Updated: 07-05-11 03:32 PM
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Updated:07-05-11 03:32 PM

NumPadBar  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 4.2
by: merak69 , Shaktar


  • Offers a choice of five popular keyboards
  • Offers a choice of three action bar sizes
  • Switches bars on form/stance changes, if desired
  • Hides the numpad or labels if desired
  • Locks all action bars during combat
  • Prevents shift-dragging actions out of numpad buttons during combat
  • Prevents dragging numpad off screen
  • Saves settings individually for each character
  • Displays detailed instructions in a scrollable tooltip
  • Compatible with OmniCC, a ui mod that displays cooldowns on buttons


Due to the lack of spare action slots for druids and warriors, slots of bottom action bar #2 are used to store numpad actions in. For moonkin and treeform druids, the entire bottom action bar #2 is used. For warriors and feral druids using arrow keys, only the rightmost 4 slots are used.


NumPadBar is an action bar in the shape of a numpad. It works like a built-in action bar such as the Bottom Right ActionBar, for example. You can drag actions and macros into and out of NumPadBar, just like other action bars.

The first major difference between NumPadBar and built-in action bars is that it is in the shape of a numpad. Also, keybindings for numpad keys are already set up for the numpad bar. These keybindings are temporary and are only used while the numpad is displayed.

The second major difference is that NumPadBar can be used as a normal action bar or as a stance bar. When using it as a normal action bar, the same actions are used no matter what stance you are in. When using it as a stance bar, the actions will change depending on your stance; they will be the same actions that are in the built-in stance bar.

You can move NumPadBar anywhere on screen. You can change its size. You can choose from a selection of popular keyboards; this affects the layout of the numpad keys. You can hide NumPadBar. You can hide the labels on the keys. You can select whether to display the Enter key (and override Chat binding), and whether to display the cursor keys (and override movement and other bindings).

In the heat of combat, it is all too easy to accidentally drag actions out of action bars. Therefore, NumPadBar, as well as the built-in action bars, are locked during combat. This prevents all changes to NumPadBar during combat.

You can display instructions in a scrollable tooltip by right-clicking the invisible background of NumPadBar near the numeric keys and selecting Help.

Please visit for the newest version.

a) updated toc for 4.2
a) updated toc for 4.1
a) updated toc for 4.0.1
a) updated version information
b) removed references to 'this' (which should have been done when 2.0 came out)
c) removed references to GetGlobal
a) correction to druid tree form stance switching
a) correction to druid spec swapping... correctly rebinds keys when switching specs
a) added logic to detect spec changes, specifically for druids (moonkin/tree)
b) split apart moonkin and tree form action bar mappings
c) changed moonkin and tree form bar mappings to more ideal action bar slots
a) updated toc for 3.3
a) updated toc for 3.2
a) added ability to hide the ui while keeping it active.
a) updated rogues to not conflict with new shadow dance stance slots
a) updated toc for 3.1
a) added death knight support.
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Unread 03-21-07, 03:43 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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What a great idea!

I've hardly used keybinds on my numberpad mostly because I'm sure I'd always forget what spells I've put on there... Well now I can just use them like other hotbars! Brilliant idea, long overdue.

Looking forward to EU maintenance finishing so I can try this out live.
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Unread 03-21-07, 04:35 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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First Bug, and it's a good one...

Somehow you're auto-hooking all the numberpad buttons by default... Including Enter and the arrow keys.

The problem is, WoW doesn't differentiate between NP-Enter and the normal Enter key; they're considered to be the same for purposes of keybinding. So, by hooking into this button you completely disable access to chat! Similarly, if anyone uses the arrow keys for movement, they can no longer move!

Hm, and my main is a druid, and already uses all his action bars... So that means this mod is essentially useless.

Perhaps you could consider the following for the future:

- Don't auto-hook the buttons. I think this could actually cause tainting issues anyway, but apart from that it causes the above-mentioned problems with chat and character movement. Instead, give us a new section in the Keybinding menu - this would also allow us to specify a modifier, allowing the buttons to retain their default (or any pre-existing user-programmed) uses while also making them viable as secondary spellcasting buttons.

- Include instructions on HOW to do the things you say are possible in the help menu, rather than just say they can be done. Knowing that I can make changes is nice, but being told how to make these changes would be much more useful! You also mentioned there's multiple layouts... How to access those would be handy, as the default doesn't match my keyboard.

- When loading the mod whilst playing Warriors/Druids/Rogues (who also use a "stance bar"), automatically select unused bars to store that characters numberpad actions - no class uses all 10 default bars, so there should always be available options.

My apologies for what sounds like a very negative post, but let me assure you that I'm actually very supportive of this as a concept - I hope you can iron out some of the wrinkles!

Aha... You've hidden the Readme file inside the LUA, where the problems I discovered are explained. Still, surely it would make more sense to avoid the issue entirely rather than force a workaround which will change behaviour patterns established over years?

In fact, I see an awful lot of useful information hidden away in the LUA - what a shame that there was no obvious way to access this information from within the game! "/numbarpad" just told me what it did, and to type "/numbarpad help" for more help, which then gave me the basic Readme info but no further instruction on how to access the deeper functions. Aside from the counter-intuitiveness of hiding all this information inside the LUA file, it also unnecessarily increases the amount of data loaded into memory... Could you not just use a Readme file like everyone else?

Action Bar Slots 1-12 and 109-120 aren't used by warriors, so wouldn't it make sense for those to be their defaults for use in NumBarPad? Druids could automaticlly be assigned 85-96 and 109-120. Slot 109's auto-attack autofill isn't a bug, it's just lazy coding by Blizzard; changing it causes no ill effects AFAIK (at least it never did when I used to use PopBar.)

Again, I must repeat that all of this blabbering is meant to be an aid to future development and hopefully widespread adoption of your add-on - while you obviously have had no problem adopting new playstyles to accommodate the restrictions your addon enforces, others are likely to be more set in their ways. When offering additional buttons, telling two classes that often need every possible toolbar that they have to sacrifice two of their existing bars in order to use your product isn't going to be a good selling point.

Good luck with version 2.0.1.
Last edited by RealUnimportant : 03-21-07 at 05:14 AM.
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Unread 03-22-07, 02:53 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Thank you for your extensive comments. I did not know that action slots 1-12 are unused by warriors. This will make it possible to use the unused slots you mentioned for warriors and druids so that I don't need to use 2 of the normal action bars to save actions in. There is still a lack of 4 extra slots, so I now use the rightmost 4 slots of the bottom action bar #2.

I've changed one of the keyboards so that it does not display (or use) the enter key nor the cursor keys. This lets people continue to use the normal Open Chat and movement keys.

It sounds like you have not found the drop down menu. I have made this easier to find in the new version. Right-clicking on the gray background displays the drop down menu which lets you change all of the options that can be changed.

The help selection in the menu displays 4 dialogs of information, duplicating the information you found inside the LUA file. No one needs to look inside the LUA file, it's all in the 4 help dialogs.
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Unread 03-22-07, 02:54 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Changes for 2.01

A) The logic for making sure that the numpad does not get dragged offscreen has been completely changed. It should now be possible to drag the numpad anywhere onscreen no matter what resolution your video is set at. The /show slash command has been removed since it's not needed anymore.

B) One of the keyboards that can be used does not display (or use) the enter key nor the cursor keys. This is the default keyboard (Windows "numpad only"). This lets you continue to use the normal Open Chat and movement keys. If you would rather use the enter and cursor keys for numpad actions, you can select one of the other keyboards. You will have to rebind Open Chat and use other keys (such as WASD) for movement. There is now a warning message when selecting a keyboard with enter and cursor keys, warning about the Open Chat and movement key bindings.

C) Warriors and druids no longer have to give up 2 of the normal action bars. Only 4 extra slots are needed by warriors and druids. The 4 slots used are the rightmost 4 slots of the bottom action bar #2. More precisely, if the Macintosh (enter & cursor) keyboard is selected, the rightmost 4 slots would be used. If a Windows keyboard of some type is selected, the rightmost 2 slots would be used. If the "numpad only" keyboard is selected, then no extra slots would be used.

D) It should now be more clear that the numpad is draggable and has a drop down menu. Specifically, the gray background can be left-clicked for dragging and right-clicked for displaying the menu. There are more messages for first-time users that explain this. The entire background is now clickable and is initially highlighted for first time users.

E) The menus have been simplified and clarified.

Note) All users will have to rearrange their actions in the numpad action bar after upgrading from 2.00 to 2.01.
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Unread 03-26-07, 12:17 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Version 2.01 includes Windows and Mac "numpad only" keyboards without Enter or arrow/cursor keys.
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Unread 03-28-07, 01:04 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Cool, this is an *excellent* idea!

Though I haven't tried it, I already have a question: do you support stances with this numpad actionbar?

I ask this, because I always use the numpad for everything I do with my rogue and I never ever map any ohter keyboard key for actions, so this is a vital feature for me.

Thank you for this fine idea!

Last edited by Hapepe82 : 03-29-07 at 12:27 AM.
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Unread 03-28-07, 09:55 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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I've used this setup for years, between various mods such as Flexbar, DUF, and TrinityBars. Glad to see someone actually make a mod focused on it.

Edit: Just tested it out. Unfortunately, it is currently useless without stance support, hiding while OoC, more keyboard layouts, etc.
Last edited by Kestenvarn : 03-28-07 at 01:54 PM.
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Unread 03-29-07, 12:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Kestenvarn
Edit: Just tested it out. Unfortunately, it is currently useless without stance support, hiding while OoC, more keyboard layouts, etc.
Thank you for this information. Without stances it is unfortunately unusable for me as well. But I am an optimist, probably it will be possible to support stances in the future?

Then it will be my favourite actionbar addon!
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Unread 05-08-07, 12:58 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Originally posted by Hapepe82
Thank you for this information. Without stances it is unfortunately unusable for me as well. But I am an optimist, probably it will be possible to support stances in the future?

Then it will be my favourite actionbar addon!
At the moment I am usuing cogsbar but I would much prefer this one over cogs soley because these buttons are scaleable...

any chance of support for diffrent actionsets based on stance/form?
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Unread 05-13-07, 01:44 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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I'll look into adding stance support. Please check back in two weeks.
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Unread 05-26-07, 03:38 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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I've uploaded version 2.10 of NumPadBar.

I have added stance switching but only for stances that have built-in stance bars:
Druids: bear, cat, moonkin, tree
Priests: shadowform
Rogue: stealth
Warriors: battle, defensive, berserker

The numeric keys on the numpad will have the same actions as the built-in stance bar (action bar 1). Specifically, keys 0-9 and decimal point on the numpad will be the same as keys 0-9 and minus key on the normal keyboard.

You can now select whether to display the Enter key (and override Chat binding), and whether to display the cursor keys (and override movement bindings).

Change log: 2.10

a) added stance switching for druids, priests, rogues, warriors (classes that have stance bars)
a) 1) druid stances: bear, cat, moonkin, tree
a) 2) priest stances: shadowform
a) 3) rogue stances: stealth
a) 4) warrior stances: battle, defensive, berserker
b) added preference to turn off stance switching for those classes
c) added enter key binding preference and cursor key binding preference
d) no longer flashes the background for mouseover events
e) dragging the numpad or using the menu cause the background to display momentarily
f) clicking on the background toggles between displaying and hiding the background
g) fixed bug where action bars would remain locked after combat
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Unread 05-29-07, 03:45 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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All users will have to rearrange their actions in the numpad action bar after upgrading from 2.01 to 2.10. This is because the order of the slots were changed to match the built-in stance bars.
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Unread 09-18-07, 07:48 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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weird dots

I just started using this mod, and I like it, but it's having a weird side effect. On a few of my action bar buttons, I'm getting a dot (maybe it's a period or apostrophe, I dont know). It goes away during combat and shows up OOC. If I move the buttons, it goes away for a little while and then comes back. I'm pretty sure it's related to this mod, as I did not have the issue before, and when I turned this mod off, they went away. It's not enough to make me stop using the mod but if there's a way to get rid of the dots that'd be great.

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Unread 09-26-07, 09:00 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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2.2 Patch upgrade for Numpadbar

Hi Shaktar,

Love numpadbar - are you doing an upgrade for the 2.2 patch?
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Unread 09-27-07, 03:14 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Yes. I'll be posting a fix this weekend. (NumPadBar 2.1 does not work with WoW 2.2). Check back Saturday or Sunday. It may have the red dot fix as well.
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