Updated: 05-26-07 01:37 AM
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Updated:05-26-07 01:37 AM

Auto Mail Director  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.4.6
by: Mike-N-Go [More]

Auto Mail Director v.1.4.6

As of May 20, 2009: This addon is unsupported for the time being. AddOn authoring was only a hobby of mine. Mike-N-Go is not currently playing WoW, thus not creating or maintaining mods for WoW. If someone wishes to submit a patch for one of my mods to WoWInterface, you may within the bounds of the license bundled with the mod.

Note: I have not worked on this mod in quite a while, yet it sill works. I have some ideas for future expansion, and may implement features in due time, I do hope I can do a complete rewrite, someday.. I have plans for doing a major update to this addon; it might be called Trade Secretary: Mail Director, no ETA. Additionally, if some future patch breaks this mod, I will most likely try to fix it.

Even though the name has 'auto' in it, it does need some human to tell it what mail to send to who and how. Read bellow for more information.

I strongly recommend to pair this with CT_MailMod for easily removing mail, when I get around to it, I'll incorporate the features of it in with AMD, but for now, use Cide's addon!

As a GUI-less alternitive to CT_Mail mod, Simple Mail, is a wounderful complement, thanks Seebs!


Purpose: To automatically send mail to the corresponding trader or toon, by a key-binding. Simple.
If you use multiple toons for the Auction House or move a lot of inventory, this will help you.
Using the help of #wowi-lounge and #norganna I made my first addon, I hope you enjoy it.

Recent Changes:

v.1.4.6 (August 19, 2007)
-Fixed a nil bug with ItemByName


What this does: First you install and enable it, set a key binding, define the recipient(s) for each key, then while at the mail box, you hold your key-binding and left click an item, then the item is whisked away to the recipient you choice, or you get a message why it is unable to send.

To set up the recipients for each Item Type, type:
/(automaildirector|amd) ItemType [Item Type (Recipe|Consumable|Armor|Weapon|Container|Miscellaneous|Trade Goods|Projectile|Key|Quest|Quiver)] [(name) of recipient for Item Type]
To link item types to recipients. Remember, if an item is unsendable (Soulbound) then you can't send it.

For example, type:
/amd ItemType armor Mytoon
This sends all the armor items when you trigger it to the toon named "Mytoon."

To set up the Master Recipient (who you want any item to mail to when you click+keybind)
Type: /amd all Mytoon

To set up Item By Name:
Type: "/(automaildirector|amd) (ItemByName|IBN) [name of item in brackets] [name of recipient for the item] [optional COD ammount in copper per unit]
I.E.: /amd itembyname [Rugged Leather] Zuland 1500
That sends each unit of Rugged Leather to Zuland for 15 silver each unit, 3 Gold per stack
The Brackets are mandatory.

To set up the Distributive Property:
The distributive property allows one to send several stacks of items, of the same name, to many diffrent toons (default, a max of 10, changable by '/amd dis-cap x' where x is the top number of recipients) also, do '/amd dis-delete all' to wipe out the distributive recipients for the current server. This function of the distributive property is to ease selling the same items across toons at the AH.

This and set up a key-binding, that is the only configuration you need to do.

Don't click to fast, the current item needs to be sent before another one is queued; because the mail does not go much faster then a few items a second, this speed is derived from your ping.

What I use it for is to send the different items types to my different traders that deal with that type of item. This really helps me keep track of all (100s) my auctions and inventory, without the fuss of manual sorting.


After you decompress the file, copy the AutoMailDirector folder into your Interface/AddOns folder under your World of Warcraft Installation Directory.

Known Bugs:

-Item [Tome of Conjure Food VII] does not want to mail, I don't have this item in my inventory so I am unable to test it

If you have any bug report or feature request, please make them known at my portal, or email me at [email protected]


Macintosh operator
[email protected]
If you would like to talk to me, I hang out at In #norganna and #wowi-lounge, User Mike-N-Go.
PayPal donations accepted at [email protected]

Change Log:

v.1.4.6 (August 19, 2007)
-Fixed a nil bug with ItemByName

v.1.4.5 (May 25, 2007)
-Added '/amd (distribute|dis)'. The distributive property allows one to send several stacks of items, of the same name, to many diffrent toons, at a default of 30, also, do '/amd dis-delete all' to wipe out the distributive recipients for the current server. This function of the distributive property is to ease selling the same items across toons at the AH.
-Compatibility with 2.1

v.1.4.4 (April 15, 2007)
-Added '/amd guild', this is intended for use of sending things to the guild bank, functioning much like '/amd all'

v.1.4.3 (Febuary 15, 2007)
-Fixed CODing of items, since this was broken by the WoW 2.0 changes, when CODing it will only auto-fill in the recipient, subject, and COD amount when you trigger an item to COD. You can then add some text if you want and then press send
-So, change the mail tab to "Send Mail", then press escape so your key-bind wont fill the "To" box, then press the key-bind, then send. If you don't switch to the "Send Mail" tab, you will have to click the COD radio button before you send

v.1.4.2 (Febuary 14, 2007)
-Nothing useful

v.1.4.1 (Febuary 13, 2007)
Seventh Public Release
-Fixed CODing with ItemByName
-You can use 'IBN' as shorthand for 'ItemByName', the slash command
-You can use 'IT' as shorthand for 'ItemType', the slash command
-When setting up ItemByName items, you can use the itemLink (Shift+Click) instead of typing the text in yourself, the old way works too
-The Gold, Silver, and Copper are now colored and marked when outputted to the chat frame by AMD
-Mod Authors: I changed the functions to global, so fell free to use AMD_PickupContainerItem, AMD_unPickUpItem, AMD_GSC, AMD_SMFTextGSC, AMD_canSendItem and AMD_getStuffFromItemLink as a library :)

v.1.4 (Febuary 13, 2007)
Sixth Public Release
-Added COD support for items by name, type: "/amd IBN [Some Item Name in brackets] recipient CODammountInCopper"
+IE: /amd itembyname [Rugged Leather] Zuland 1500
+That sends each unit of Rugged Leather to Zuland for 15 silver each unit, 3 Gold per stack
+Currently, each Item Name can only be linked to one recipient, I plan to add a few more keys in a later release after I see how well this works
+Now, you can send items of diffrent names to people for a COD ammount
-'/amd help' is now more helpful
-The stack size of the goods sent is now displayed
-Various texts have been cleaned up
-There is currently no way, provided by me other then writing over it, to delete what was linked to a recipient ingame, you would have to delete the part of the table in the SV file
-Major overhaul of the slash commands, they should work better now, I found a better coding method for pattern matching
-Changed text for when an item is not sendable through mail, it has now greater accuracy
-There are various things changed to improve exiting earlier if the item does not meet the criteria for mailing

v.1.3.1 (Febuary 1, 2007)
Fifth Public Release
-Removed a few debug messages

v.1.3 (January 30, 2007)
Fourth Public Release
-Now, if the item is not mailed, you will no longer have to drop it
-Added "/amd all Mytoon" sends all the mail you want to Mytoon via the key-binding you set up
-Mail will now auto-delete when the item is removed, I used CT_MailMod to remove items from the mail so I did not have this problem
-Cleaned up some of the code
-Changed the Saved Variables, it is recommended that users from a previous version delete there old AutoMailDirector.lua in there Saved Variables folder
-The above also means that the user will have to set up the recipients again (sorry!) because of major changes to the Data Structure

v.1.2 (January 16, 2007)
Third Public Release
-Updated for compatibly with WoW 2.0.4
-Added Secure Hooking, fixed not being able to apply an armor patch with this AddOn active, this was broken by the WoW 2.0 changes
-Added Showing of where the item would go, while away from mail box, just hold your binding and click the item

v.1.1 (December 7, 2006)
Second Public Release
-Updated for compatibly with WoW 2.0.1

v.1.0 (November 14, 2006)
Initial Public Release

To Do, things not yet implemented, but stuff that, hopefully, will be soon:

-Have different 'nag' settings, where it would delimit the amount of text printed to the default chat frame.
-Add more buttons, with diffrent things
-Split item stacks of item, mail to several traders
+This means, make it easer to sell the same item from different toons, for each click on the single stack it would split it into pieces, with the remainder going to the last toon, and for single items, it would just switch on each mail of the item
+IE: Click a stack, it gets cut into pieces where each trader that you designate to send it to gets some, so then you can make it look like there are many people selling the item on the AH, where it is just your several traders, and on each click the next recipient in the list would get some of the item
-COD support
+Make Informant or BottomScanner, part of the Auctioneer suite, an optional dependency for a static price list and have CODs by a factor of what said item sells to vendor for
+Or ask for premition to include a price list with this distribution so it does not have to be a dependency
+Several key-binds, or otherwise brantches of who gets what based on the item type
-Queuing of items, so user can click everything he wants to send and not have to wait for the last item to complete
-GUI Configuration
-Make a verbose and non-verbose mode, to show the user less or more information from how much they want to know
-Diffrent filters, for items linked to recipients with different key-bindings configured via slash commands, GUI later
+IE: Level, Rarity, Stack, Equip Location, and
+Sub Type, the subclasses of each main type
-(Very ambitious) Tracking of whose mailbox has what items

If you have any suggestions, please make them know here, or email me at [email protected]
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Unread 09-17-07, 09:12 PM  
Arcadian Del Sol
A Fallenroot Satyr

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how about assigning multiple names to one button?

I'd love to be able to create 'mail groups' so that I can send 1 text email to the members of my various arena teams and/or raiding groups. its a pain in the butt to have to retype the same email 24 times.

This mod is >this close< to being exactly what I'm looking for. crossing my fingers that you can do it.
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Unread 01-28-07, 06:19 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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Re: Wonderful, EXCEPT

Originally posted by seebs
You really, really, shouldn't put text in messages. Messages with text do not auto-delete when you take the item. A bank with 100 items in the mailbox to grab does not want to hit "delete" 100 times.
I use the AddOn to manage my inventory of 100s of items; that is why I made it. I use CT_MailMod, witch I recommend as a complement to my AddOn, and it deletes the mail. Never thought about that, thanks for the suggestion. The next version of AMD is due shortly after this writing. Many cool new features will be in it.

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Unread 01-24-07, 01:33 AM  
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Wonderful, EXCEPT

You really, really, shouldn't put text in messages. Messages with text do not auto-delete when you take the item. A bank with 100 items in the mailbox to grab does not want to hit "delete" 100 times.
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Unread 12-08-06, 07:16 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Awesome! I haven't actually tried it yet, but assuming it works it'll make my life much easier. Thanks!
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