Compatible with Retail, Classic & TBC
Updated: 06-09-24 01:14 AM
File Info
Dark Heart (10.2.7)
Cataclysm Classic (4.4.0)
Updated:06-09-24 01:14 AM
Created:02-12-24 12:35 PM
Categories:Bags, Bank, Inventory, Cataclysm Classic, Character Advancement, TradeSkill Mods

BetterBags - Archaeology  Updated this week!

Version: 1.05
by: myrroddin [More]

BetterBags - Archaeology
Plugin module for the World of Warcraft AddOn BetterBags that sorts all Archaeology items into a virtual group.

World of Warcraft Supported Versions

  • Cataclysm Classic
  • Mainline or retail. Currently, that is Dragonflight

Supported Items
The full list can be viewed online or with any text editor. I suggest Notepad++ which will maintain the readability of Database.lua when opening the file directly from the AddOn folder.

Bugs, Issues, and Improvements
Please use GitHub's issue tracker for the project. Thank you!

BetterBags - Archaeology
1.05 (2024-06-09)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
  • [All] There is no need for a ToC file for each WoW version
Optional Files (0)

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