Updated: 01-03-11 12:02 PM
File Info
Updated:01-03-11 12:02 PM
Created:01-03-11 12:02 PM

Titan Points

Version: 4.0.3r1-release
by: solocommand [More]

Titan Points
Currency Points display plugin for Titan Panel

About Titan Points
Titan Points is a Titan Panel plugin that allows a customizable display of the four PvE and PvP points categories used in 4.x. You can choose which of these points you would like to be displayed on the Titan bar, and all of your available currency shows up under the tooltip.

You can customize which points are displayed, how they are labeled, and whether or not to show their icons by accessing the right-click menu. You can access the currency pane by clicking on the plugin.

Development Status
Titan Points is currently in release status.

Known Issues
Icons for points do not display at the right size.

Planned Features
Plan to implement flashing status text for currencies as they are updated, along with custom icon display for each currency category.

Right-click menu options are saved per character, and loadable through Titan's built-in profile management. TitanPoints is currently localized for enUS, and frFR. Partially localized for deDE. Currently looking for translators for esES, ruRU, and deDE.

I'm always looking for feedback, please comment or report issues here, or (preferred) submit a ticket on this projects [[|CurseForge]] page.

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