Updated: 06-11-11 07:23 AM
File Info
Updated:06-11-11 07:23 AM
Created:06-11-11 07:23 AM

nUI Transparant Blue Dashboard

Version: 1.01
by: Gumpnl [More]

This optional add on modifies the default nUI dashboard to replace it with a transparant blue look with square edges. You can see an example in the attached screenshot.

This plugin requires that you have the nUI core or nUI+ mod installed.

I like to thank K. Scott Piel for his advise by making this addon and for his awesome nUI addon in general. I also like to thank Weirdave for his work with other nUI Art addons, which I used as example to build this one.

For help or suggestions, please contact me by sending a private message.

Installation of this addon is the same as other addons:

- Exit WoW
- Download and install the most recent version of nUI if you have not already as you would any other addon. You should unzip the contents of the download file into your Interface\AddOns directory
- Download and install this skin as you would any other addon and unzip it into the Interface\AddOns directory as well.
- After downloading and installing both mods, you should have both an Interface\AddOns\nUI directory and an Interface\AddOns\nUI_Art_TransBlue directory
- Run WoW and log in. Before selecting a character to play, click on the "AddOns" button in the lower left corner of the screen and enable the nUI_Art_TransBlue addon. You can return to using the default nUI dashboard at any time by disabling nUI_Art_TransBlue.
- Select your character and enter the world. nUI will automatically replace the default dashboard with this skin if it is enabled.

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