(838 b)
Updated: 01-31-12 12:46 PM
Updated:01-31-12 12:46 PM
Created:01-26-12 06:14 PM


Version: 4.3.002
by: VagrantEsha [More]

This is just a goofy little thing of a modt hat I threw together. It has your character greet and say farewell to NPCs (as manners are everything!) automatically depending on the following factors.

For the greeting it checks whether:
- The target exists.
- The target is alive.
- The target is friendly.
- The target is an NPC.
- The target is within 11 yards of you.

The farewell triggers when you move away from the person, so long as the person is the same person you said hello to. If you've switched/lost targets in between hello and moving, the farewell part won't trigger.

(This is so you won't target something else and end up looking silly.)

It can be spammy, but I like it. Hence the ROFL section.

- 4.3.002

The mod now checks to make sure that you can only say bye to the same person you said hello to.

- 4.3.001

First release.
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