Updated: 02-06-11 10:03 AM
File Info
Updated:02-06-11 10:03 AM
Created:06-12-10 06:58 AM

Ligia's UI  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.1
by: Ligia [More]

Welcome to my UI, specially featured for healers!

Now in action:


Sreen Resolution: there are four different WTF folders in the compilation, for the following resolutions: 2560x1440, 1920x1080, 1600x900 and 1280x720. Choose yours and rename that folder "WTF".

1. Make a backup of your Interface, WTF and Fonts folders in a safe place.

2. Download the compilation and unzip the folders in your World of Warcraft Directory. Choose the WTF folder that corresponds to your resolution as said above.

3. Open the WTF folder and rename "your account name", "your server name" and "your character name".

4. Log into the game and type /reflux switch Ligia (case sensitive).

5. Some addons might requiere manual setting. Set the "Ligia" profile in them.

6. Grid: there's special profiles for each healer class. Just type /grid and go to Profile. Select the desired class in the list (there might be some profiles repeated that just dont work, try until you find the right one as I couldn't delete them properly). Now I also include a DPS profile, with smaller frames and less indicators.

7. Dominos: as the totem bar is placed in the center of the action bars, some classes would have an empty space there. If you don't play a shaman, you will have to manually move the lower bars to fill the gap the totem bar would leave in the center, or place there the stance bar if appropiate.


Bienvenidos a mi UI, especial para healers!


Resolución de la pantalla: hay cuatro carpetas WTF para distintas resoluciones: 2560x1440, 1920x1080, 1600x900, 1280x720. Escoge la tuya y cámbiale el nombre a "WTF" simplemente.

1. Haz una copia de seguridad de tus carpetas Addons, Fonts y WTF y guárdalas en un lugar seguro.

2. Descarga la compilación y extráela en las correspondientes carpetas de tu directorio de World of Warcraft.

3. Abre la carpeta WTF deseada y cambia el nombre de las siguientes carpetas: "your account name" -> el nombre de tu cuenta (no el de battle net), "your server name" -> el nombre de tu servidor, y "your character name" -> el nombre de tu personaje.

4. Entra al juego y escribe: /reflux switch Ligia (respetando las mayúsculas).

5. Algunos addons han de ser configurados manualmente. Busca en ellos el Perfil "Ligia".

6. Grid: hay perfiles especiales para cada tipo de healer. Escribe /grid config y ve a Profile. Selecciona la clase deseada en la lista (puede que haya varios perfiles que no sirven para nada, tendrás que probar hasta que encuentres el correcto porque esos no pude borrarlos). Ahora también he incluído un perfil para DPS, con frames más pequeños y menos indicadores.

7. Dominos: como la barra de tótems está en medio de las barras de acción, las clases que no tienen una barra especial tendrían un hueco en ese lugar. Tendrás que escribir /dominos y mover las barras inferiores si es necesario. El comando /align mostrará una rejilla en pantalla para alinear perfectamente las barras.



The additional textures are AI Art's (not included).

All the addons used here can be found in WoWinterface, Curse or WoWAce. All credits go to their respective creators.

I hope everything works fine. Feel free to comment any errors you may find.


01/07/10: addons up to date due to patch 3.5. Some useless addons disabled. Additional pluggins for grid (Priest and Shaman).
21/07/10: some appearance changes, moslty concerning unit frames and bars. Also tried to make the compilation a little more lightweighted.
27/08/10: changed Recount for Skada and made the compilation a bit more lightweighted. Fixed Boss and Arena stUF frames.
15/11/10: version 2.0.
29/12/10: version 3.0.
6/02/10. version 3.1. Included support for different resolutions.
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