Updated: 01-03-09 10:38 AM
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Updated:01-03-09 10:38 AM

O-Wheely! - Buffs and Macros on your Mousewheel!  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.02
by: kerrang [More]

O-Wheely! - Buffs and Macros on your Mousewheel
Version 1.02
by <Damage Inc> of (EU)Draenor - email damageinc [at]

What does O-Wheely! do?

Rolling your mousewheel will intelligently buff you, your target and nearby members of your party/raid automatically.

When no buffs are needed, or in-combat, macros can be defined on mousewheelup/down.

O-Wheely reminds you about missing buffs in the standard UI error frame
(where messages like "Out of Range" and "You can't do that yet" normally appear)
so you don't forget to buff yourself, your target, your party or your raid

Camera Zoom!
Camera-zoom still works too, just hold the rightmousebutton when scrolling

What Buffs does O-Wheely! remind me about/cast?

Self Buffs
O-Wheely! remembers your last Blessing,Aura,Aspect,Mage Armor,Warlock Armor,Shaman WeaponBuffs and Rogue Poisons,
reminds you when they expire and will recast them when you roll the mousewheel

Party/Raid Buffs
O-Wheely! checks nearby party/raid members, reminds you when they need one of your buffs and casts them when you roll the mousewheel
Group buffs are used (if you have reagents) so long as at least 4 players are in range/need the buff.
Single-target buffs are used otherwise - so no wasting reagents on latecomers/when rebuffing after deaths etc.

Situational Buffs
O-Wheely! will remember when you cast certain spells on yourself or party/raid members, will remind you when they expire and recast them when you roll the mousewheel.
Self-Buffs are remindered/recast until you cancel an active buff (even after logout)
Buffs cast on others are remindered/recast until you leave party/raid or logout.
Note: "/ow sreset" clears all situational non-self-buffs (at the request of raiders!)

Mousewheeling toggles between combat and runspeed Aspects.

Mousewheeling will enable Crusader Aura when mounted and your last Aura when dismounted.

Full details of the buffs cast for your class appears on the Interface/Options screen (/ow)

What Macros does O-Wheely! cast?

Use "/ow macro" (or Interface/Addons/O-Wheely!/Macro Configuration) to access the macro configuration screen.
There are presets available for most classes or you can enter you own macros for MouseWheelUp and MouseWheelDown.
These will be called when there are no buffs required or when you're in-combat.

If no macro is defined, the following spells will be cast in-combat.
Paladins (MouseWheelDown): Last non Crusader Aura (Self)
Hunters (MouseWheelDown): Last non-runspeed Aspect (Self)

Getting Started
The first time you play a character, cast your favourite buffs
(Paladin: Blessing/Aura, Hunters: Aspect, Mage: Shield, Warlock: Armor, Shaman: WeaponBuffs, Rogue: Poisons).
O-Wheely! will then reminder/recast these anytime you're not "resting" (e.g. in a city).

Q - Is this an ACE/ACE2/ACE3 Mod?
A - No - partly because I'm not familiar with ACE and partly because it wouldn't greatly benefit from ACE's framework/libraries.
It's very low-cpu and low-memory - it typically uses < 60kb memory and almost no CPU.

Q - I'd like to customise the buffs I'm giving.
A - I've tried VERY hard to make buffing so simple that no configuration is required.
If you have a suggestion as to how O-Wheely! could buff 'smarter' do please let me know.

Q - I'd rather not use Group Buffs in some situations - how can I?
A - Either carry no reagents (lol!) OR hold LeftMouseButton when scrolling to prevent any group buff being used

This mod began life as the excellent AddOnTemplate by BelleBoom
Available at

Credit also due to Aeldra - the author of SmartBuff - without that I'd never have been inspired to create this!

Thanks to Aegwynn - official beta tester and guinea pig!!

The One-Man-Army that is the guild <Damage Inc> of EU-Draenor

Common/Known Issues
Q - (Paladins and Hunters) In combat, mousewheeldown toggles my Aura/Aspect on and off - why?
A - You entered combat with Crusader Aura/Aspect of the Cheetah/Pack so the mousewheel was setup to replace it.
I can't change this until combat ends and buffing yourself with an Aura/Aspect you already have cancels it!

Q - (Paladins and Hunters) MousewheelDown isn't removing my mount/runspeed Aura/Aspect in combat
A - If you've created a macro/chosen a preset for MouseWheelDown, that will overrides this function.
To restore it, select "Do Nothing" for MouseWheelDown.

Q - I've cancelled a situational buff but O-Wheely! keeps rebuffing me with it.
A - You need to cast and then immediately cancel a buff for O-Wheely to stop rebuffing it automatically.

Q - Why isn't Shift/Control/Alt+Mousewheeling working?
A - It's possible you have specifically bound these to other functions
To check what bindings exist ow checkbindings" - a list of any mousewheel bindings will be shown.
Shift+Mousewheel is bound BY DEFAULT to Action Bar Paging
CTRL+Mousewheel is bound BY DEFAULT to Vehicle Control in WOTLK
You can override these bindings by selecting Shift/Ctrl/Alt options on the "/ow" options screen
You do NOT need to remove the camera bindings - I override these automatically.

Q - Why don't [button:1] modifiers work in OWheely macros (/ow macro)
A - WoW discards mousebutton information when you scroll the wheel - sorry about that...

Q - I've NOT selected CTRL/ALT/SHIFT+mousewheel (/ow) but it still works when I hold CTRL and scroll the wheel - why?
A - If you have NOTHING bound to CTRL/ALT/SHIFT+Mousewheel WOW just ignores the modifier entirely.

Q - I've selected CTRL/ALT/SHIFT+mousewheel (/ow) and macros with modifiers like [mod:alt] don't work?
A - WoW discards modifiers if they're specifically bound.
To use them, uncheck CTRL/ALT/SHIFT in "/ow" and remove any keybindings shown in "/ow keybindings".

Shamans will no longer weaponbuff their shields after respeccing (*coughs* sorry about that!)
Paladin 2H and Shaman Shield 'tests' require localisation to work

Group Buffs (Prayer of Fortitude/Arcane Brilliance/Gift of the Wild) now address entire Raid if 4 or more members require them.
Simplified Situational Buff cancellation - to cancel rebuffing just cast and immediately cancel a buff
Mages: Warlock Pets will now be buffed with Arcane Intellect
Priests: Shaman Spirit Wolves will no longer waste your mana on Power Word: Fortitude for their short lives :)
Fixed bug causing Shamans going from dual to single wield to keep getting their offhand weaponbuff.
Fixed error in "/ow options" dropdown code
Fixed a problem buffing Spirit/Shadow Prot on randoms (your target)
Added "/ow checkbindings" and suppressed the non-modifier results (which don't matter as they're always overridden)

Fixed bug in situation buff expiry code - thanks again to Blizzard for changing things and not telling us...
Removed 'IF_WRATH' code
Removed some old 'backwards compatibility' code (0.7 and earlier)

0.97 Pre-Release
Fixed 3.0.2 optionsframe code

0.96 Pre-Release
Priest: Added Shadow Protection to Situational Buffs (yourself only)
Priest: Added Shadow Protection/Prayer of Shadow Protection to Party/Raid Buffs triggered ONLY if the Priest already has an SP buff
Removed ANY way for macros to be cleared/reset within the addon itself - if it still happens it's another addon/Blizzard doing it
Fixed an error (missing #) in the 'example' macro

0.95 Pre-Release
Fixed error in line 540 (Priests casting PW:F on others)
Added 'example' macro to make it easier to start entering your own macros...

0.94 Pre-Release
O-Wheely!s Mousewheel-bindings are now 'temporary' - which means default bindings will be untouched if you ever uninstall/disable O-Wheely! (how dare you!!)
Existing Users MAY need to reinstate Camera Zoom, Actionbar Shifting and Vehicle Controls (WOTLK BETA) to their default values just this once.
Added 'SHIFT' 'CTRL' and 'ALT' checkboxes to the "/ow" screen so that users can choose whether to bind these combinations to O-Wheely! or to their default functions
These and the 'Disable RightMouseButton Camera Zoom' options are now account-wide, not 'per character'
Paladin: (WOTLK) Separated "Hand of" and "Blessing of" spells (You can now "Bless" people who have 'Hand's active)
Paladin: (WOTLK) Adjusted spells for new ranks etc.
Paladin: Fixed long-standing problem checking talents when buffing Shamans/Druids
An error relating to 'deferred' buffs (those which failed) corrected.
A rare bug which seems to cause the macros you defined for MouseWheelUp/Down to be blanked-out is now handled 'better' - please let me know if this EVER happens again :)
Code heavily rewritten to reduce reliance on globals

0.93 Pre-Release
Fixed an issue when cancelling situational self-buffs
Added DeathKnight 'Bone Shield' to Situational Buffs (just to keep them busy until I've played some more!)
Menu>>Interface>>Addons screen (/ow) now shows which buffs will be cast for your class

0.92 Pre-Release
To reset Party/Raid (and NOT self) Situational Buffs - type "/ow sreset"
Removed dependency on MINIMAP - removed all 'hidden' button cosmetic code...
/ow macros will now cast when mounted - to avoid dismounting use [nomounted] in your macros (all presets use this)
Situational Buffs will now NOT cast when mounted - on account that they never should have - sorry! :)
Disable RMB Camera option moved to main O-Wheely! Interface Options screen
Death Knights are now considered when buffing - but I've not looked at their buffs yet...
Works with WOTLK BETA Client (well it does right now - things can change!!)

0.91 Pre-Release
Self-cast Situational Buffs are now remembered until you cancel one (even after you logout)
Paladins: Righteous Fury is now a situational buff (by request of the "Paladins in cloth" community) :)
Priests: Inner Fire is now a situational buff
Shamans: Lightning/Water Shields should once again work as situational buffs - blame Blizzard's shonky API for their brief (unintentioal) removal!

0.9 Pre-Release
OWUp and OWDown macros replaced with GUI Configuration (/ow)
Spells/Macros are no longer assigned to the mousewheel by default.
/ow (or select O-Wheely! in Interface/Addons) to choose from presets or enter your own macros
Camera Zooming with RMB can now be disabled (in /OW)

0.8 Pre-Release
Macros OWUp and OWDown can now be used in (Druid and Shaman) shapeshift forms
Buffs which fail with "A more powerful spell is already active" will be skipped on that target for 5 mins.
Each time a buffreminder repeats, it will take a little longer to reappear upto a max of around 40 seconds between buffreminders
Druids: Thorns are now a Situational Buff - see below
Shamans: Default spell on mousewheelup is now Earth Shock (Interrupts AHOY!) - mousewheeldown remains Purge
Shamans: Dual-wield Weaponbuffs now correctly supported.
Shamans: Shields are now a Situational Buff - see below
New feature - Situational Buffs
These are remembered when you manually cast them on yourself/party/raid members and will be remindered/reapplied until you logout
Druid: Thorns
Shaman: Water/Lightning Shield
Mage: Amplify/Dampen Magic
Warlock: Unending Breath/Detect Invisibility
Paladin: Blessing of Salvation
Fixed an issue which caused buffs/spells to be called when using rightmousebutton+mousewheel to move the camera
Fixed an issue which prevented Gift of the Wild being used when it should have been
Translation will be MUCH easier as spellnames are now picked-up automatically (GetSpellInfo())
Partial German (deDE) translation included - untested

0.7 Pre-Release
Group Buffs have been added - to prevent these being used, hold the left mousebutton down when buffing
Greater Blessings used on Warriors, Rogues, Hunters, Mages, Priests and Warlocks if at least 4 raid members are in-range/need the buff.
Mage/Priest/Druid 'group' buffs used where at least 3 members of a group are in-range/need the buff.
Rogue Poisons are now remembered when applied, we will buffremindered when they expire and are reapplied by mousewheeling.
Shift/Control/Alt Mousewheeling should now allow the OWUp and OWDown macros to use [modifier:shift]-style statements for even greater cleverness.
Shamans: Mousewheeling no longer triggers buffs when in Ghostwolf (buffreminders will appear however)
Shamans: Default spell Purge only triggers in-combat and casts on mouseover or target.
Mages: Default spells Counterspell and Spellsteal only trigger in-combat and cast on mouseover or target.
Priests: Default spell Dispel Magic casts on mouseover or target.
Druids: Default spells Cure Poison and Remove Curse casts on mouseover or target (friendly units only).
Paladins: Default spell Cleanse/Purify casts on mouseover or target (friendly units only).
Camera zoom is now triggered by holding the right mousebutton+mousewheeling rather than Ctrl+Mousewheel
Fixed an issue which meant O-Wheely! couldn't always tell you were in a Battleground.

0.6 Pre-Release
Buffreminders disabled when 'resting' (e.g. in cities/inns etc.)
Buffreminders disabled in raid groups UNLESS you're also in a Battleground
Buffreminders enabled in Druid shapeshift (but you'll need to un-shapeshift before they will cast)
Group Buffs (Arcane Brilliance, Gift of the Wild, Prayer of Fortitude and Prayer of Spirit) now checked before casting solo equivalents
Warlock Pets will now (correctly) get Blessing of Kings when the Greater Blessing is not being used.
Corrected a problem when inspecting Shamans/Druid talents which could stop Blessings being cast correctly.

0.5 Pre-Release
Renamed from VBuff to O-Wheely!
Macros are now "OWUp" and "OWDown"
Warrior default macros removed.

0.4 BETA Release (Never publically released)
Default/In-combat mousewheel will now call macros VBuff1(Up)/VBuff2(Down) if they exist

0.3 BETA Release
Camera Zoom now set to [CTRL]-Mousewheel - which will NOT trigger VBuff
GCD awareness removed from default functions - you can now spam the wheel in both directions!
Druids: Omen of Clarity added
BUG FIX: Some self-casting spells were failing - corrected macro modifier "TARGET" to "target"!

0.2 BETA Released
SPAM removed from the chat window :)
Warrior, Warlock and Shaman spells added
Separate spells can now be mapped to MousewheelUP and MousewheelDown
Mousewheel Events are now unique so that using the mousewheel on chat windows, minimaps etc. will NOT trigger VBuff.

0.1A BETA Released
Reduced combat 'taint' and corrected problems with in-combat buffing...

0.1 BETA Released
Optional Files (0)

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Unread 12-10-10, 06:18 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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please update for version 4.0.3
i love this addon
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Unread 07-15-09, 04:38 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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If you enjoy O-Wheely!'s functionality as I do ... I uploaded a (hopefully) fixed version which you can find here or in the "optional files" tab.
Last edited by ckaotik : 07-16-09 at 02:42 AM.
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Unread 04-20-09, 12:31 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I'm getting this error recently:

Date: 2009-04-20 13:30:06
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\OWheely\OWheely.lua line 723:
attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[C]: ?


[edited to take out giant list of addons, let me know if you feel that adding them back is appropriate]
Last edited by Aliethiya : 04-20-09 at 12:31 PM.
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Unread 04-16-09, 02:36 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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New thing: I'm finding it loses the macros on switching specs. (Hm, okay, sometimes only.)

I LOVE this addon, by the way. I can't say that enough. Is there any way you could update the version over at curse so that my curse updater stops barking at me? Thanks so much, kerrang.
Last edited by Aliethiya : 04-18-09 at 01:16 AM.
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Unread 03-25-09, 07:33 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by trekkky
I really like this addon but I find that it constantly loses its settings (macros cleared reported in the other comments). Seems to happen after ive accessed one of my alts
Sorry for the late reply (this place won't 'remember me' and I login less these days)...

I've been through the code removing every possibly way to reset macros, so if you have the latest version (delete the directory - re-download it) any loss of macros is down to another addon and/or WOW itself.

One 'solution' is to backup your settings and/or make the settings file read-only of course

Do you use things like /console reloadui or /rl in-game? - they can cause data loss - esp. on older/slower PCs...

Otherwise I'm at a loss...
Last edited by kerrang : 03-25-09 at 07:34 AM.
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Unread 03-06-09, 09:25 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I really like this addon but I find that it constantly loses its settings (macros cleared reported in the other comments). Seems to happen after ive accessed one of my alts

fyi I use this addon to run simple target/assist macros and its great
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Unread 01-28-09, 09:09 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by bitechu
Well it works for me XD and i do "technically" have a scrollwheel. its just moving two fingers across the trackpad. And personally, i actually like trackpads for FPS, cause it takes less movement....
Horses for courses I guess

I can't "support" your trackpad's way of doing things tho - I can only respond to the click events WOW receives (mousebuttons, scrollwheel actions etc.) but OWheely will certainly work if you 'scroll' your trackpad just as if you're 'scrolling' a mousewheel.

Whether this will make any sense/be practical to do is another thing entirely
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Unread 01-28-09, 09:05 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by Banur
It tries to buff Imps with Powerword Fortitude but they can't be buffed.
Since when? Imps have been buffable with PW:F for a LONG time (most Warlocks moan endlessly if you DON'T do it in fact)????

I've not played a Priest or Warlock for a while so I may have missed this change but it seems an odd thing to do...

p.s. IIRC you can't buff Imps when they're phase-shifted but that's beyond the scope of something like OWheely to account for - Warlocks want pets buffed they need to remember not to phase-shift them
Last edited by kerrang : 01-28-09 at 09:40 AM.
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Unread 01-28-09, 08:32 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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It tries to buff Imps with Powerword Fortitude but they can't be buffed.
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Unread 01-25-09, 06:49 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by kerrang
I'm baffled as to why anyone would play a game like WOW using a trackpad - truly, truly baffled...

The entire idea of OWheely hinges on the idea of a scrollwheel - and one which is under your finger whilst you're controlling your character at that!

I'd suggest you get a mouse
Well it works for me XD and i do "technically" have a scrollwheel. its just moving two fingers across the trackpad. And personally, i actually like trackpads for FPS, cause it takes less movement....
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Unread 01-24-09, 08:06 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Originally posted by bitechu
i would like to use this, but i have a question. Does this support the mac 1 button trackpad? I have to put 2 fingers onthe trackpad to scroll, and that is also the rightclick command too. (2 fingers and click). And i can also hold the commnd button to right click. but to "hold the left click and scroll" would technically be impossible for me. o.o lol so you can see. But i really want an easy buff add that uses little mem and cpu. XD
I'm baffled as to why anyone would play a game like WOW using a trackpad - truly, truly baffled...

The entire idea of OWheely hinges on the idea of a scrollwheel - and one which is under your finger whilst you're controlling your character at that!

I'd suggest you get a mouse
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Unread 01-22-09, 09:41 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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i would like to use this, but i have a question. Does this support the mac 1 button trackpad? I have to put 2 fingers onthe trackpad to scroll, and that is also the rightclick command too. (2 fingers and click). And i can also hold the commnd button to right click. but to "hold the left click and scroll" would technically be impossible for me. o.o lol so you can see. But i really want an easy buff add that uses little mem and cpu. XD
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Unread 01-03-09, 10:41 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Updated 1.02 - only changes are

Shamans will no longer weaponbuff their shields after respeccing (sorry about that - thanks to Renorrak to helping the penny drop!)

The test for this - and the test for Paladins using 2H weapons - is location specific (e.g. French/German/Spanish clients require a localised version of the test).

Note to potential localisers: Most of the localisation file is 'cosmetic' and can be ignored. Only the Shaman Weaponbuff translation, Rogue "Poison" and Item Types (top of the file) are needed to make the addon work in other clients.
Last edited by kerrang : 01-03-09 at 10:42 AM.
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Unread 01-03-09, 10:08 AM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Re: Re: Re: didnt work

Originally posted by Renorrak
even though i have a shield on,
*coughs* - there's the answer - because I only ever swap between 1Hs and a 2H...

I check you're not using an Offhand weapon - evidently the shield is considered a weapon for that purpose - no idea how to stop that but I'll sort something out ASAP and post a fix...

The downside of not playing every class y'see
Last edited by kerrang : 01-03-09 at 10:09 AM.
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Unread 01-02-09, 08:15 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Re: didnt work

Originally posted by kerrang
I've tested it on ym retired (levle 49) Shaman and it seemed OK but I'm not about to spend 100s of Gold speccing and respeccing to cover this one aspect of the addon.

Firstly I'd make sure you have the latest version installed (e.g. delete the old one first) - the single commonest addon issue is files not being overwritten on upgrade.

You also may need to logout/console reloadui after you respec to force the API to report your weapon status correctly (I noticed an issue with this with Death Knights changing weapons/runesmithing - may apply to Shamans too)

If that doesn't work then it's time a Shaman took a look at the code - they can test it against their own respecs instead of me wasting a tonne of Gold on it perhaps
I have over written owheely files many times, all with the new ones with no succes, it works at the start, but then it breaks, no error reported, just starts spamming <name> needs Windfury weapon offhand, even though i have a shield on, i might take a look at the code if i get time, other then that its a great addon, great that i can still use the macros in combat, good idea!
Last edited by Renorrak : 01-02-09 at 08:15 PM.
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