Updated: 03-22-18 01:34 PM
File Info
Shadows of Argus (7.3.0)
Updated:03-22-18 01:34 PM
Created:03-22-18 01:34 PM
Categories:Utility Mods, Graphic UI Mods

SX ModelDisplay

Version: 1.00
by: saxitoxin [More]

While I was creating a addon that required me to use models and model:SetAnimation(*) I created this little addon that lets me do just that

This addon adds one frame that contain the following

use /sxmodel to toggle the frame

1. The model and frame itself
2. An editBox that lets you set what model to display, I recommend rIngameModelViewer to find modelIDs
3. A close button to hide the frame
4. A text that describe what the animation does (not done)
5. Button to play the selected animation again if it is a non-loop animation
6. An editBox to quickly set an animation
7. Buttons to play the next/ previous animation
8. A checkbox to loop the selected animation
9. A dropdown menu to equip the model with some basic weapons/ armor to use while playing animations
10. A slider for setting animation if the buttons or editBox is not enought for you

Thanks to all here on WowInterface for all your contributions to the forums!

please post any bugs and/ or suggestions in the comments

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