Updated: 07-21-08 05:47 PM
File Info
Updated:07-21-08 05:47 PM


Version: 0.9.1b
by: corveroth [More]

DrumCoord is a new breed of drum addon- you'll never have to build a rotation again! DrumCoord selects eligible party members as each effect ends, compensating where possible for problems ranging from death to resurrection to disconnection.

The biggest feature? You don't have to be running DC, strictly speaking. Here's how that works.

  • If you are using DrumCoord, any other DC users in your party will know immediately that you can use drums and you get worked into the rotation from the start. You also get the option of seeing announcements as raid warnings.
  • If you are not using DC, you'll have to use your drums once to be noticed as someone that can use drums (but after that, you're fine). You'll only see rotation announcements if a DC user has their addon set to tell people in party chat (no raid warnings for you).
  • For the moment, if multiple people in a party are running DC, I suggest that you work out among yourself who (if anyone) will announce in party, else it'll get a bit spammy.

To-do list:
  • Automatically negotiate who will make announcements in party chat.
  • Give non-users the option of adding themselves to DC's list of potential drummers via whisper, instead of spending a charge of their drums to be noticed (although you can use that charge in combat and still get use out of it).
  • Add timer bars for the current effect and for the party's cooldowns in a movable, scalable frame.
  • Add support for multiple drum types (Restoration, mostly). That's right, ladies and gents, we're currently announcing DPS-is-all-that-matters DoB all the way!
  • Work out a (better) way to detect drummers being ressed.

0.9.1- Minor fix to entering combat message.
0.9.1a- Fix onCombat announce.
0.9.1b- Cleanup and dependency fix.
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