Updated: 06-20-07 11:25 AM
File Info
Updated:06-20-07 11:25 AM


Version: 1.2
by: skrom [More]

Stores and retrieves texts entered in an easy to use fashion. Created in response to Nellancy of Kirin Tor's request: "I need it to be able to call upon specific lines in there (ie /sp 5 will call the 5th quote), or at the very least be able to go through the lines in order rather than randomly picking them. Does anyone know a mod that can do this, or know how to edit this mod so that it could do either of those things? "

Slash Commands: /thespian bin -- Lists all your saved sets.

/thespian remove x -- Removes the set named "x"
/thespian use x -- Switches to set "x" and enables it as the working set. Useful for splitting up or organizing your lines.
/thespian list -- Outputs every line in your working set to your chat box (Not seen by others)
/thespian add (emote) text -- Adds a new line of text into the current working set. If emote is added before the text, the line will be saved as an emote.
/thespian edit x -- Edits the line given by "x" in the current working set.
/thespian insert x text -- Inserts the text entered at the line given by "x" and resorts the set.
/thespian delete x -- Deletes the provided line from your working set
/thespian channel x -- Changes your default channel. Valid entries are: Say, Yell, Party, Guild, Officer or Raid
/thespian out x -- Delivers the line given by "x" from the current working set to your default channel
/thespian autoplay x-y z -- Automatically quotes lines x-y and pauses for z seconds in between each line.

Suggestions, comments and bug alerts are welcome.

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