOULD now return to its proper value when installation ends
> Reduced the scale of chat whisper icons
> Added LEFT/RIGHT arrow support to the chat editbox as a means to move the cursor into displayed text while using UP/DOWN arrows to parse outbound history.

> Final patch for the current aura system, keep in mind that this will be replaced with a completely revised design in the coming weeks.
> Made some changes to draggable frames and their interaction with default "snapping" provided by the game client.

> Found and fixed several issues causing auras and aura filters to function improperly
> Aura filters were not recognizing the Player as friendly. Now fixed
> Re-structured the options for unitframe aura types (buffs, debuffs, aurabars) in an effort to make their settings a little more readable.
> Added an option under (/sv)->General->Misc->Save Draggable. This allows you to toggle the saving of draggable frames. Keep in mind that when this feature is enabled, the default frame "snapping" of blizzard frames will not happen. This option will be disabled by default.
> Added a few more error filters
> Fixed threat glow functionality

> WorldMap quest log is now attached properly
> StyleOMatic styles are now toggling correctly (including AdiBags)
> Added contribution styles for Omen and adjusted Recount docks to line up properly
> A few styling odds and ends adjusted

> Revised the profile system to now mirror all configs used by a particular profile to EACH character that is using the same one. What this means is that if you load ("Copy") a profile to two (or more) characters and make changes on one of them, those changes will be automatically reflected for every other toon using the same profile.
> Fixed BreakStuff to now identify WoD herbs
> Updated alignments and elements on loot/achievement alert frames to now match each other more closely
> Updated some textures in garrison styles
> Garrison follower XP bars are now showing on follower lists.
> Added one more little touch to the AFK screen. It was feeling a little lop-sided.
> Added Error filter options under General->Error Handling
> Credits have been updated showing latest contributions
> Reputation stat popup menu is now alpha sorted
> Revamped SVUI's version management to allow the display of FULL version numbers. This will make identifying your installed version FAR FAR FAR more accurate. (ie.. before I could only output the major.minor segment of the version number, now I can display the whole thing.)
> Let the bass drop

> Small adjustments to loot alert texts
> Mount colored buttons have color again when checked
> Quest dock scrolling weirdness is fixed

> Blocked auras are being blocked properly now
> Monk chi has been fully updated now

> PetSpells and MANY other taints have been fixed. Consequently the SpellBinder (Click-to-Cast) feature has been temporarily removed as it was the cause of all remaining taints.
> Fixed issue where StyleOMatic was not saving settings on reload
> Fixed Monk issue generating many lua errors
> Revised most alert frames again (Achievement, Garrison, LootWon ... etc), I REALLY like these new ones :)
> Changed the "Reset Blizzard Anchors" option to force a UI reload. This will prevent any weirdness in frames after it has been completed.
> A few more styles were applied to WorldMap Quests and Quest reward textures in general
> Probably did more stuff but I'm tired and cant remember WTF I just did 2 hours ago

> WorldMap-QuestLog issue where the details vanish, has been fixed
> Monk Chi fixed
> nameplate error fixed
> Adjusted some of the newer textures, (more need some love but I will do that later)

> Attempted fix for QuestTracker taint
> Many new "Interface" textures
> Changed the Draenor Zone Ability frame to now be draggable instead of movable via the "/sv move" utility. This was also a step towards removing taints regarding this frame.
> Internal improvements

> Several taints fixed
> Garrison follower NEW textures
> Stat token issues fixed
> Internal improvements

> Misc fixes and updates
> Comic popups working again
> Increase fade delay on dock buttons and panels
> Fixed errors coming from Stats

> Revised all Popup, Achievement and Garrison Alert styles. This also cleared an error that started occurring recently
> Adjusted auction house style
> More backend improvements

> Critical changes to screen resolution handlers
> Added /sv option to reset draggable blizzard frames

> Visual updates to Macro menu, Most checkboxes and many "Inset" type textures
> CraftOMatic - Cooking Mode: Now when enabled it will scan to see if you have the "Pierre" companion and if so it will summon him instead of creating a campfire.
> Lower dock bars will now mouseover fade with their respective dock windows
> Castbar: When crafting, the additive casting feature no longer causes the bar to hide and show in between each creation (this was annoying).
> Made more adjustments to default UI panel positioning, moved many that were intended to be in the upper middle of the screen back where they belong.
> Some draggable windows were not movable, this has been adjusted for many of them. If you discover any that you can't move please post your findings in the comments

> Garrison button shipments info should be updating properly now
> Garrison button tooltip now also shows resources
> Garrison styles expanded again
> Aura filtering data is redesigned internally now. You shouldn't notice any changes other than filters being reset for the change.
> Adjusted some missing styles in quest info and LFG/LFR windows

> Garrison button errors fixed
> Garrison styles expanded to landing page and missions page
> tooltip stretching fixed
> x-ray specs overlapping fixed
> New code to manage blizzard frames, for multi monitor users this will force default positioning towards the center of the screen for panels that would have otherwise been to the left
> New feature: ALT-Right-Clicking items in your bags (not bank) will mark them with a coin icon. Any marked items will be auto-vendored next time you visit a merchant.

> Garrison button now shows shipments and timers
> Garrison styles previously mentioned are now actually working
> /sv move (aka Mentalo) now has a "Grid" option for easier alignments
> Drew some new Minimap blips and replaced a few of the older ones

> Added config option for AFK screen (/sv->General->Misc->Fun Stuff)

> Garrison button now shows current missions on it's tooltip
> Adjusted some vanity features and added new secret ones (given enough time you WILL discover these)
> Tokens stat now has garrison resources, apexis crystals and the various "Secrets of ~" currencies as well as the three new archaeology fragments
> Adjusted a few more settings to increase performance during model animations

> Garrison loading fixed
> Garrison button hearth now using a timer to ensure it is properly set
> Added style for garrison capacitive windows (ie.. work orders)
> Fixed SVUI_Garrison taint
> Comix toggle update

> Garrison button now has flashing alerts for garrison events (very basic)
> Party pet and targets are working again
> Added minimap option to use old blip icons
> Fixed several errors tied to plugin enabling/disabling
> adjusted aggro ("!") and combat ("fist") visual elements

> Included the previously forgotten change to garrison right-click hearth (my bad yo)
> Slight tweaks to raidframe coloring and more tooltips

> fixed dock button position saving for addons
> fixed recount and omen docklet visibility issue
> adjustments for bag slot features
> added some needed tooltips on features such as merchant "Buy full stack"
> Minimap and Worldmap coords now update even in combat

> fixed dock button position saving
> fixed recount and omen docklet

> NEW(ish): Garrison map icon is now a dock icon (found in the upper left dock), right clicking this will cast the garrison hearth
> Fixed tooltip sizing on NPC healthbars
> More adjustments to bag slots on update

> Fixed mac user errors
> Removed tamable indicators from tooltips
> Restyled the garrison minimap button a bit

> Raid frames are now singular, meaning there will no longer be separate frames for sizes 10/15/20/25/40. In the config menu you will only see one category called "Raid".

> Docks have undergone major changes to how they are built and function.
NOTE 1: Before, docklets and dock features were created in static positions (ie... chat tabs on the left, profession tools and henchmen on the right..etc) and the dock holders were essentially just anchored placeholders with little purpose other than a starting point for child elements. Now every aspect of each docking cluster is dynamic and interchangeable.
NOTE 2: Utilizing the new dock system is restricted to internal code at this time. If you have questions please ask me and I will walk you through them.
NOTE 3: I have added an alt-click menu to each dock icon that allows you to re-order its position in it's current dock.
NOTE 4: All movement changes are now being saved and retained per character.

> Dock alerts (ie.. chat edit box and Laborer "End Mode" button) are attractive now ;)

> Micro Menu bar has been relocated to the upper left corner of the screen, mouse over it to show (can be changed in settings)

> Stats have been changed slightly
NOTE 1: The top stat bar is now anchored to the top center of the screen (was top left)
NOTE 2: The top stat bar is also NAKED by default (ie.. no stats showing/assigned). I felt like having too much on screen for new users was confusing.
NOTE 3: Backgrounds are disabled now by default (can still be changed in settings)
NOTE 4: Changed the default stat assignment for the bottom bar to improve asthetics. (Courtesy of Penguinsane)

> Installer updated. Now when making aura layout selections you will see dummy aura icons and bars to help visualize the changes.

> Slightly re-styled tooltips to make them less intrusive by removing the POW graphic from the bottom of the frame. Seemed like too much at times.

> NEW: Round style for minimaps that use the "rotateMinimap" interface option.

> REMOVED: WorldMap movement alpha settings. Blizzard has a built-in function for this now under your Interface options.

> WorldMap issues with elements becoming unclickable are fixed
> WorldMap tooltip issues are fixed
> Bag slot coloring has been revised. Specialty bag colors will now take priority over rarity of the item.
> Garrison map icon is properly anchored now
> Auto-Quest features are working as they should
> Nameplate issues should be resolved
> In combat messages should no longer cause errors
> Auctionhouse styles revised
> Inventory coin icons are working
> Inventory quest icons/borders are working
> Added dock option to change dock button sizes
> Character stats pane issue fixed
> Raid leader tool bugs fixed (if you even noticed them)
> Skada dock issues fixed
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06-29-11 08:29 AM

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Unread 01-19-11, 10:10 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thank you for your great support in this UI

However I found some problem about moving pet bar. I'm not sure whether I'm doing wrong or not and how to unlock the skill/spell bar (to move it out from the bar and how to hover the button on the screen not in the interface)
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Unread 01-19-11, 10:10 PM  
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Originally posted by chongwho
1) Player buffs aren’t showing above unit frames (ie Slice & Dice, Blade Fury etc) Target debuffs, DoT’s, bleeds are all working, only player ones aren’t. I have the aurabar settings on number 4. They were all working fine before updating to 19.6
I can confirm this one, was just about to post it myself.
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Unread 01-19-11, 09:14 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Still having a couple of issues. If someone could help me it would be much appreciated.

1) Player buffs aren’t showing above unit frames (ie Slice & Dice, Blade Fury etc) Target debuffs, DoT’s, bleeds are all working, only player ones aren’t. I have the aurabar settings on number 4. They were all working fine before updating to 19.6
2) The big shield thing that appears over my unit frames for evasion (some kind of aura addon), can I get rid of that? It blocks my health bar. (before I installed 19.6, evasion was just a regular buff bar above unit frames)
3) The roles (ie tank, healer, dps) next to party members has now gone as of 19.6, is there any way to get these back?
4) The standard WOW buffs top of screen next to the minimap, is there a way to make these smaller? When fully buffed they go right across the screen, sometimes blocking text that I need to read.

Sorry for all the questions, I just really want to get this UI working perfectly for me.
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Unread 01-19-11, 12:00 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Still the same

Originally posted by kargee
Thx for your reply

i've clean all my folders and try with the v.19.6 without any other addon, but the bug persists. Yes, my game client is french...

So i will wait for your update and tell you if it's good for your french fans !

Despite this bug, i just want to tell you your ui is the best i've tested, so thx for your hard work!
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Unread 01-19-11, 11:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Still the same

Thx for your reply

i've clean all my folders and try with the v.19.6 without any other addon, but the bug persists. Yes, my game client is french...

So i will wait for your update and tell you if it's good for your french fans !

Despite this bug, i just want to tell you your ui is the best i've tested, so thx for your hard work!
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Unread 01-19-11, 11:28 AM  
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Re: Got a huge pb

Originally posted by kargee
I need your help please !!!

since the svui 19.2 i've got a huge problem, the main zone on the screen is yellow and i can't do things on it with my mouse like to move my char. .
i've done the "/resetsvui" but without sucess ...
i've taken a picture for you:

please help me cause i love your fantastic ui

What locale is your game client?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just realized it's the French client. There was a bug in the localization of the "frFR" clients that has been fixed in today's update (that should be up in a couple of hours). Once that is available, download and CLEAN INSTALL it! Then let me know if the problem persists.
Last edited by Munglunch : 01-19-11 at 11:30 AM.
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Unread 01-19-11, 11:05 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Got a huge pb

I need your help please !!!

since the svui 19.2 i've got a huge problem, the main zone on the screen is yellow and i can't do things on it with my mouse like to move my char. .
i've done the "/resetsvui" but without sucess ...
i've taken a picture for you:

please help me cause i love your fantastic ui

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Unread 01-19-11, 10:28 AM  
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Re: Re: Re: Autobar

Originally posted by Fueltank
Ok, sounds good.
I expect to see a new version released by 5:00PM today.
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Unread 01-19-11, 09:30 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Re: Autobar

Originally posted by Munglunch
First, thank you for support me and my work!
Second, I like the idea of a professions datapanel! Let me see what I can deviate from that concept......
Ok, sounds good.
I expect to see a new version released by 5:00PM today.
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Unread 01-19-11, 09:19 AM  
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Re: Autobar

Originally posted by Fueltank
On the topic of the Autobar's inconsistent performance, I would agree with your earlier comments that you may as well just strip that code out alltogether.
It's a cool feature but I'm sure many users probably don't even bother with it after it has failed them when they needed that critical health pot the most! :P

I can't get enough the having the Xforte-escque Cooldown bar, though.

Some of the recent UI changes were subtle but certainly round out the overall flare of the project. It's amazing dude and from all of us who hang on your forums waiting for news of the next release - a hearty "Thank You".

With that being said, here is a suggestion:
Could you integrate something into one of the top bar things (whatever they are called) - you know, where you can customize them showing you DPS, GUILD/FRIENDS online, the Clock, bags, etc? Could you make one that shows your current SKILL LEVEL per profession?

I'm leatherworking and skinning and I would love (at a quick glance versus going into my spellbook) to see my my skinning level is as I progress it, etc?
First, thank you for support me and my work!
Second, I like the idea of a professions datapanel! Let me see what I can deviate from that concept......
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Unread 01-19-11, 08:43 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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On the topic of the Autobar's inconsistent performance, I would agree with your earlier comments that you may as well just strip that code out alltogether.
It's a cool feature but I'm sure many users probably don't even bother with it after it has failed them when they needed that critical health pot the most! :P

I can't get enough the having the Xforte-escque Cooldown bar, though.

Some of the recent UI changes were subtle but certainly round out the overall flare of the project. It's amazing dude and from all of us who hang on your forums waiting for news of the next release - a hearty "Thank You".

With that being said, here is a suggestion:
Could you integrate something into one of the top bar things (whatever they are called) - you know, where you can customize them showing you DPS, GUILD/FRIENDS online, the Clock, bags, etc? Could you make one that shows your current SKILL LEVEL per profession?

I'm leatherworking and skinning and I would love (at a quick glance versus going into my spellbook) to see my my skinning level is as I progress it, etc?
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Unread 01-19-11, 04:10 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Sharmazh
I'm just glad you made it a bar (and for the person that originally asked, it's the same for Atramedes). The bar beats the crap out of that stupid sound circle that blizzard provides
hmm ... okay now i know it for the next raid
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Unread 01-19-11, 01:42 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Munglunch
Yup, you found it! I am uploading an update that thickens up that bar making it easier to see.
I'm just glad you made it a bar (and for the person that originally asked, it's the same for Atramedes). The bar beats the crap out of that stupid sound circle that blizzard provides
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Unread 01-18-11, 08:36 PM  
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Originally posted by Sharmazh
Actually, it looked to me like the depravity frame for Cho'gall was just under the player frame on the unit frames (thin purple line). I have yet to fight Atramedes since the most recent update, so I can't be sure on that until later tonight.
Yup, you found it! I am uploading an update that thickens up that bar making it easier to see.
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Unread 01-18-11, 08:33 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by muffinmonster
Some buggs:
- the bossframes are still buggy ... i don't know if you tried to fix it ^^ ...
- the player aura bars don't work ... /: i dont see any procs, selfheal and stuff
- and the depravity-frame still doesn't show!

Are you possible to add a bar or something like that to the raidframe (dps/grid) which shows the depravity of that player while fighting against Cho'gall and the noise-level while being infight against Atramedes?
Actually, it looked to me like the depravity frame for Cho'gall was just under the player frame on the unit frames (thin purple line). I have yet to fight Atramedes since the most recent update, so I can't be sure on that until later tonight.
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