Updated: 02-11-21 09:33 AM
File Info
Shadowlands patch (9.0.2)
Updated:02-11-21 09:33 AM
Created:09-29-14 04:08 AM
Categories:Tank Compilations, Graphical Compilations, Minimalistic Compilations, Class Compilations, DPS Compilations, Generic Compilations

BrutallStatic UI (2560 x 1440)  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 7.0.4
by: BrutallStatic [More]

Hey guys, Brutall here. My UI is designed around playing a Beast Mastery Hunter or Marksmanship Hunter in WoW, but you can easily adapt it to any class, specialization, and/or role as you see fit. I won't cover the specifics of how to edit it for another class, specialization, or role on this website, so you'll have to experiment on your own. The one thing I will say, however, is that generally, all you need is a set of WeakAuras for whatever you're playing.

You can see my UI in action on my Twitch channel, where I stream nearly every day. This is also the best place to report any problems, as I prefer to help people by showing them a solution rather than typing a solution in the comment section.

Additionally, you're more than welcome to download my Hunter WeakAuras, my Plater profile, or my ElvUI profile. Again, just come visit me on my Twitch channel if you have any questions or issues.

Tips, Tricks, and Advice

  1. You will be downloading my WeakAuras, so MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP!!! Using a website like Pastebin is a common choice.
  2. If you are experienced in setting up and installing User Interfaces within World of Warcraft, feel free to skip to Phase 4 in the Installation Instructions.
Installation Instructions: Phase 1 - Saving Your Old UI
  1. Create a new folder on your desktop and name it "Old UI Files".
  2. Find and open your "World of Warcraft" folder, and remove your current "WTF" and "Interface" folders from within "_retail_". Place these two folders in your "Old UI Files" folder. I cannot stress the importance of this step enough. I am not responsible for lost data during your installation.
  3. Within "Old UI Files", open the "WTF" folder. Make a copy of the "" file and place it on your desktop.
  4. Now open the "Account" folder. Ignore the "SavedVariables" folder. If you only play on a single account, you'll see a folder with your account name. Please note that instead of an account name, it may be a string of numbers with a # sign toward the end. Either way, you will need this information in Phase 3 of the installation.
Installation Instructions: Phase 2 - Dealing with Keybinds and Macros
  1. Please note: Phase 2 is only important if you want to retain the keybindings and macros you've created. If you don't care about these two factors, skip to Phase 3.
  2. Create a new folder on your desktop and name it "Old Account Name Files".
  3. Back in "Old UI Files", open your "Account Name" folder, and copy the two "Bindings" files and the two "Macros" files. Place these inside of the "Old Account Name Files" folder.
  4. Create a new folder on your desktop and name it "Old Character Files".
  5. Back in "Old UI Files", open the folder that has the name of the server you play on. Now open the folder that has the name of the character you play. Copy the two "Bindings" files and the two "Macros" files. Place these inside of the "Old Character Files" folder.
  6. If you play multiple characters and you have character-specific keybinds or character-specific macros, you can repeat the prior steps as many times you need to. Just keep track of which servers and characters you're making copies for (i.e. name the folders you're placing these files in appropriately, as you don't want to put the keybinds and macros of one class on another).
Installation Instructions: Phase 3 - Getting Everything Ready
  1. Download "Brutall UI" to your desktop.
  2. Extract "Brutall UI" to your desktop.
  3. Open the "Brutall UI" folder. Open the "WTF" folder. Remove the "" from your desktop and place it in this folder.
  4. Open the "Account" folder. Rename the "YOURACCOUNTNAME" folder to whatever you discovered in step 4 of Phase 1.
  5. Please note: Some of the following steps in Phase 3 are unnecessary if you are negating your old keybinds and/or macros.
  6. Open the "Old Account Name Files" folder and copy the two "Bindings" files and the two "Macros" files.
  7. Back in "Brutall UI", open the "YOURACCOUNTNAME" folder and paste the two "Bindings" files and the two "Macros" files.
  8. Rename the "YOURSERVERNAME" folder to your server's name (capitalize the first letter).
  9. Enter the "YOURSERVERNAME" folder and rename "YOURCHARACTERNAME" to your character's name (capitalize the first letter).
  10. Open the "Old Character Files" folder and copy the two "Bindings" files and the two "Macros" files.
  11. Back in "Brutall UI", open the "YOURCHARACTERNAME" folder and paste the two "Bindings" files and the two "Macros" files.
  12. Repeat the prior steps as needed depending upon how many keybind and macro folders you made.
Installation Instructions: Phase 4 - Out with the Old, In with the New
  1. Close all folders.
  2. Open the "Brutall UI" folder. Copy the "WTF" and "Interface" folders. Paste them into your "_retail_" folder within your "World of Warcraft" folder.
  3. Go to the download page of ElvUI and download ElvUI.
  4. Go to the download page of ElvUI Shadow and Light and download ElvUI Shadow and Light.
  5. Go to the download page of and download the addon.
  6. Extract all of the addon files (they will turn into folders upon extraction) you just downloaded to your desktop.
  7. Back in the "World of Warcraft" folder, open the "Interface" folder within "_retail_". Open the "AddOns" folder.
  8. Place all of the extracted ElvUI folders, and any other addons you just downloaded, into your "AddOns" folder.
Installation Instructions: Phase 5 - Setting Up The UI
  1. Launch World of Warcraft and click the "Addons" button at the character selection screen. Make sure you have "Load out of date addons" checked.
  2. You may also find it beneficial to disable the following addons for any number of reasons: CanIMogIt? (if you don't care about transmog), GTFO (if you don't want audible alerts warning you when you're standing in fire), and CrossGambling (if you don't plan on gambling with your gold during raids)
  3. Log into the game on whichever character you're setting this UI up for.
  4. Once you're in the game, you'll be met with the ElvUI Installation process. Click the X in the upper right-hand corner for now.
  5. Type /ec, and on the left side of the ElvUI window, toward the bottom, click "Profiles". Find the "Copy From" drop-down menu. Select "Default".
  6. At this point you'll be greeted, once again, by the ElvUI Installation window. Click "Continue" until you reach page 6. Now click "Class". Continue to page 7 and make sure your Auto Scale is set to 0.62. (Please note: If you are using a resolution other than 2560x1440, you'll want to find what UI scale works best for you) Continue to page 10 and click "Finished".
  7. Type /ec to open ElvUI's menu again, and click on "BlizzUI Improvements" at the top. Make sure "Raid Control" has its box deselected. (Please note: If you often use the Raid Control options in-game, feel free to leave this enabled, but I do not, thus, I turn it off)
  8. While still in "BlizzUI Improvements", make sure the "Chat Bubbles" font is set to "Univers" as well.
  9. While still in "General", find the "Alternative Power" tab and make sure the font is set to "Univers" as well.
  10. While still in "General", go to the "Media" tab. Change all fonts to "Univers" if they are not already set as such.
  11. Now find "Bags" on the far left. Uncheck the "Enable" box.
  12. Now find "Buffs and Debuffs" on the far left. Uncheck the "Debuffs" box at the top.
  13. Now find "Nameplates" on the far left. Uncheck the "Enable" box.
  14. Now find "Shadow & Light" in the bottom left corner. Click the "Skins" tab. Go to the "Merchant Frame" tab and check the "Enable" box.
  15. Now click the "Modules" tab up top. Select "Armory Mode". Click on "Backdrop". Set this to whatever you want. Now click on "Gradient". Click on the color box next to "Gradient Texture Color". Now click the "Class" button. Go to the "Attributes" tab and select which stats you want to have displayed on your character screen.
  16. Reload your UI (if you aren't being prompted to do so, just type in /rl and press enter).
  17. Toward the bottom of your screen, hover your mouse cursor over your gold count, press and hold your shift key and then right-click. This will correct any issues with the amount of gold displayed on your account, as when you imported my ElvUI file, it copied over my character's gold count, too.
  18. Open your bags, typically done by pressing your "C" key, and in the upper left-hand corner, click your character's icon. Hover over any name that isn't yours and "remove" them all (if you don't do this you will, once again, see an incorrect gold count on your account).
  19. Hit escape and click on "Interface" within the game menu. In the "Game" tab, go to "Combat". Set the "Spell Alert Opacity" bar to "Off".
  20. Now go to "ActionBars" on the left and make sure "Show Numbers for Cooldowns" is unchecked.
  21. Now go to the "AddOns" tab. Click "Death Note", and verify that the option "Show in the unit popup menu" is checked (if it isn't, check it). Click on "Announce" and click the box next to "Announce deaths".
  22. While still within the "Addons" tab, go to "RareScanner", and in the "Zone filters" decide which zones you want to be alerted in when you come across a rare NPC (a yellow box next to a zone's name means you will be alerted).
  23. While still within the "Addons" tab, go to "SavedInstances", then "Characters", and click the "Reset Characters" button.
  24. While still within the "Addons" tab, go to "Spy", go down to "Profiles", and choose "Brullseye-Tichondrius".
  25. Close the game menu, and right-click the tab on your chat window. Resize and reposition it to your liking.
  26. Type /simc minimap to remove the minimap button.
  27. If you're planning on leveling, type /aap and set up Azeroth Auto Pilot to your liking, otherwise disable the addon.
  28. If you are not a Hunter, you can also disable Misdirection Helper.
  29. Type /camp and press enter. This will save all the changes you've just made. Enjoy your new UI. You worked hard to get it setup. But not as hard as me!
All credit goes to the individual addon authors.

Additionally, it would be in your best interest to verify the addons that are used in this UI are always up to date (the easiest way to do this is by using something like to automatically update your addons, but remember, ElvUI has to be downloaded and installed manually with each update). I'll always update the UI when important updates occur, but it's your responsibility to maintain it. And once again, it's incredibly important you take the time to find some WeakAuras for whatever you're playing. It will make a world of difference.

Lastly, if you have any problems with installation or have any question/requests regarding the UI, while you can post in the comments section, it's far quicker and easier to ask me on my Twitch channel. Either way, I will respond as soon as I can.

You can also reach me at my Twitter, my YouTube, my Facebook, or my Twitch.

Version 7.0.4 - February 11th, 2020
• Plater now does a much better job of visually explaining when you can and when you cannot land your interrupt
• MM WAs continue to improve to make your life, and your damage, that much better
• I've disabled a bunch of duplicate Castle Nathria alerts
• Something something QoL changes

Version 7.0.3 - January 22nd, 2020
• I've adjusted the installation instructions slightly to make sure your UI is optimized in-game
• Continued work on a variety of WeakAuras, especially if you're a Hunter, so enjoy even more QoL improvements
• Instead of relying on the macro, I installed the Great Vault minimap button, so use it if you care to

Version 7.0.2 - January 19th, 2020
• HUGE WeakAuras upgrades all around, especially for Marksmanship
• Repositioned M+/raiding WeakAuras to be easier to track a variety of things
• Various QoL improvements for WQs, The Maw, etc.

Version 7.0.1 - December 22nd, 2020
• In this update you'll find a variety of WA and QoL updates, but various WAs aren't sized/positioned optimally yet due to the frequency of their updating, so thank you for your patience while the dust settles

Version 7.0.0 - December 8th, 2020
• Welcome to v7.0.0!
• A whole new suite of WeakAuras has been installed, but they've yet to be optimized, so when using them, expect things to be out of place, fonts to be unmatched, etc.
• I'll be pushing updates weekly for a little while (even through the holidays!) to make sure everything works well and you have as bug-free of an experience as possible.
• A few addons have been removed, and a few others have been installed, so poke around and let me know if you have any questions.
• Nothing has been configured for alts yet, so if you're playing something other than a Hunter, you'll definitely want to make sure you have your ducks in a row.

Version 6.2.0 - November 23rd, 2020
• Shadowlands is here!
• The UI had been converted to 2560 x 1440
• Everything is completely updated and optimized for leveling in Shadowlands, including fancy new WeakAuras
• Another update will come in the next week or so to help you better optimize for dungeons, raiding, etc.
• Enjoy :)

Version 6.1.3 - November 8th, 2020
* This update may have a few bugs, so be prepared for that, but for the most part, it should be just fine
* This update is a bandaid for the larger fix I have coming for Shadowlands when it launches in a couple of weeks
* I'm also planning on upgrading to 1440p monitors in the near future, which means I'm going to be rebuilding my entire UI from the ground up, so if you like the UI now, just you wait ;)

Version 6.1.2 - July 13th, 2020
* Updated the installation process to better reflect the changes that were made in ElvUI

Version 6.1.1 - July 10th, 2020
* ElvUI pushed a big update and everything should be optimized in this build for your needs
* I tweaked and fixed a bunch of WAs, both Hunter and Ny'alotha specific, so that information is being fed accurately and appropriately
* Various small addons installed to make your lives more enjoyable in-game

Version 6.1.0 - April 7th, 2020
* I did a huge WeakAuras overhaul (specifically for BM Hunters)
* I'm not done adjusting the positioning of everything, so expect another update within a few weeks (it will also likely be my final update for BFA)

Version 6.0.0 - February 26th, 2020
* Everything has been updated for patch 8.3 - enjoy!

Version 5.0.0 - September 10th, 2019
* It's been about half a year since I updated the UI, so instead of listing a bunch of things I didn't keep track of, just enjoy it for what it is - a functional UI for your WoW needs :)

Version 4.2.0 - March 25th, 2019
* I've updated the UI to function as close to perfection as possible for patch 8.1.5
* My UI now uses Plater nameplates for a variety of reasons, but namely due to their sheer overwhelming POWER, so enjoy them and let me know if anything doesn't function properly
* As always, I continue to tweak and improve tiny aspects of every addon, so enjoy the QOL improvements, but let me know if you run into any complications

Version 4.1.0 - December 26th, 2018
* Sadly there are a variety of bugs with this update, such as ElvUI freaking out at random, but BugGrabber should keep them out of your face...for the most part

Version 4.0.2 - August 22nd, 2018
* I've changed the mission table addon to something that actually works
* I've repositioned and resized some WAs for your viewing pleasure
* I've added an addon to display Azerite traits in the tooltip

Version 4.0.1 - August 12th, 2018
* Everything should be 100% functional for BFA - ENJOY THE RIDE!
* I'm still experimenting with WQ addons considering how many ways Blizzard has broken their API recently, so sorry if some of them seem redundant
* Don't forget you need to download some WAs for your class/spec (unless you play a Warlock, as those are included)

Version 4.0.0 - July 30th, 2018
* The UI has been updated, enhanced, improved, and much more - enjoy!
* There are still some issues with the UI, namely the need to ignore a bug warning after combat is initiated, but they will be resolved in time

Version 3.2.1 - April 15th, 2018
* I added the addon OPie to make swapping gear in M+, raids, etc. fast and easy (please note: you need to set up your own gear sets, which is why I linked you the addon's URL so you can learn all about it)
* I added the Method Dungeon Tools addon to make planning M+ routes fast and easy (please note: you need to set up your own routes, which is why I linked you the addon's URL so you can learn all about it)
* This will likely be one of my final updates for Legion due to BFA releasing in 4 months (from this post obviously), but as always, if you need any help head over to my Twitch channel

Version 3.2.0 - January 26th, 2018
* Added WeakAuras for everyone's CDs regarding Mythic+ and raiding, if you want to turn this WeakAura off, just find "!Tehr" after typing /WA and make sure it isn't set to load
* Other WeakAura fixes, improvements, changes, etc.
* Integrated a few additional addons for Mythic+ dungeons
* As always, if any issues arise, please report them immediately

Version 3.1.4 - December 7th, 2017
* Added a WA pack for Antorus, the Burning Throne
* All addons should be functioning within operating parameters

Version 3.1.3 - November 7th, 2017
* Color schemes across the UI should be more consistent
* If you manually update this UI from time to time and you run into an issue where everything is reset or deleted, please just redownload the UI and reinstall it (also, feel free to report the issue to me on my Twitch channel)

Version 3.1.2 - October 17th, 2017
* I've corrected the issue with NPCs talking to you during WQs, so enjoy the peace and quiet
* I forgot to write down what else I fixed, updated, improved, etc., so uh...enjoy the UI :P

Version 3.1.1 - October 7th, 2017
* I've simply updated all relevant addons (no major updates or changes, just various fixes and performance improvements)

Version 3.1.0 - September 21st, 2017
* I've updated the UI for patch 7.3 (Argus). Nearly everything is functional (aside from world quests no longer being silenced due to that particular addon being broken)
* I'm sure I've made numerous improvements since my last update, but I don't remember all the specifics. As always, if you have any questions, find me on Twitch

Version 3.0.1 - June 27th, 2017
* No dramatic changes from what I uploaded last week, just a bunch of updates and WA tweaks
* My installation instructions aren't completely updated yet, so if you run into any issues, contact me on Twitch

Version 3.0.0 - June 18th, 2017
* The entire UI has been redesigned
* Destruction Warlock WAs have not been updated yet, but they will be soon (Aff and Demo are good to go)
* Play the game, let me know what looks weird, or happens to be broken, and enjoy :)

Version 2.2.2 - April 13th, 2017
* Cleaned up a bunch of WAs
* Updated a bunch of addons in the pack

Version 2.2.1 - April 4th, 2017
* Cleaned up a few raiding WAs
* Various addon updates to make fewer errors occur

Version 2.2.0 - March 30th, 2017
* Removed a Macro addon that was mostly useless
* Uuuuuuuuh, a lot of things are broken, or slightly broken at best, but it should be functional
* Expect numerous updates over the next few days/weeks, so check often

Version 2.1.7 - February 6th, 2017
* Added the SimPermut addon that allows you to select various pieces of gear in your bags for SimC
* Added the SavedInstances addon that reports the raids you're saved to across your account, amongst other helpful tidbits
* Added Mage WAs (specifically for Fire)

Version 2.1.6 - January 18th, 2017
* Improved Demonology and Affliction Warlock WeakAuras
* Improved Assassination Rogue WeakAuras
* Fixed Norgannon's Foresight WeakAura (you'll want to enable it for your class/spec in the settings)
* Moved GM ticket positioning to the upper left corner of the screen

Version 2.1.5 - January 17th, 2017
* WAs have been added for Nighthold
* Warlock WAs have been updated, but there is still work to be done for Destruction
* Various addons have been updated to make your life easier in various PvE settings

Version 2.1.4 - December 27th, 2016
* General nonsense to make the UI better

Version 2.1.3 - November 29th, 2016
* I'm waiting for BNET maintenance to finish, so I figured I'd update the ol' UI, but this also means I haven't tested it, so if anything is broken, just let me know and I'll update it accordingly
* I have added some WeakAuras for ToV progression (specifically Mythic progression)
* I tweaked some Warlock WeakAuras, but I still have to fix some font and positional issues for Affliction/Destruction (expect these before the end of the year)

Version 2.1.2 - November 8th, 2016
* General UI maintenance and addon updates

Version 2.1.1 - November 1st, 2016
* Removed EnemyGrid :(
* Replaced Skada with Details
* Added Rogue WeakAuras
* General cleaning of UI

Version 2.1.0 - October 27th, 2016
* Most of everything in the UI should be updated and functional, but you may find the occasional bug or issue (please report them ASAP)
* I've disabled EnemyGrid due to it not serving much of a purpose anymore
* Cleaned up a few Emerald Nightmare WeakAuras
* Expect another update by the end of this week

Version 2.0.15 - October 19th, 2016
* Just various improvements to make the UI more streamlined and enjoyable

Version 2.0.14 - October 12th, 2016
* I removed Telemancy since DLC does the same thing
* I've added Angry Keystones to make your Mythic+ experience more enjoyable
* I've added ArtifactTab to make your artifact weapon experience more enjoyable
* There are numerous Emerald Nightmare WeakAura adjustments in this update, so use them to your advantage and own those DPS meters
* Generic QoL changes

Version 2.0.13 - September 27th, 2016
* Added a couple QoL addons: GottaGoFast (shows you the time you need for 2 or 3 chests in Mythic+ dungeons), NomiCaked (shows you what you'll get from Nomi when you give him specific reagents)
* Hunter WeakAuras should be up to date now...should be...
* Various tweaks and fixes to make your life easier and the UI more enjoyable

Version 2.0.12 - September 14th, 2016
* Aff/Demo/Destro Warlock and BM/MM Hunter WAs have continued to receive updates, alterations, improvements, etc.
* I've added the following addons: Garrison Mission Manager (simplifies sending your followers on missions, even in Legion), LittleWigs (boss mod for dungeons), Macro Tool Kit (makes making macros easier), Telemancy (visual representation in Suramar of where each portal sends you), World Quests List (a list of world quests that are available when viewing the map of the Broken Isles), and World Quest Tracker (icons of world quests displayed on the map of the Broken Isles)
* I'm going to be experimenting with different WeakAuras in the near future that would replace the unit frame of yourself, your target, and your target's target, so don't be alarmed if something drastic changes

Version 2.0.11 - August 29th, 2016
* The Burning Legion has RETURNED!
* Lots of WeakAura changes, most of which you probably won't use or need, so just type /WA and delete whatever is unnecessary for you
* zPets is gone, as the WeakAura can now operate without it
* Some settings might not have transferred properly in this update, so if you notice anything is off, please report it to me

Version 2.0.10 - August 14th, 2016
* I added an addon that will remove any texture from the boss button so that it matches the rest of the UI
* I transferred my Warlock (the character the UI is based around) from Arthas to Hyjal, so if there are any issues with ANYTHING, report them to me ASAP
* Repositioned the ghost frame and the boss button
* Reorganized the installation instructions to ensure your class color is attached to your UI properly
* Small tweaks and fixes you don't care about, but will appreciate nonetheless

Version 2.0.9 - August 11th, 2016
* I cleaned up the installation instructions a little bit, so be sure to verify you know what you're doing by reading through them
* Added dates to change logs
* Updated the definition of each version to help me keep track of things better
* I removed any addon that displays the location of Legion treasures or rares, so that it coincides better with my leveling guide
* Minor fixes and adjustments no one cares about so long as everything works

Version 2.0.8 - August 10th, 2016
* Added, deactivated, and updated various WeakAuras, so check them out to stay up the date
* Enhanced the merchant window
* Repositioned ERT raid notes
* Fixed positioning on Elkano's debuff bar
* I removed CinematicCanceller for the time being due to all of Legion's new cinematics
* Plenty of other QOL and visual changes I forgot to write down

Version 2.0.7 - August 8th, 2016
* Fixed a few WeakAuras and UnitFrame issues

Version 2.0.6 - August 5th, 2016
* I removed Elkano's buff display, and moved the minimap back to the upper right
* I renamed and repositioned various WeakAuras, so feel free to adjust, delete, improve, etc. them as you see fit
* I have EnemyGrid installed and operational now, and if your class/spec doesn't need it, just turn it off
* Spacing across the UI has been improved, and almost everything should be no more than 1 pixel apart
* I improved and updated the installation instructions, but if something needs to be added, let me know

Version 2.0.5 - August 3rd, 2016
* Many, many more minor (i.e. you probably won't even notice) tweaks
* I'm probably going to be removing a few addons and using more of the built in ElvUI options, and if/when this takes places, I'll be sure to explain what was changed in detail, so stay tuned
* I'll be redoing the installation instructions and adding new and improved screenshots to the download page in the next few days (famous last words...)
* I'll also be adding improved Warlock WeakAuras a few days before Legion's launch, and maybe some better Hunter ones, too, so hang in there

Version 2.0.4 - July 31st, 2016
* Numerous tiny tweaks to the ElvUI layout, specifically how text sits across each unitframe
* Added the zPets addon for Warlocks, which means now the WeakAuras should be fully functional
* Plenty of other QoL changes that I didn't think to write down

Version 2.0.3 - July 29th, 2016
* Added three new addons: DejaCharacterStats, CanIMogIt, and DoomShards
* Further adjustments have been made to NamePlates, UnitFrames, and WeakAuras (specifically for Warlocks)
* Known issues: Your character's level won't display on your character panel, and the Immolate WeakAura for Destruction Warlocks is still broken

Version 2.0.2 - July 28th, 2016
* I updated stuff

Version 2.0.1 - July 25th, 2016
* Way too many changes to list, but everything should almost be back to normal, and in some cases, improved.

Version 2.0.0 - July 23rd, 2016
* A lot has changed "behind the scenes", particularly the WeakAuras the UI uses, but the meat and bones have stayed relatively the same.
* You'll notice some of the scaling or positioning of the UI is off. This is due to a variety of addons not functioning properly in one way or another, but these issues will be fixed in the coming weeks.
* If you need help, just find me on my Twitch. Enjoy!

Version 1.4
* I know it's been a while, so I figured I'd upload an updated version of the UI - enjoy!
* I'm sure you'll find various UI elements have been improved and polished, but it's been so long I don't really know what those are anymore. If you find anything out of place, broken, or odd, please report it to me ASAP.
* You'll also find a lot of new, and in some cases unnecessary, WeakAuras. It's a bit of a mess at this time, so I apologize if they're overwhelming or ugly.

Version 1.3
* Enlarged Action Bars 2, 4, and 6 since they only appear through mouse over
* Repositioned the bank windows (not sure how well this will work, if at all, depending upon the size of your bags)
* Lessened the space between visible cooldown bars in ERT
* Increased the refresh time of the Premade Group Finder addon from 5 seconds to 10 seconds so that it doesn't appear to be bugged (it wasn't, it just refreshed faster than most people expected)
* Removed the Whisper Alert from the Premade Group Finder addon
* Another fix went in for Raid Frames - let me know if they're still not populating properly, please
* The primary chat window will now display Emotes, Yells, and all Creature Messages
* Moved the "Various Debuffs" WeakAura to align better with the Skada Windows
* Lowered the Hunter sigils on either side of the Action Bars for aesthetic reasons
* Made a larger WeakAura for Bloodlust (and every other spell that shares the same cool down) and threw it in the HFC Debuff group
* Added a WeakAura that will remind you to repair your gear when any item falls under 20% durability
* Edited the Missing Augment Rune WeakAura to say "Rune" instead of "Fed"
* Edited the Missing Food Buff WeakAura to say "Eat" instead of "Fed"
* Added a cool down display to the Thrill of the Hunt WeakAura

Version 1.2
* Added the health percentage to the Boss unit frames
* Improved visibility options for all raid sizes
* Added a group of WeakAuras to track the legendary ring
* Adjusted a few Hunter WeakAuras to help with Marksmanship rotation (i.e. sound/visual queues)
* Included a Heroism WeakAura for you dirty Alliance
* Edited all WeakAuras to use ElvUI Font
* Removed the Whisper Alert sound effect when ElvUI is mentioned in chat
* Resized the Stance Bar, but I can't reposition it as a Hunter AFAIK - Sorry!

Version 1.1
* WeakAura strings are now downloadable separately (just click the Pastebin links in the description)
* Main Assist unit frames have been disabled (what is this, 2005?)
* Various BigWigs countdowns have been enabled (based on what I do for HiJ, so turn off whatever you don't need)
* Removed the message "BOMBS" from a few random WeakAuras (sorry about the spam!)
* Adjusted the display of raid groups so that only 4 groups display in Mythic, and 6 in Heroic (instead of 6 for both)
* Lowered the height of enemy nameplates while above 35% HP (this way it's easier to determine what's eligible for Kill Shot)
* Widened the boss frames by 30 pixels (now they're easier to click when you need to burn something down)
* Fixed the Mirror of the Blademaster WeakAura to display how long it's on cooldown (this will yield a 8.225829% DPS increase...obviously)

Version 1.0
* It's a whole new world, baby.
* EVERYTHING has been redesigned and adjusted to optimize the role of a Ranged DPS (specifically a Hunter).
* This UI was built on July 18th and 19th, 2015, so there will likely be a few minor issues that I will address in the weeks to come. Just check back and download any updated editions.
* I'm not going to explain EVERY SINGLE THING about this UI. It functions as you would expect it to, and it looks good doing so. Install this bad boy and go to town!
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Unread 09-29-14, 07:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Brutall should try his hand at a Healing UI
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Unread 10-04-14, 10:28 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Just wanna say

I love this setup. Love the options, the layout, the addons chosen to be in it. All good man. Thank you!
Erinistu -
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Unread 10-04-14, 03:21 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Just wanna say

Originally Posted by Erinistu
I love this setup. Love the options, the layout, the addons chosen to be in it. All good man. Thank you!
My pleasure!
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Unread 10-12-14, 02:35 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Can't find your profile

I can't seem to find the Brutall-Arthas profile
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Unread 10-13-14, 01:16 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Can't find your profile

Originally Posted by Aneclya
I can't seem to find the Brutall-Arthas profile
That's odd, it's there for everyone else.
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Unread 10-24-14, 08:32 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Hi Brutall,

I have followed your install instructions, somewhat. When I unzip your file, in the AddOns folder there is already ElvUI, ElvUI_Config, ElvUI_Enhanced, and ChatFontSize. Your instructions say we need to also DL ElvUi which I did v7.30. My question is do I need to replace the folders already in your download with the v7.30 I downloaded from or what?

I tried with just your folders and I can not get anything close to the screenshot, some of the addon profiles do not have Brutall-Arthas as a choice, some do.

Thanks for your input and a great looking UI.
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Unread 10-27-14, 12:00 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Install

Originally Posted by Pops'Hunter
Hi Brutall,

I have followed your install instructions, somewhat. When I unzip your file, in the AddOns folder there is already ElvUI, ElvUI_Config, ElvUI_Enhanced, and ChatFontSize. Your instructions say we need to also DL ElvUi which I did v7.30. My question is do I need to replace the folders already in your download with the v7.30 I downloaded from or what?

I tried with just your folders and I can not get anything close to the screenshot, some of the addon profiles do not have Brutall-Arthas as a choice, some do.

Thanks for your input and a great looking UI.
Ignore my previous instructions, download my 2.1 update, and follow the new instructions. Lemme know if you need any further help! I'm normally live on my Twitch channel.
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Unread 11-04-14, 09:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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hey dude, followed instructions perfectly and everything is in place as it should apart from raid frames, they seem to be to the left of the screen, i havent had chance to test this in a full 25 man yet, but while im doing solo old content the raid frames are on the left of the screen and when u unlock them, the frame is bigger than the 40 man raid frame you have?

is this normal and when you have more than just solo player the frames move ?

also keep getting this error

Last edited by judicate : 11-04-14 at 09:45 AM.
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Unread 11-04-14, 06:52 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by judicate
hey dude, followed instructions perfectly and everything is in place as it should apart from raid frames, they seem to be to the left of the screen, i havent had chance to test this in a full 25 man yet, but while im doing solo old content the raid frames are on the left of the screen and when u unlock them, the frame is bigger than the 40 man raid frame you have?

is this normal and when you have more than just solo player the frames move ?

also keep getting this error

The raid frames are still bugged. I literally JUST updated my UI and uploaded it to the site, so by tomorrow I'm hoping it'll be fixed. I promise nothing, though.

Also, that error should be fixed with this update.
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Unread 11-05-14, 06:18 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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error fixed

raid frames indeed still bugged
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Unread 11-10-14, 02:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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hey dude any eta on a fix for the raid frames ?
or maybe could you send your settings via PM or something so i can duplicate your settings

atm when in 25 man raid or less the frames are on the left, when over 25 man they go into the middle as it should but then when over 30 they start to grow above the action bars

but if we / i could grab your settings for it or maybe a small vid showing how to set your frames up like they are on your stream that would be awesome
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Unread 11-11-14, 01:41 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by judicate
hey dude any eta on a fix for the raid frames ?
or maybe could you send your settings via PM or something so i can duplicate your settings

atm when in 25 man raid or less the frames are on the left, when over 25 man they go into the middle as it should but then when over 30 they start to grow above the action bars

but if we / i could grab your settings for it or maybe a small vid showing how to set your frames up like they are on your stream that would be awesome
I'll have one final update coming out Wednesday before WoD goes live. I'm hopeful the raid frames will FINALLY be fixed. No promises. They've been incredibly annoying...
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Unread 12-07-14, 10:37 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Your installation method of naming directories is cumbersome and outdated. Please switch to automated directory naming in WTF as many others have.
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Unread 12-07-14, 06:07 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Mixmas7er
Your installation method of naming directories is cumbersome and outdated. Please switch to automated directory naming in WTF as many others have.
How would I go about doing that? I'd LOVE to make it easier. SHOW ME THE WAY!!!
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Unread 12-08-14, 07:57 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by BrutallStatic
Originally Posted by Mixmas7er
Your installation method of naming directories is cumbersome and outdated. Please switch to automated directory naming in WTF as many others have.
How would I go about doing that? I'd LOVE to make it easier. SHOW ME THE WAY!!!
Reflux does what he is saying. Dontgiveafk
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