Updated: 01-27-07 05:50 PM
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Updated:01-27-07 05:50 PM

Crimson Tempest Recomp

Version: 2.1.3
by: Slade8 [More]

This is a UI pack I did for my guild to offer a single solution for a UI that also had everything needed to raid out of the box. I spent A LOT of time testing different mods and comparing mods that had been released. I have tested almost every mod that has been released for 2.0 and this package is the result.

Because this is for my guild and a wide variety of people use it all the mods are very easy to use and highly customizable. I tried to stick with ACE addons when possible. I will continue to keep this pack updated with the latest versions.

Crimson Tempest

*** Changes in Version 2.1.3 *** (1/27)
+ Added EQCompare - Compare equipped inventory items against items in chatframe hyperlink and bags/bank. You can still open multiple links by ALT+Clicking
+ Added Postal (aka GMail2) - There isn't a mass mail gui yet but you can just ALT Click to send an item once the to field is filled out.
+ Added FishingAce - simple right click casting when you have a fishing pole equipped.
+ Added !Swatter - Swats error messages so you don't get a popup window. /swatter
+ Added Quest Initiators - Adds a small bit of information to the quest description of who gave the quest, and where they are located.
+ Added ColaLight - Saves the sell value of items and adds it to the tooltip, includes prices for 15k+ items.
+ Added Linkwrangler - Allows you to open multiple item link windows (up to 5) from text links in the chat window.

+ New Version Trinitybars (20003.14.6) Can do /trinity now
+ New Version MiniMap Button Bag (Now works with ACE mods! .400)
+ New Version Group Calendar (3.1b3)
+ New Version Deadly Boss Mods (2.40 beta 1)
+ New Version Natur Enemycastbar (6.7.2)
+ New Version eCastingBar (2.00.07)
+ New Version Outfitter (2.0b4)
+ New Version Theorycraft 2 (b.0013)
+ New Version Clique (2.4.4)
+ New Version CharacterProfiler (2.0.5b)
+ New Version Superinspect smurfy (2.0.4)
+ NEw Version AutoProfit (4.11)
+ New Version Rating Buster (0.7.1)
+ New Version Bunch of ACE mods and Libraries

- Removed GMail (Replaced by Postal)
- Removed FishingBuddy (Replaced by FishingAce)
- Removed !ImprovedErrorFrame (Replaced by !Swatter)
- Removed Monetary Value
- Removed Links
- Removed Some un-used ACE Libraries


1. Exit the game
2. Delete all the contents of your ..\World of Warcraft\Interface\ folder & ..\World of Warcraft\Fonts (you may not have this)
3. Extract all the files making sure to use folder names and point to your root World of Warcraft folder.
4. Download and run WoW Clean (put it into your WoW directory) AFTER you install to remove unused Saved Variables (it compares the saved variables folder to installed mods):
5. Launch the game
Fresh insteall:
1. Exit the game
2. Delete all the contents of your ..\World of Warcraft\Interface\ folder Delete all the contents of your ..\World of Warcraft\Interface\ folder & ..\World of Warcraft\Fonts (you may not have this)
3. Delete your ..\World of Warcraft\WTF\ folder
4. Delete your ..\World of Warcraft\Cache\WDB\ folder
5. Launch the game without any mods installed and log into the game with one of your characters
6. Exit the game
7. Extract all the files making sure to use folder names and point to your root World of Warcraft folder.
9. Launch the game
*** MOD LIST ***

!OmniCC - Shows cooldowns in action bars & inventory.
!Swatter - Swats error messages so you don't get a popup window. /swatter
AdvancedTradeSkillWindow - A complete replacement for Blizzards tradeskill window with more overview and special functions.
AH Wipe - Adds reset button to the Auction House frame.
Align - Puts a resizable grid on the screen to help setup your UI layout. /align # to change the grid size
Arena Master - Keeps track of the enemy team in Arena Battles.
AuldLangSyne - Enhances Friends list and adds player notes for guild and friends.
AutoProfit - Adds a small icon to merchant frames that allows you to sell every gray item in your inventory to the vendor instantly.
Capping - Statusbar timers and other goodies for your battleground enjoyment.
Cartographer - Enhances the map, lots of great features.
Cartographer Fishing - Fishing mapnotes.
Cartographer Herbalism - Adds notes on map of herb locations, can sort by type.
Cartographer Mining - Adds notes on map of mining locations.
Cartographer Quests - Keep track of Quest NPC Locations.
Cartographer Scribe - Adds notes to Outlands areas.
Cartographer Treasure - Adds Treasure notes.
Character Profiler - Extracts character info including stats, equipment, inventory, trade skills, spellbook, mail, and pets (used to show your character on websites).
Chatlog - ChatLog logs the chat for you in the background. When you want to read the logs, simply click on the tiny icon at the top left corner of your chat frame.
Chronometer - Tracks only your HoTs, DoTs, buffs, debuffs, etc. Much more accurate and useful that natur enemy castbar.
Cirks ChatManager - Aims to simplify using chat channels by providing most commonly used (and not so commonly used) features all in one simple window.
ClearFont2 - You can now change fonts in game! ACE2 Version.
Clique - A simple GUI that lets you assign click-casting for any number of unit frames (open your spell book and check the last tab to open).
ColaLight - Saves the sell value of items and adds it to the tooltip, includes prices for 15k+ items.
Deadly Boss Mods (formerly La Vendetta) - Boss mods for all raid bosses.
Denial2 - Blocks all kind of requests and skips gossips.
DeuceCommander - Provides a graphical interface to Ace2 addon /commands.
Dorje Healing Bars - Shows casting bars of incoming heals on who you have targeted. Also shows the progress of any heal being cast on you or your focus target.
Drag Queen - Makes selected frames mobile by dragging their top/title bar.
eCastingBar - A movable and configurable casting bar replacement. /ecb
EkBomb - Displays a very large attention getting warning in the center of your screen when you get certain "bomb" type debuffs.
EZDismount - EzDismount will dismount you when you click on a flightmaster, try to cast a spell or a herb/ore node (or attack someone) & more. /ezdismount
EQCompare - Compare equipped inventory items against items in chatframe hyperlink and bags/bank. You can still open multiple links by ALT+Clicking
Fence - A modular and lightweight tool of the trade for the daily auction house business.
FishingAce - simple right click casting when you have a fishing pole equipped.
Fizzle - Show item durability and quality in the character frame.
FreeRefills - Automatic Refilling of User Defined Items (never forget to buy reagents again).
Friend & Ignore Share - Synchronizes your friends and ignore lists across your alts.
Fubar - A panel that modules can plug into (See Below).
Group Calender - Allows guilds or groups of friends to share an in-game event calendar.
Grid - A modular, lightweight and screen-estate saving grid of party/raid unit frames.
Gyro - Lets you set up macros (lists of commands) to be run whenever you join or leave a raid. /gyro
IDCard - Simple addon that shows the inventory icon next to an item tooltip.
InFlight - Shows time statusbar for flightpaths (and time to fly in flightmap).
KLH Threatmeter - Monitors and records your threat, and will list your threat in a table with other members of your party or raid group who are using the mod. /ktm
Lexan - Prevents certain windows from being undesirably closed - unintentionally or maliciously.
Linkwrangler - Allows you to open multiple item link windows (up to 5) from text links in the chat window.
MCP - You can enable and disable mods in game, hit esc and go to "addons".
Mini Map Button Bag - MinimapButtonBag cleans up your Minimap and relocates the buttons in a menu bar. You can still access them through a single minimap button.
Mob Health3 - Calculates hostile monster and player HP very accurately.
Morganti's Buffbars - Totally customizable Buff, Debuff, and Weapon buffs in separate move able and re sizable bars. /mb
natur enemycastbar - Displays a replication of your Targets AND Focus spell casting bar on your UI (including bosses).
OneBag - One customizable frame for your bags.
OneBank - One customizable frame for your bank.
OneRing - One customizable frame for your keyring.
oRA2 - A CT_Raid alternative.
oTweaks - CVar tweaks, made easy (combat log range, camera tweaks, tabbing speed and range, & more).
Quest Initiators - Adds a small bit of information to the quest description of who gave the quest, and where they are located.
Outfitter - Allows you to create multiple outfits and equip them with a click of your mouse.
Party No AutoLoot - If you are in a party or raid it turns off the autoloot option. When you leave the party or raid it turns the autoloot option back on.
Postal (aka GMail2) - Mail Mod. There isn't a mass mail gui yet but you can just ALT Click to send an item once the to field is filled out.
Prat - A framework for chat frame modules, completely customize the look and how you see things in chat.
qUserKey - Bind a key to any spell, item or macro (hit esc, in the menu go to "User Key Bindings")
RABuffs - Designed to simplify buffing in raids, as well as relay tactical information that may be of use to the raid leader (or simply to anyone interested).
RatingBuster - Converts combat ratings in your tooltips into percentages,
Scrolling Combat Damage - Adds your damage to Scrolling Combat Text. /sct
Scrolling Combat Text - Adds Scrolling Combat Text above your character. /sct
SimpleCombatLog - Suppress default combat messages, display simplified ones. (alt+right click on the combat tab to configure)
SimpleMiniMap - Move and scale the minimap, drag and hide default minimap buttons.
SuperInspect - Replaces the default inspect window with a highly enhanced one.
SW_Stats - A damage/heal (and more) meter addon designed to be very customizable in what you want to see with a built-in Sync channel that is running in the background.
TalentWhisper - Whisper your talent build to a player or send it to a chatchannel. /talentwhisper
TheoryCraft 2 - Places everything you need to know about your abilities right on their tooltips (check your spellbook). /tc
TinyTip - Adds reaction coloring, unit class / classification, race, and optionally pvp rank and guild to your tooltip. Default is stuck-to-mouse anchoring. /tinytip
TinyTipExtras - Adds extra features to your tooltip, such as pvp icon, buffs, etc. /tinytip
TinyTipOptions - Slash command interface for TinyTip. /tinytip
Trinity Bars - TrinityBars (Trinity Buttons) is an addon that uses 120 button objects to create an action button user interface. (INSTRUCTIONS: )
Trinket Menu - This is a mod to make swapping trinkets easier. It will display your two equipped trinkets in a bar. Mouseover on either trinket will display a menu of up to 30 trinkets in your bags to swap.
UberQuest - Big dual pane view of the Quest Log. Includes a customizable quest tracker.
WoW Texas Holdem - Allows you to play texas holdem with each others who have the mod.
XLoot, XGroup, XMaster - A remake of the built-in lootframe and more.
X-Perl - A complete unitframes replacement (Player, Party, Pet, Target & ToT) to show your group and and raid groups. Highly customizable (click the perl in the minimap).
ZZZGmotd - Repeats the GMotD after all the spam when you first log on.

FuBar - Ammo, Bag, Battleground, ReagentTracker, Clock, Durability, Experience, Group, Guild, Honor, Itembonus, KTM, Money, oRA2Cooldown, Outfitter, Performance, Quest, Regen, SW Stats, Textures

Libraries: AbacusLib, Ace2, AnchorsAway, Babble-2.2, BanzaiLib, CandyBar, CompostLib, CrayonLib, Deformat, DewdropLib, FuBarPlugin-2.0, GloryLib, GratuityLib, ItemBonusLib, JostleLib, Metrognome, OneStorage, PaintChipsLib, ParserLib, PeriodicTable-3.0, ProximityLib, Quixote, RosterLib, SpecialEventsEmbed, Stitch-1.0, SurfaceLib, TabletLib, TableTopLib, TipLib, TouristLib


/ecb - casting bars
/mb - buff bars
/omnicc - Configure the cooldown text that shows up in your action bars and inventory.
/fs - Setup Friend & Ignore share options, including turning off adding alts to friends list.
/tc - Opens up the TheoryCraft 2 GUI to setup how tooltips look among other things.
/swatter - !Swatter mod setup, it stops popups on errors.
/trinity - Trinity Bars GUI
/gyro - setup macro's to run when you join and leave a raid
/ekbomb - setup bomb warning mod
/ezdismount - setup your mount options
/align & /align # - Resizable grid to help setup your UI layout.
/ktm - Threat meter options
/rab - RA Buffs (show or hide the window)
/sct & /sct menu - Setup scrolling combat text & dmg
/tinytip - Setup tinytip
/talentwhisper - Send your talent build to others
/swstats nuke - Clears out all the data for SW Stats
/calendar - Brings up Group Calendar.

NOTE: ACE Mods can be configured through DueceCommander on fubar.

*** FAQ ***

What are all these bars with buttons all over my screen and how do I configure them?
These are your action bars handled by the Trinity Bars mod. Click on the button on your minimap to expand it. You will see a blue'ish button that looks kind of like an angel. You use this to configure most of Trinity. Click to expand it and read the tooltips. The top most button after you expand it will hide the docks and make it a little easier to see. Detailed trinity instructions can be found here :

What are all these casting bars on my screen (eCasting Bar, Target Bar, Mirror Bar)?
The Mirror Bar handles Breathing, Feign Death, and Exhaustion. The Target Bar shows what your target is casting. You can configure all of these (turn each one off, hide the outline, etc...) by typing /ecb.

What are all these buffs to the right of my screen?
That is Morganti's Buffbars. It shows a sample layout to start. You can configure it by typing /mb. You can then change the layout, style, or even color (in advanced options) of each buff type. Once you are happy with how it looks uncheck "enable display grid". You will now only see buffs and debuffs that are actually on your character.

How do I get the box I type in for chat to go back to the bottom?
Prat handles the look of your chat window. In fubar right click the chat bubble that says Prat. Go down to "enabled modules" then "editbox". Then go to position and change it to the setting you wish.

How do I get rid of these timestamps in my chat window (or how do you change various looks of your chat window)?
Prat handles the look of your chat window. In fubar right click the chat bubble that says Prat. Go down to "Enabled Modules" then "Timestamps" and click toggle. You can also go to "Playernames" and configure what you want it to show in chat (their level for example can be turned off).

What is this box in the center of my screen with my name on it?
That is Grid, a very cool unitframes mod that shows a ton of information in a very small space. To hide it Right click on Grid in Fubar, go to "Layout" then "Show Frame". Here you can check raid or group only. To turn it completely off uncheck the enable box in the first Grid menu.

What is this thing that says "Loot Rolls" on my screen?
This is where the roll window for loot will pop up. Drag it to where you want it then right click and uncheck show anchor. You can get it back by typing "/xloot group anchor on".

How do I setup XXX?
All ACE based mods can be configured via DueceCommander. Right click on it in fubar and go through everything. This makes setting up most mods very easy. If it isn't in DueceCommander check your minimap buttons.

Why is the Blizzard Cast bar on my screen and how do I get rid of it?
This is an issue if you disable eCastingbar. You must disable the addon itself. If you just disable it via the checkbox in the mods setup it will cause the blizzard cast bar to appear.

How do I change my minimap?
Right click on the mini-map and this will bring up a set of options. Going to skinds allows you change the shape of the mini-map. You can also change numerous other settings.

My in game font is too small how do I fix it?
ClearFont2 allows you to change not only the font but the size in game. It can be found in DueceCommander under interface enhancements or on fubar.

How do I stop all this healing, mana regen, rage spam on my screen?
Type "/sct menu" then click on the spells tab. Then change the healers or mana filter, it won't show anything on your screen that is below that number. Uncheck power gains to stop showing rage you gain.

How do I move these bars that show what mobs are casting?
Click on the button on your minimap to expand it, then click on the button that looks like a graph. This is natur enemycastbar. Click on "Moveable Bar" on the button to drag it to where you want.

How do I stop the Aggro warning from showing up in the middle of my screen?
A couple of mods will notify you when you gain aggro. In X-Perl go to the "Helper" tab. In the Target Counters area uncheck Aggro Warning. In LV Boss mods (via the minimap button) go to options and you can also configure your aggro alert settings.

How do I configure RA Buffs?
Right click on the top of it and go to "Configure RA Buffs". To add or remove things that it will monitor go to layout. If you click the "Intro" tab at the top it explains the basics of RA Buffs.

How do I setup my player frames?
To configure how you, your target, or your targets target look you click on your minimap icon to expand it then go to the icon that looks like a perl. X-Perl controls the look of your group frames also.

I just joined a raid where did all these playerframes come from?
You have multiple options to display your raid group. X-Perl comes with Raid Frames. X-Perl is setup via the minimap button that looks like a perl. Grid will also pop up and that is also setup in Fubar. Play around and decide what you want to use on raids and disable the others (although I use Grid for my decursing).

Why does SW Stats give me some memory error?
You can type '/swstats nuke' to clear out all the log data for sw stats. Also at the character select screen click the addons button and you can also increase the amount of memory dedicated to addons you have installed.

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Unread 01-14-07, 04:21 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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I spent the last couple of days tracking down bugs and reporting them to make sure they got fixed. I tested it for a couple of hours in the BG's and didn't have any problems. Basically did all I could do make this release bug free because I know it's frustrating to people.

I did put some new mods in to help with grouping and questing for BC.

Here are a couple of screenshots of me messing around in BG's with the newest version.

Let me know what you think, I do appreciate feedback.
Last edited by Slade8 : 01-14-07 at 04:21 PM.
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Unread 01-11-07, 02:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Fishing Buddy is causing the problem, I have a fix for it that should be in the next release but just turn it off until then if you are having problems. Sorry about that.
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Unread 01-11-07, 01:08 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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mouse problems

i just wanted you to know that for those of us that use the mouse to move around instead of the keyboard or other controller are having problems..... one of the mods in the compilation makes the mouse release instead of letting you hold it down to continue movement..... this can be quite annoying. it seems to only happen when there is combat going on.... so i'm guessing it's part of an event flagger or something.... but what it does is makes the mouse pointer disengage.... if you sit in a Bg and just hold the right mouse button down and don't do anything else after a few seconds the mouse will pop back in to view and act like you never pushed it down... even though you still have it pushed down. you lose all movement control.... if you can locate what is causeing that i'd greatly appreciate IT other than that this mod is awesome.... trinity was rough at first but way kool once i got it all configured.

Thanks again!
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Unread 12-17-06, 09:51 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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It's been updated with a FAQ and slash commands. Also included a description of each mod. The bars to the right are actually Morganti's Buffbars. Type /mb to set it up. After you have the buffs looking the way you want uncheck "enable display guide". Then only buffs that you actually have will show up.
Last edited by Slade8 : 12-17-06 at 09:51 PM.
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Unread 12-10-06, 05:04 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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No Directions

There is no help for several of the mods. Most annoying is RABuffs... no directions on hiding the buff bars.

Guess Ill uninstall till help is provided.
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