Updated: 12-26-12 09:57 PM
File Info
Updated:12-26-12 09:57 PM
Created:12-26-12 09:57 PM

Tellat's Personal UI

Version: v1
by: Tellat [More]

Included addons are the newest versions from WowInterface/WowAce and Curse. The Authors of the Addons have made playing the game so much more enjoyable with the level of customization afforded by Blizzard and the intellegence of the Authors, who own the rights to said Addons... Thank You All!

AddOn list - follows:
BugGrabber, NPCScan, NPCScan.Overlay, ACP, Align, Auctionator, Bartender4, Bugsack, Discord Art, Discord Unit Frames, FamBags, Fizzle, FriendsMenuXP, GatherMate2, Improved Achievments, JewelTips, LibPeroidic Table, Mapster, Masque, Masque Elegance, Mik Scrolling Battle Text, Ohi's Shared Media Texture Pack v1.1, Omen, OmniCC, PhanxChat, Pocket Plot, Postal, Quartz, Recount, Reflux, SLData Text, tekJunkSeller, tekKompare, Tip Tac and Tom Tom Lite.

*Updated Addons - Discord Unit Frames, Discord Art and others.
Moved Textures and Fonts to their own folder within AddOns, so that DUF and Dart can be updated without losing everything.

Created in (1920x1080 Widescreen)


Old School UI - Ya have to work to install it, sorta : )

Fizzlemizz brought a couple of the Discord Mods back to life and it was great fun to be in the bowels of UI customization. Discord Art and Discord Unit Frames are alive and kicking, if you haven't checked them out, you should.

Step 1: Backup the following folders in your main "World of Warcraft" directory (Interface, WTF) and rename them (Interface2, WTF2). Always make a backup first before making any changes.

Step 2: Copy the included folders from the extracted "" file and place them into your main "World of Warcraft" directory.

Step 3: Click into your new "World of Warcraft\WTF\Account" folder and find the folder named "Your Account Name Goes Here" and rename that to be your account name (not your account name) in all capital letters.

Step 4: Click into your newly renamed folder, previously "World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\Your Account Name Goes Here", and inside you should find a new folder named "Your Server Name Goes Here". Rename that folder with the exact name of the server of your main account (you can also make duplicates of this folder and name them appropriately for additional servers that you may use).

Step 5: Click one last time into your newest renamed folder, previously "World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\Your Account Name Goes Here\Your Server Name Goes Here", and inside you should find a new folder named "Your Character Name Goes Here". Rename that folder with the exact name of your primary character on that server (you can also make duplicates of this folder and name them appropriately for additional characters that you may use on that server).

Step 6: Log into your character.

Step 7: Lets start with Reflux, open up the Chat Edit Box by pressing return then type in /reflux switch bazinga. (without the period, please)

Step 8: Type /DART in the Edit Chatbox, at the bottom click on Misc Options and select the bazinga profile, now the background artwork will load up.

Step 9: Type /DUF in the Edit Chatbox, at the bottom click on Misc Options and select the bazinga profile, now the unit frames will be loaded.

Done! Almost

Some interesting things to note....

How come there is a texture over on the right with nothing in it?
Good question not sure why omen doesn't show itself just type /omen show in the chat edit box and it will be right there.

My Chat frames are out of place, why?
Another good question, not sure why they may have moved... sometimes its settings on the server side, just unlock em size em and put them into place.

-All addons were downloaded from either WowInterface or WowAce, if yours becomes out-of-date and this UI compilation isn't updated fast enough for you. Just remember, like mentioned above always make a backup before updating any AddOns it just makes your life so much easier if you need to recover something.

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