Updated: 02-24-10 08:34 AM
File Info
Updated:02-24-10 08:34 AM
Created:02-12-10 11:03 AM


Version: 2.02
by: Virtualweb [More]

Dies Irae MOD

This addon is born because we needed to make quick substitution between bosses in 25-men istances. After the first release of this mod I've add some interesting function for spam in GuildChat for invites and the possibility to be invited by whisper. I've also add two function for having "sleep" function.

How to use "Conv" Command
You have to write on your console:
/dies conv [GROUP] [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4] [p5]

When you digit that command you'll move p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 in the raidgroup assigned.

Example of "Conv" Command
In your raid the first group is composed by: Mike, Tom, David, Alex, Mark.
In raid there are also Peter, Steve, Meg.
You digit: /dies conv 1 Peter, Steve, Meg, David, Alex.
After 2 second your first raidgroup will be composed by: Peter, Steve, Meg, David, Alex.

What do you need to run "Conv " Command
You need that players you name in the addon are in raid.
For a correct use you have to put in the code exact names ( is case-sensitive and Mør, Mor and MØr aren't the same name).

How to use "Invite" Command
If you write on your console: /dies invite on
You become a spam machine in your GuildChat. Every 2 minutes you spam this message:
"OFFICIAL GUILDRAID: WHISP ME \"INVITE\" TO BE INVITED." and if someone /w you, he will get invited.
If you write: /dies invite off
You stop writing in GuildChat and none will be invite by /w you.
If you write: /dies invite spam off
Deny DiesMOD to Write in GuildChat.
If you write: /dies invite spam on
(Default). Let DiesMOD to Write in GuildChat.

Sleep Functions
If you want a function in your scripts that need a delay, you can use DiesMOD.
This function is sleep_fnc(delay,function,arg1,arg2,...)
And if you want a function that fires every X seconds, you can use this one:

If you need some help you can use /dies help command.

This is a version that i built because i need something that remind me when i have to refresh my sunder armor on my warrior char.

Use this macro for casting Sunder Armor:
#showtooltip Sunder Armor
/cast Sunder Armor
/script sndr_act=true;

When your sunders are about to expire DiesMOD will play C'Thun saying "You Will Die" (8 sec before SA expires).

How to use
Use DiesMOD is very simple! You have to write on your console:
/dies conv [GROUP] [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4] [p5]

When you digit that command you'll move p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 in the raidgroup assigned.

In your raid the first group is composed by: Mike, Tom, David, Alex, Mark.
In raid there are also Peter, Steve, Meg.
You digit: /dies conv 1 Peter, Steve, Meg, David, Alex.
After 2 second your first raidgroup will be composed by: Peter, Steve, Meg, David, Alex.

What do you need to run DiesMOD
You need that players you name in the addon are in raid.
For a correct use you have to put in the code exact names ( is case-sensitive and Mør, Mor and MØr aren't the same name).

Common Errors
Interface\AddOns\DiesMOD\mod.lua:26: bad argument #2 to 'strsplit' (string expected, got nil)
If you get this error on your chat frame, you haven't insert all required parameters. This error is reported once (so if you don't reload you'll not have error messages anymore).
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