Updated: 07-26-08 07:53 PM
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Updated:07-26-08 07:53 PM

Random Death Sounds

Version: 2.4
by: Nightmaiden [More]

Random Death Sounds by Deadlykris
Adapted from Em0 by SkaDemon

Em0 by SkaDemon is an addon that plays one specific sound file when you die. I liked the concept, but felt that a wider variety of sounds was in order. To Skademon, thanks for the idea and the code which this addon is based off of.

RDS plays a random sound file (of a list of currently 72, which can be modified if you so choose). There's no ingame options - it either plays a random sound, or you disable the addon at the login screen so that it doesn't load. There's also an addon called Master Control Program (MCP) that allows for enabling and disabling addons on the fly without relogging.

Unzip this ZIP file into the Interface/Addons folder.

Modifying the addon:
Any configuration of the addon must be done directly to the addons files with the game closed. You can add and remove audio files from the list if you so choose.

File naming scheme:
The sound files in the RDS\sounds directory follow a naming scheme as follows:
The first part of the naming scheme is the letters RDS
The second part is a number. This number must not be appended with a 0 and may not be 0, however it can contain 0 as long as the first digit is not 0. Failure to follow this part of the convention will result in the addon never playing the file.
The third and final part is the file extension of .wav - this applies for all sound formats that WoW can play.
The format is referred to as the RDS#.wav naming scheme.

Adding a file:
1) Copy the file to the RDS/Sounds folder.
2) Rename it so that it complies with the naming scheme of RDS#.wav and so that it either a) fills any gaps from removing sound files or b) continues the sequence with the next number.
3) When all files are added and/or removed, open up the RDS.lua file and find the line with PlaySoundFile in it. An example is:


Change the number 72 (or whatever it is on your system) to the number in the last file in the sequence. Make sure the files are sorted by name to ensure that the last file in the list is the last file in the sequence. Save and close the file.
4) Test the sound files. See the "Testing the Sound Files" section below for instructions on that.

Removing a file:
1) Delete the file from the RDS/Sounds folder.
2) Rename the last file in the sequence to fill the gap in the sequence. If this is the last file in the sequence, or you plan to add or delete more files, you can skip this step but make sure you come back to it before doing step 3.
3) When all files are added and/or removed, open up the RDS.lua file and find the line with PlaySoundFile in it. An example is:


Change the number 72 (or whatever it is on your system) to the number in the last file in the sequence. Make sure the files are sorted by name to ensure that the last file in the list is the last file in the sequence. Save and close the file.
4) Test the sound files. See the "Testing the Sound Files" section below for instructions on that.

Testing the files:
After changing the sound files and before doing anything important in the game, it is imperative that you test the files - the last thing you want to do is crash when you die, especially in an instance, since that will cause you to auto-release when you log back in. To that end, I'll share the macro I used for this purpose. Change the number "72" to be the same number as in the LUA file (see Step 3 in the above 2 sections).
/script if not i then i=1 end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Playing RDS"..i..".wav") PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\RDS\\Sounds\\RDS"..i..".wav") i=i+1 if i > 72 then i=1 end

This plays the sound file and displays the filename in the default chat frame. A bad sound file can crash WoW, and a nonexistent one *should* simply fail to play. Note: if "i" is set to a string value or a negative number it may cause the macro to fail. If that's the case, it will display something like "Playing RDS-400.wav" or "Playing RDSJoe.wav" and no sound will play. To rectify this, type: /script i=1

When you run the macro, it should start cycling through the sound files, one sound file for each time you activate the macro. Watch the chat display and remember the name of the last file played. If one is a bad file, it will crash WoW and you'll need to know the filename in order to remove it. If a file doesn't exist, it will say that it's playing the file, but no sound will start. Check to see if the file exists and if it does, open it to see that there's actually sound in the file (if it's not a sound file, it will crash WoW). Refer to steps 2 and 3 in both of the above sections to rectify missing files.

If you log out dead but not released, the addon will play a sound when you log back in and auto-release.
SkaDemon is really cool. No, really!
Domino's Pizza is cheaper than Pizza Hut and the quality is the same.
Bugs should be reported on the WoW-US UI and Macros forum.
The sound files in this addon package have been tested and should not cause any crashes. If they do, follow the instructions for testing the files and for deleting the bad file, then report the bug.

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