Updated: 08-21-11 02:03 AM
File Info
Updated:08-21-11 02:03 AM
Created:10-20-10 10:38 PM


Version: 2.01
by: dreamcatcher [More]


It is a very simple and light weight addon that tweaks the look and placement of the Mini Map, Action Bars, Chat Frame, Buffs / De-buffs ,Tooltip and WatchFrame. No in game gui.

Has only been tested on a resolution (wide-screen) of 1920 x 1080 but should work for any resolution.

Does not interfere with encounters that use special actions, or vehicles.

Keys are bound through the standard Blizzard Keybinds menu.

Configuration in the Config file.
  • Right and Left Griffins can be hidden or shown. If shown they are reskind to show your factions banner. See pics for example.
  • Vehicle UI can be scaled.
  • Side bar can be moved and scaled.
  • Mini map can be scaled.
  • Action bars can be scaled.
  • Macro names can be hidden or shown.
  • Pet and stance bar can be moved and scaled.
  • Micro menu can be hidden, moved and scaled.
  • Watch Frame can be moved.
  • Bag bar frame can be moved and scaled with option to show one bag or all bag buttons.
  • Font size can be changed.
  • ReputationBar and ExpBar can be moved and sized.
  • OutOfRange and OutOfMana color can be changed.
  • Borders can have there color changed.
  • You can add your own art work for the background frames. Just keep in mind there are two one for Horde and one for Alliance.

Stuff included but can't be changed in Config.
  • Chat frames edit box moved to the top.
  • Mini map tracking blip size is bigger.
  • LFDSearchStatus is in center of UI.
  • Mini Map Mail Icon re-skinned.
  • Mini map is changed to be square and moved to bottom center of UI. You can toggle the Calendar by using middle mouse Button.
  • Buffs_N_Debuffs moved to upper left corner of UI and go from left to right.

ATTENTION: Recount and Omen are NOT included in this UI package, it will simply reskin the addon if you have it running, you need to download and update the addon on your own.

Thanks go to all that have helped answer my questions on the Lua forum page here on wowinterface.

To Do List
  1. Make a in game GUI

-Changed some code in the config file.
-Fixed art hide problem class warrior.
-Added banner art to replace Griffins. Horde and Alliance baners.
-Fixed problem not being able to bring up clock frame.
-Added Set User Placed true for chat frame.
-Each action bar has its own art frame so if you hide the top bars you don't have empty art taking up space.

-Changed DreamBars to DreamTweaks.
-Re worked all code.
-Added mini map.
-Made backgrounds for bars and much more.

-Scale the size of the Side bars independently from the main bars

-Fixed file compression

-Added a read me file
-Vehicle ui now scales the same as main bars and is parented to the main action bars
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