Updated: 11-27-07 12:11 AM
File Info
Updated:11-27-07 12:11 AM

Personal Rating  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: r396
by: Shadowed [More]

Shows your highest personal rating out of all of your arena teams, this is for season 3 so you know how far you have to go before you can buy a S3 weapon or shoulder armor. Because Blizzard is recording personal ratings right now, you can install this mod early without any issue, you just won't be able to actually do anything with the rating.

Right now, Blizzard only has support to show your individual personal rating per arena team in the arena team details frame (you won't see it until S3 starts) so it's unlikely that they'll add in your highest rating once S3 is released.

r396 | | 2007-11-26 22:10:19 -0800 (Mon, 26 Nov 2007) | 1 line

* Shows games won/lost and win percentage for games you played this wek, along with season won/lost on the tooltip now, fixed
up the coloring 
r375 | | 2007-11-14 21:16:30 -0800 (Wed, 14 Nov 2007) | 3 lines

* Initial import, PersonalRating
* Week and a half early, but Blizzard is recording this data anyway and nothing will change API wise between now and then
* Shows your highest personal rating out of all of your arena teams, moves the arena points text to the left, and points personal
rating on the right side, also shows which team the personal rating is from in the tooltip 

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