Updated: 10-20-10 12:11 PM
File Info
Updated:10-20-10 12:11 PM
Created:08-02-10 12:22 PM


Version: 1.2
by: Pyrates [More]

This plugin adds a status "Namelist" to grid. Its main configuration option is a list of names (separated by commas) of people to get assigned this status. It can be used to mark tanks or other special people in grid. Other than the usual configuration options and the list there are 2 buttons: "Clear" clears the list, "Add target" adds the current target to the list, to avoid tedious typing.

Credit goes out to the author(s) of GridStatusHots, which I used as a blueprint for this plugin. Extra thanks to phanx (author of grid) for help. Suggestions & Bug reports welcome

Update: Now has 2 configurable namelists with differently configurable colors. Should be self-explaining.

1.2 Ported to Ace3 to work with the latest Grid. Performance optimization.
1.1.1 Cleared up config options
1.1 Added second list
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