Updated: 05-17-07 09:21 AM
File Info
Updated:05-17-07 09:21 AM

WFWatcher modified

Version: 1.1
by: Pater [More]

This is a modification of WFWatcher.

Helps Enhancement shaman maximize DPS by letting them time their Stormstrikes when Windfury Weapon is not in cooldown. This should increase the chance that WF procs from the mainhand instead of the offhand.

The mod is represented by a single dot on the screen.

The dot's color and alpha vary based on combat status, WF cooldown status, and SS cooldown status.

[] Not-in-combat: dot fades to 0.1 alpha.

[] Stormstrike cooldown: when SS is on cooldown, the dot goes gray. When SS's cooldown is indistinguishable from the global cooldown (1.5 sec or less), the button becomes either green or red based on WF status (see below), but at 50% alpha. When SS is ready and there is no global cooldown, the button goes to 100% alpha.

[] WF cooldown: When SS is not in cooldown, see above, the color is dictated by WF's cooldown. Green means WF is not in cooldown, red means it is.

Additional new features in 1.1
- Automatically unloads if player is not a Shaman with Stormstrike.
- Reduces frequency of OnUpdate calls to reduce graphics lag.

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