Updated: 11-08-10 08:07 PM
File Info
Updated:11-08-10 08:07 PM
Created:11-08-10 08:07 PM

Simple Raid Target Icons - PugLax Patch (depreciated)

Version: 1.0.0
by: Virance [More]

This has been rolled into the main Simple Raid Target Icon release, please download the main file instead.

This is the first version of PugLax integration with SRTI.

Currently it replaces the "mark" icons with the icons of whatever CC is assigned to the mark.

As in, if you have the moon set to Polymorph in PugLax, you would see the Polymorph icon instead of the moon in the SRTI radial.

This is designed so that it can be 100% maintained on the PugLax side of things; apply this patch once and it will worth with all future version of PugLax!

This does not require you already have SRTI installed to function, it's the whole addon archived up again.

(note: this requires PugLax 1.7.0 or higher to work; the patch won't break anything if PugLax isn't installed or is out of date, it just won't do anything new either)

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