Updated: 02-21-09 09:53 AM
File Info
Updated:02-21-09 09:53 AM
Created:02-10-09 07:51 AM


Version: 30000.1
by: Zimran [More]

Extremely simple mod created to filter out unwanted chat messages.

I created this mod because I like to monitor the World Defense channel to watch for city raids but don't really care about most world PvP objectives.

Version 30000.1 is a complete rewrite that enables you to manage your own database of messages to filter rather than the one I had included in version 30000.0.

The commands used to populate and manipulate the database are:

  • /zf list - lists the current database contents.
  • /zf reset - resets the database (removes all entries).
  • /zf anyphrase - adds "anyphrase" to or removes "anyphrase" from the database.

Entries are checked for exact matches and are case sensitive.

There are no checks to see which channel the message is in so if someone happens to type in the exact message then it will be filtered (personally, I have no problem with this behaviour).

Example usage:
/zf reset
zimFilter: Database reset.

/zf list
zimFilter: Database is empty.

/zf Venture Bay is under attack!
zimFilter: "Venture Bay is under attack!" added to the database.

/zf list
zimFilter: Database contains:
>>> 1. "Venture Bay is under attack!"

/zf Venture Bay is under attack!
zimFilter: "Venture Bay is under attack!" removed from the database.
Version 30000.1+ of this mod influenced by and based heavily on pError by p3lim.

Known Issues:

v30000.1 - 21 February 2009
Complete rewrite to allow completely custom entries rather than relying on a static list.
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