Updated: 01-27-11 09:44 AM
File Info
Updated:01-27-11 09:44 AM
Created:01-27-11 09:44 AM


Version: vB1
by: bsides [More]

Config your white-haired items!
The main purpose is to help you sell old gear.

Me and my friend play this game a long time now and we have a lot of purple and blue items, which can ocupy too much bag space. We wanted to sell them but it seemed a lot to verify each item's stat before vendoring, so we created this.

This addon will print the Item Level on the item icon, colored if Cataclysm only item or not. If it's a Cataclysm only the level displayed will be red and if it's an old item it will be green. Yellow will be for items with item level in between.

This addon is based on RequiredLevelIcon by Daemus.

Please read the README file included to more information and next steps on development.

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