Updated: 02-09-14 11:22 PM
Updated:02-09-14 11:22 PM
Created:02-09-14 11:22 PM

Baggins Search Command

Version: 1.0.0
by: shkm [More]

What it is

It's a keyboard-friendly slash command for Baggins_Search.


Baggins and Baggins_Search. Obviously.

How to use it

Type `/bs <search query>` and away you go. `/bs` clears the search.

Want a CTRL+F-like hotkey? Create this macro and bind it to something:

Lua Code:
  1. /run local c = ChatFrame1EditBox; c:SetFocus(); c:SetText("/bs ");

It'll open your chat edit box and insert `/bs `, ready for you to enter your query.

Why it exists

Baggins_Search provides a sorely missed search feature for Baggins, but I'm not a fan of opening my bags and clicking the search box, so I hacked this up.

Yes, I know that "bs" isn't the choicest of command names. I won't be implementing options, so you'll have to change it in `core.lua` if you must.

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