Updated: 04-15-08 11:00 PM
Updated:04-15-08 11:00 PM

HRef (Hypertext Reference)

Version: 1.0.0002
by: Nefarion [More]

HRef is a simple, standalone addon for implementing chat-channel hyperlinking. It converts URLs found in the chat frames into colored, clickable links, which can then be clicked to insert into the edit box, for easy copying.

HRef has no user-end configuration whatsoever, and is too simplistic to really need one. But if you get overly anal about, say, the color of the links, you are free to open the HRef.lua file and modify it to your liking.

For now, HRef may be buggy. I'm unable to logon to the game at the moment, so all testing was done in the standalone Lua interpreter, using a primitive test addon framework I found in the Ace3 package (thanks for writing that!). While I did test the URL capturing rather thoroughly, I can't guarantee I didn't miss something.

As always, if you have any bugs or feature requests to report, you can do so in the right column, from the proper button, or via a comment. And I'm open to all critique, advice, comments, and anything else you want to throw at me.

This addon is released under the MIT license found here.

+ Returns the results of SetItemRef.
+ Fixed the email capture to check for a TLD. "lol@you" and such should no longer be captured.

+ Initial upload.
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