Updated: 04-21-13 01:36 PM
File Info
Updated:04-21-13 01:36 PM
Created:12-23-11 03:01 PM

Jigsaw Master

Version: v1.2.1
by: killerpet1986 [More]

What does it do?

Jigsaw Master is an addon that allows you to complete jigsaw puzzles. There are three difficulty levels Easy (5x5), Medium (10x10), and Hard (15x15). You must complete these difficulties to unlock the extra images. There is also a custom option which becomes accessible when you complete medium or hard difficulty puzzles.

Progress on puzzles is automatically saved between sessions and can be resumed by clicking the "Continue" button on the top right corner of the screen.

How many puzzles are included?

9 puzzles are included with 4 difficulties
(Easy (5x5), Medium (10x10), Hard (15x15) and Custom)

What are the slash commands?

/jigm - Shows the jigsaw window
(you can also use /jigsawmaster or /jmaster)


Why do some puzzles show up as ? blocks?
As you complete the first puzzles the next puzzles are unlocked.

This addon is awesome! How do I give you my money?

You dont need to donate, simply downloading and leaving a nice comment is good enough for me. On the other hand, if you want to leave a nice comment AND donate you can do so by clicking the donate button above.

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