Updated: 07-28-08 02:06 PM
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Updated:07-28-08 02:06 PM

Arcade Panel (Minigame Bundle)

Version: 1.03
by: MoongazeMods [More]

A game menu specifically designed to run various game mods in WOW. The panel offers an attractive interface for the loading and unloading of game mods (that's right, no need to have them loading in memory if you're not playing them), as well as starting them up to play a game. The Arcade Panel will check for games from a recognized list inside the mod, as well as check all mods in the addons folder that have support for Arcade Panel. Directions for adding your own game mod to Arcade Panel is listed in the readme file inside the Arcade Panel folder.

This edition of the Arcade Panel is bundled with every game I have released, and they are all the most current versions of those games. As new game of mine release, or updates to my existing games appear, I will be updating this bundle as well to make sure the latest versions will always be in one place. If, however, you would rather download the games separately, that option is also available.

Turn it on, load it up, turn on and off the games you want to play, then hit PLAY! Pretty simple.

Games Supported:

  • Besharded (Included!)
  • Bomb Sweeper (Included!)
  • Bust-a-Shard (Included!)
  • Gems Plus (Included!)
  • Invaders (Included!)
  • Labyrinth (Included!)
  • Shard Grid (Included!)
  • Goblin Minesweeper (must download)
  • Solitaire (must download)
  • wowChess (must download)
  • WoW Texas Holdem (must download)
(Games that need to be downloaded were not made by me. All of these can be found on the various addon websites, but some might be old and need the "load out-of-date addons" option turned on in your addons screen in WOW)

Pretty much like all other mods. Just copy the contents of the zip file into your Interface/Addons directory. Should be good to go!

Slash Commands:
  • To show panel, type: /arcade
  • To hide panel, type: /arcade hide
Extra Features:
  • Ability to Minimize and Maximize the panel
  • Ability to turn on and off the tooltips
  • Ability to turn on and off the chat messages on game start up
  • Ability to recognize other mods that have support for Arcade Panel
  • Customizable border and background colors (in Options menu)
  • Your choice of FOUR ways to show a button for Arcade Panel:
    - Floating Button (drag it where ever you want!)
    - Mini-Map Button (for the standard WOW mini-map, this button will lock to it and you can drag it around)
    - Game Menu Button (This will attach to WOW's Game Menu. It's the menu where all your video, macro, and keybinding settings are)
    - None (for those that don't want a button)
Project Background:
With so many games that I've worked on for WOW, I was getting tired of having them run in the background when I wasn't using them, or worse, not being loaded when I wanted to use them. So, I wrote this mod to address that issue and step it up a notch. I also wanted to load other games that I didn't make, so I added that function to the Arcade Panel if other game mod developers wish to use it. Of course, I'm still looking for more games to add to the collection, so if anyone finds some good ones, send me a PM and let me know ^_^

Future Additions
If other game mod designers contact me and let me know of their game, or if I find other games that are constantly updated, I will add those games to the recognized list and update this version of the Arcade Panel. Other than that, nothing is planned except the standard updates when WOW gets patched ^_^

Thanks for your time trying out this game. Please, any feedback would be helpful!

Contact Info: MoongazeMods ... at

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