Updated: 12-02-07 02:29 PM
File Info
Updated:12-02-07 02:29 PM

Bid Tracker

Version: 1.1
by: targon [More]

This is just an updated version of Wikwocket' Bid Tracker 1.0 I modded the TOC and fixed a couple bugs I found. It works for me and others that have tested it out for me. If there are any bug's I'll try to fix them ASAP.

BidTracker 1.0, by Wikwocket ([email protected])

This AddOn is a simple DKP bidding mod, which lets you run a point auction for loot items.

DISCLAIMER: This mod is only designed to run a simple auction, where players whisper you whole-number bids, which are not checked against any database. It was written for my guild, and therefore I will not be modifying it to work with other loot-distribution systems such as silent auction, one-bid-only auctions, fixed-price loot, etc.

BidTracker runs a DKP/point auction for one or more items, accepting bids by whispers, and reporting the results to the group.

BidTracker works in parties and raids. It will also work in /say if you are not in a group.

To open BidTracker before starting an auction, type /bt or /bidtracker.

To start an auction, first click "Pick Item to Auction." This opens a popup where you can shift-click an item link (currently only from chat). Enter the quantity of the item as well: BidTracker can handle auctions with multiples of an item, for example if Onyxia drops 2 of one class's headgear.

Then click "Start and Announce" to actually start the auction, and announce it in chat.

Now BidTracker will listen to whispers to you. It will recognize numeric bids and add them to the displayed Bidders list. It will also whisper people back to acknowledge their bids.

At any time you can click "Announce Current Bid Level" to announce the current winning bid(s). I chose to have a button for this instead of having it announce automatically when bids change, to reduce spamming during popular auctions.

You can click "Warn: Auction Ending Soon" to announce the current top bid(s) along with a "final warning" note.

At any time, bidders can declare they are done bidding, by whispering "out" or "done." They will show up in the summary as "Wikwocket: 5 (done)." Of course, they can still bid again, losing the "done" flag. This is just for notification convenience.

When bidding is complete, click "End Auction" to end the auction and announce the winner(s) to chat. Winners will be mentioned with their winning bids, and will be individually whispered as well. If there is a tie for any item(s), anyone who has to roll will be announced (and whispered), along with the bid they all tied at. Items that were not bid for will be announced as "grats bank/DE." Winners/rollers will also be announced to the guild officer's channel.

BidTracker should be able to handle even complex ties, for example an auction for 3x [Belt of Might] with bids of 7, 5, 3, 3, and 2. The mod will announce the winners (7 and 5) and the rollers (3 and 3). Eventually, I plan to have the mod also track the following rolls and announce the top roller(s).

Finally, there is an "Edit Bids" button. This is in case someone overbids or types incorrectly. Clicking it will open a popup where you can type in commands to add, delete, or change bids, along with instructions. If you edit someone's bid they will get a whisper saying so.

If you click on the "X" to close BidTracker, all data from the current auction will be discarded. So, if you have a problem with the mod, you can write down the current bids, then click "X" and complete the auction manually.

I hope you find this mod useful. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome!


Version history:
BidTracker 1.0 (WoW 2.0.2):
- Widespread release.

BidTracker 0.5:
- Updated for WoW 2.0.

BidTracker 0.4:
- Added colored status field to show auction status.
- Added ability for bidders to declare they are done bidding.

BidTracker 0.3:
- Limited "Couldn't parse bid" messages to once per person per auction.
- Changed whisper parser to ignore whispers from other instances of BidTracker.
- Added tab cycling to "Pick Item" frame.

BidTracker 0.2:
- Initial release.

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