Updated: 10-18-10 07:07 PM
File Info
Updated:10-18-10 07:07 PM
Created:10-15-10 12:45 PM


Version: 4.0.1-2
by: kalimash [More]

NOTICE: Name changed due to request from author of HatTrick.
If you previously downloaded "HatTrick Continued" delete that and install this.

HatCheck is a small addon that adds checkboxes in the player paperdoll frame to toggle the helm and cloak settings.

Based on the Original Hattrick released by Tekkub

Version 4.0.1-2

Added slash commands. They weren't needed but I thought they would be nice, and they do come in handy.

You can use /hc or /hacheck
/hc or /hc help -- shows help message;
/hc helm or /hch -- Toggles Helm
/hc cloak or /hcc -- Toggles Cloak
/hc hideall -- Hides both Helm and Cloak
/hc showall -- Shows both Helm and Cloak

Probably not much else needs to be done but I am open to requests.

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