Updated: 03-17-13 11:28 PM
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Updated:03-17-13 11:28 PM

Looter  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.1.8
by: EVmaker [More]

I have been looking for a mod to auto loot profession windows. For example I want to auto loot whenever I skin something or mine something etc... So after looking for some time with out much luck I stumbled across FastDisenchant by masahikotao. This seemed to do the trick, but it only dealt with disenchanting and prospecting. I decided that wasn't good enough and put my limited coding knowledge to work with my friend to make it work with other professions. Thus looter was born. Though I admit while messing around with the code we came up with several other features we think would be great to add if we can figure out how. Its if far from being a final product, but we figured we would get an alpha release version out to start things off.

1.1.8 Released.
See the Changelog for details.

As always, keep a watch on the Portal for more information.

Note: Short of thinking of something else, this will one of the last updates to the Looter mod itself, to keep it a nice small and lightweight but does what you want looting mod. Next in line is titan/fubar support (which might be another mod, such as how bankitems does, depending on size of the change) and WoTLK compatibility.

Further "extra" features that will enhance Looter such as been discussed before, such as possibly Loot/Rolling based on wish list in Atlas Loot, or Auctioneer values, and so on, will most likely be turned into another mod such as "LooterExtras" which will require Looter but be an optional addon for those that want the extra features and don't mind the extra memory/performance hit they might cause (again see readme for details).

* Added looting of Quest items (updated as of 1.0.4, see readme)
* Quest item loot list updated on login automatically
* Added /looter add, and /looter remove for adding or removing the mouseovered item to the custom loot list.
* Added looting by item value, read readme for details
* See change log for more details.
* Minimap button is now hideable and showable via slash command or menu option
* Looter will now automatically reset and update the saved settings if the version (or lack of version for even older versions) is older then the current version. This will fix most problems related to having older settings that don't have the new toggles added in later versions.
* Fixed 3 outstanding bugs (listed at the portal below, see there or the changelog for details)
* Should now be fully WoTLK compatible.

Made an author portal at This link where people can more easily post any bug reports or feature requests and easily track them.

Current version:

Working slash command system, using /looter.
Using the above, you can toggle any of the current looting options on or off.
*Added /looter list custom, to list whats in the custom loot list (see gui)
*Added /looter toggle status, to see whats toggled on or off
*Added /looter version, to see what the current version is
*Added /looter reset, to reset the toggles back to default and clear the custom loot list
*Added /looter clear, to clear the custom loot list (and hence not /looter reset, which resets the toggles, or needing to remove each item yourself)

Working Menu/GUI, for now use /looter open menu to access.
Can use the new menu to visually see whats enabled or disabled, as well as change them from the menu, also can use the menu to add items you wish to loot automatically to the custom loot list and click the display button to see whats in there so far.

Working saved options, all toggle options and the custom loot list will now be saved between sessions for each individual character.

Working Minimap button, place it where you want it, and you can left click it to open the menu or right click it to update your quest item loot list (see readme)

Next in line:

*Loots Prospecting window
*Loots Milling window
*Loots Disenchanting window
*Loots Mining window
*Loots Skinning Window (think its a fairly complete list let me know if you see something that wasnt looted.)
*Loots Herbalism window
*Loots Tailoring window
*Loots Fish, from the Fishing window
*Loots Health and/or Mana Potions
*Loots Battleground items (see readme for more details)
*Loots Quest items (see readme for update details)
*Loots Items if a certain value (if enabled, see readme for details)

Coming soon:
*And more for a full list (or at least current full list) read the included readme.

Should work fine with mods that change the loot frame such as xloot.

5.2 TOC update, also got all the new herbs, ores etc.. from Mists added, I am still finding the fish but wanted to get this release for everyone, so please let me know if I missed anything besides those. Also fixed a bug with delete after looting that I missed due to the API change mention in the 1.1.7 quickfix (I had missed it as I don't use that feature so I didn't notice it was not working).

Quickfix to fix the AoE looting of coins, since the new API to determine if a loot is a coin or not says AoE looted coins are not coins.

5.0.4 Compatibility, fixed a couple issues that occured due to the patch such as the options menu being back to a black background, and the bug that was preventing looting due to an API change.

4.1 TOC update (mod worked fine already), fixed the quest item looting broken due to the removal of some item types (librams) bumping quest items to be 10 instead of 12 (many thanks to those who helped track that down/point it out).

Archaeology looting, keystones will be in the next release.

Believe all the new cataclysm profession loot are now updated to pickup with looter, if anyone notices some that are missing please post it either in a bug report on the portal or on the Looter comments.

Archaeology didn't quite make it into this release, as the items for it are considered "currency" and not items per se, I will most definately be getting the 'profession/secondary skill' into the next release, but I didn't want to delay the release anymore while I get that working.

Fixed mount after gathering/mount with modifier, coincidentally how Looter checks for Useful Extras is neater and more efficient. Thanks to DrGaunt and bmccord from WoWI for their bug reports which helped track down both parts of the issue.

Also added a small check when adding items to the custom loot or blocked loot lists to see if the item is already there first.

Simply the cataclysm/4.01 compatible release, otherwise same as 1.1.1.

Fixed Delete Loot and Close Loot to be mutually exclusive (conflicted before when having them both enabled). Added a 'block list', items added to the block list will not be looted regardless of any other setting if using the blocklist is checked. Also added 'loot by quality/rarity', which will loot items of that quality or better (select common and it will loot common or better).

Quick fix so that the misc profession loot option will actually loot again, thank you for pointing it out sdwwraith on WoWI.

Decided to jump the version number with the number of additions in this version, but the changes are as follows:
*Add an item to the item list by itemID as well as by exact name (/looter add itemid, or type the id in the area in the menu for adding items to the custom loot list).
*Ability to change the right-click of the looter minimap or LDB (Titan Panel etc..) to something other then reloadui, right now just to open the menu (as leftclick has always and will remain to do).
*Option to close the loot window after everything that meets current looting criteria is looted (instead of closing it on your own or moving or some other way of just closing the window).
*Option to delete any excess items that don't meet the current loot criteria *Use at your own risk*, this has been tested a fair bit, by blizzard api changes really messing with looting api, it won't hurt your items, it will simply loot and delete any items on a corpse not matching current loot criteria. This can cause things that you may want that just happened to be there to be destroyed (quality items, other things) This is use at your own risk, its great for skinning, and those that hate seeing the sparkles after looting a corpse, but it can be dangerous to the items on the corpse.
*Fixed the already being rolled on bug, and added Dragonseyes to the prospecting loot list.

Updated TOC and added a toggle for mount after looting while holding a modifier (alt or control), also made it so that mount after gathering only triggers off gathering herbs, ores, or skins (also made it so it doesn't mount after pickpocketing).

Quickfix for quest item looting, made a get to Looter's method of GetItemInfo, thought I'd updated all the calls but apparently I missed the itemType call for quest items, my apologies for missing that and thank you for the reports.

3.2 Compatibility and TOC Update. Added 3.1/3.2 Profession loot (such as Titanium Powder to prospecting which can now be turned in for Jewelcrafters tokens). Removed the don't loot if in-combat check, as the LootSlot API was thankfully changed back to non-protected (as in, won't throw an error if it's called while still in combat). Also now the Loot by value will work without needing any SellValue mod thanks to the items sell value now being obtainable straight from the API. Some code optimization, and finally getting Looter to use the merge method of updating it's settings like my other mods, so no longer need to rechoose your settings after an update (though it might be a good idea to do a /looter reset for this version just to make sure everythings setup). EMLib Update.

Quickfix for an error introduced in the last version with the quest item looting code rewrite, with the old function reference still being in, my apologies for missing that.

Rewrote the Quest item looting code, should no longer have any problems looting a quest item, even if it is one that is not listed on the quest objectives (such as collecting two parts of an amulet which combine into the final amulet which is the only thing asked for in the quest objectives), and the code is smaller to boot.

3.1 Compatibility, Added loot everything for pickpocketing, in-combat check for looting since apparently they changed LootSlot to a protected api (can't be used in combat), and TOC update.

Integrated LDB support, can now be put onto Titan Panel, Fubar, or other LDB compatible mods (DockingStation).

Quick change to when the Mount after Looting is called for those using that option, should be a bit better.

Black Vitriol was added to the Misc Profession looting section, a mount after gathering option (see the 'remount' feature request on the portal for more information), possible fix for the once mentioned can't autoloot with modifier down issue.

Updated Health/Mana and Prospecting with WoTLK items, somehow I missed them on the WoTLK release version so my apologies. Also finally updated Looter to use EMLib.

Added the Milling and Miscellaneous Profession loot toggles, so for all those inscriptionists out there, you can now automatically loot those pigments from your milling. Also the new toggle for Miscellaneous Profession loot will loot those miscellaneous items used for profession such as Hearts of the Wild, Spider Silks, Venom Sacs, Motes, and so on that don't fit in the main loot categories.

Changed how the reset & update works when Looter detects the users saved variables are from a version older then the current version, specifically, since how the custom loot list works isn't changed very much, the clearing of it after each new version was removed (if a future version does require it, the manual /looter reset still does a full reset, and I'll make sure to let people know to do it). Also implemented a slash command method of adding items to the custom loot list, for example, mouse over an Iron Ore, and do /looter add, and it'll add iron ore to the custom loot list (coincedentally, mouse over the same iron ore, and do /looter remove, and it will remove it from the list). I'll continue working on a way to do this without needing a slash command, but its there for those that will find it helpful.

Improved GetSellValue support (thanks Cirk for the help), Looter should now work just fine with any GetSellValue mod. Also implemented is 'Loot by Stack Value', you have an item that is worth 20 copper, stacks in lots of 20, thats 4 silver for one bag slot, if your loot value is 3 silver and you have loot by stack value on, it'd loot those items since the stack can be valued over your loot value. Whether you wish to use stack value looting is up to you.

Release for 3.0.2, might need a quick fix version later depending, it shouldn't need one as everything should be all set, but as I still can't log into my server to test personally I cannot say. Added most known WoTLK Leather, Mining, Herb, Enchanting and Fishing items to Looter, This will currently only be useful to beta testers, but once WoTLK releases in around a month it'll be all set to go for everyone else.

WoTLK compatible, see readme for details, but essentially it is just a small change to make the mod compatible, it is still fully compatible with the normal live servers, and there isn't really any reason to upgrade to 1.0.7 over 1.0.6 besides to be fully up-to-date and be compatible when WoTLK is actually released (bar major API changes).

Added the ability for Looter to tell if the version of the User's saved settings is different then the new version and automatically do a reset and update of their settings (you will have to redo the toggles/custom loot list).

Also fixed the three bugs listed on the portal (to summarize, the bug if not using a "GetSellValue" mod, ala informant, itempricetooltips, etc.. The bug where the loot by value wasn't looting based on users value after a reconnect or reload ui, and Looter not looting heavy stones if mining is on.)

The minimap button can now be shown or hidden at will with the menu or the /looter toggle minimap slash command. Items can also now be looted based on their value, using the menu to set what you want to loot at or above, with slash toggle and menu option to turn item value looting on or off.

Added code so that the quest item loot list will automatically update on logging into your character, so you don't have to manually update the list or talk to a quest giver first in order to go out looting quest items if you have quest item looting enabled. Slightly changed the text of Prospecting (so people know gem looting is part of that) and the on/off checkbox to be more understandable (checked being on). Found a uncommon but not so uncommon bug where some quest items would not be added correctly on accepting a quest due to cache, and fixed that. Also added a /looter clear slash command to clear the custom loot list without doing a /looter reset (and hence clearing the toggles as well) or having to 'type and hit remove' for each one.

Well, after a good bit of time (more then I really should be awake) figured out the way to handle the problem of grabbing quest items after getting a new quest (as removing the items not needed was never a problem), so all should be well now there. Next is to find a way for the mod to 'self-update' for people using older versions that upgrade so that it updates the old saved variable to the new with the new toggles. In the meantime, just do a /looter reset after any version that adds a new toggle you'll be fine.

P.S. For anyone that has all autolooting just stop, the above might be the reason, so just do a /looter reset and it should be fine. (Particularly from people updating from versions prior to 1.0.1 with the Looter on/off toggle)

Sorry for another quick fix guys, but I'm sleep deprived and forgot to remove another small debug message pertaining to the new quest item updating method.

Changed the event that triggers the quest item updating, it should now automatically grab the quest items needing to be looted, and take them off the list when they aren't needed anymore, so in essence manually updating the quest item loot list shouldn't be needed anymore, but its still there if needed.

Fixed a small bug with the quest item looting conflicting with the user selected list.

Added a Looter on/off toggle with slash and menu option, so you can turn off looter whenever you want to just loot things yourself, without having to turn all the checkboxes off. Also added checks for when looting everything with shift-key or blizzard's 'autoloot all' toggle.

(figured to use q for quickfix rather then jump the version again since it really is just a small fix) Quickfix in the new quest item setting function to remove a small doubling.

Added Quest item looting with slash and menu option. Also added /looter reset slash command for reseting the toggle options back to default (on) and clear the custom loot list. Also fixed the version command/version number which wasn't updated in the last version. Also implemented a functional minimap button, with right click to auto-update quest loot items based on active quests (see readme for notes on that and the quest item looting).

Added Battleground item looting with appropriate slash toggle and menu option, for the moment its only the different items you can loot and turnin for faction quests in alterac valley, if anyone knows of other battleground items let me know (and that doesn't include the corpse insiginia, as it isn't a physical item/end up your inventory).

Implemented saved options. All toggle options and the custom loot list will now be saved between sessions. Next on list is hopefully a working scroll box, minimap button, and then item value loot options.

Implemented a functional gui, read the readme for comments on that, but essentially it allows the easy toggling of the different looting options on or off, as well as adding or removing items to a custom loot list. Also added two new slash commands (/looter list custom and /looter toggle status) which will allow people to see whats in the custom loot list, or what loot options are on or off respectively. Next on the list is getting a scroll box in the menu so that people can easily see whats in the loot list without having it sent to chat, and then probably item value looting options. P.S. its 0.9b instead of 1.0 even though everything on the complete by end of Beta is done, because I don't feel that the menu is *really* done till its got the scroll box, and options are saved over sessions (which is almost done, but I'm too dead tired to finish it tonight).

oops, my mistake, quick fix to remove a little debug (not to worry haven't found any) line in regards to money.

Finished a working slash command system using /looter, which lets people toggle the different looting on or off. Also added Health and/or Mana potion looting.

First beta release,
Rewrote the code, now also handles Tailoring and Fishing. Currently when looting corpses for Tailoring, or Fishing for fish, it will loot the cloths or fish, but leave the window open with the rest, next on the list is get the GUI working, so that people can choose what exactly they wish to loot.

Second alpha release,
Leatherworking and Herbalism are working.

First release version (alpha)
Mining, Prospecting and Enchanting are working.
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Unread 07-18-08, 09:43 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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I use full auto loot personally, but I thought I would suggest looking into fishing as well. It wasn't listed on your TODO list. I wish you luck with this addon. When I have a chance I will load it up and see what bugs I can find to help you out.
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Unread 07-18-08, 09:58 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Thanks for the suggestion it is a good one I will go ahead and add it to the list for the next version which should hopefully be out tonight or tomorrow morning with skinning, herbalism, and now fishing. Any bug reports are more than welcome.

Also as a side note to others, if you know anything about lua or xml and want to get involved to help make this the best you can be just let me know.
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Unread 07-26-08, 12:31 AM  
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Looks interesting... I use auto-loot for everything, though. :P

Just wanted to comment on one of your to-do entries (and pardon my ramble in advance):
*Ace 2 Compatible *being decided on*
If you already have a functioning addon, there's no reason at all to rewrite it using Ace2 libraries. First, there's no such thing as "Ace2 compatible". Either your addon is built on the Ace2 framework or it isn't, and this doesn't affect how well your addon plays with others, or how efficient your addon is. Only you, and your code, can do that. Second, Ace2 is on its way out. If you do want to use Ace* libraries, I suggest you check out Ace3, which is totally modular, allowing you to only use, say, the DB part, or the GUI config part, or the timed updating part. It's much lighter, and much simpler, and much nicer to work with.

And if you simply meant "uploading to WowAce so for WAU users", you should know that big changes are on the horizon for WowAce, and WAU and its ilk will essentially be a thing of the past by the time WotLK rolls around. Plus, my view on the whole WAU thing is that if I've written a quality addon, if it's something people want to use, they'll download it regardless of where I choose to host it, and if I do my job right, updates will be infrequent enough that people won't mind clicking a link in a notification email to download a new version every few months.
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Unread 07-26-08, 02:11 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by Phanx
Looks interesting... I use auto-loot for everything, though. :P
Snipped Thought out comment
A very good point, and I probably will just leave Looter the way it is besides the couple more additions listed as being worked on, and any 'extra' features for the additional mod in the note. As you said theres not really much point in rewriting everything for ace if its not going to make that overly much of a difference, though I will look into Ace3 as a possibility for future mods, though what kind of changes are going on with wowace and such currently/before WotLK?

And as to to your top comment, *chuckles* I know how that goes, my fiance is the same way, she has blizzard's 'autoloot all' on all the time. But as I told her when she was telling me about feeling bad about not using my mod I have rambled on to her about for hours on what thing I was coding at the time, its not for everyone. There are people like yourself and her that won't really find much use in the mod, because they prefer to loot everything all the time anyway, then there are others like myself and those that I hope will find use and enjoy the mod, that want a bit more customization, to be able to select only specific things out of a range of things they might want to autoloot on a click without looting everything.

And to wrap up this (overly long) comment/reply, I hope the being able to choose will help people out, a friend of mine was very looking forward to the quest item looting that was introduced in the latest version, so that he could just right click a corpse and loot any quest items he might need without needing to loot all the other stuff, so its not for everyone, but I hope people will find it useful.
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Unread 07-26-08, 11:20 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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This mod is great, it's sort of like the mod Magnet but better. I use it to auto loot Badges of justice including the fishing stuff. Leave it the way it is.
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Unread 07-27-08, 12:52 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Really nice mod so far, but I would like to put one additional request for your "core" mod though.
Please put in optional automatic opening of clams, ooze covered bags and stuff recently looted in your inventory. I had an addon that did this for me but I had a relative long break playing WoW and can't find it anymore now. I think this would really fit into the concept of your addon.

(Or can someone at least remember a mod that does this ? And I don't mean CrowBar from wowace because you have to click a button, I mean real automatic opening and looting.)
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Unread 07-27-08, 12:59 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally posted by MacMystery
Really nice mod so far, but I would like to put one additional request for your "core" mod though.
Please put in optional automatic opening of clams, ooze covered bags and stuff recently looted in your inventory. I had an addon that did this for me but I had a relative long break playing WoW and can't find it anymore now. I think this would really fit into the concept of your addon.

(Or can someone at least remember a mod that does this ? And I don't mean CrowBar from wowace because you have to click a button, I mean real automatic opening and looting.)
One of the planned features for the core mod is a way to 'shift click' an item in your inventory (or some determined or settable key) to automatically add that item to the custom loot list, so then it'll loot any of that type of item automatically same as if you'd typed it in the menu.

But adding a toggle for recently looted stuff to your inventory sounds like an interesting idea too and I'll look into that.

As for the automatic opening of ooze bags and clams, I don't know if that is possible (or exactly legal) as every action needs to be started by the player technically, ala this mod autoloots for you, but you initiate the action by doing whatever that opens the loot window.
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Unread 07-27-08, 01:50 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr

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Please include folder in archive

Please include folder in archive as every other mod is having.
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Unread 07-27-08, 02:36 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Please include folder in archive

Originally posted by ILT
Please include folder in archive as every other mod is having.
The zip is generated by the SVN/WoWInterface itself when I tell it to update the project from the code I have uploaded, I don't manually upload the zip myself. With winrar you can 'extract archive as folder', not sure if winzip/stuffit/other programs have a similar feature. If everyone thinks the way its been its too much trouble I'll work on physically uploading the archive myself such as I do for WoWUI which doesn't have a SVN.
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Unread 07-27-08, 07:51 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Re: Please include folder in archive

Originally posted by EVmaker
The zip is generated by the SVN/WoWInterface itself when I tell it to update the project from the code I have uploaded, I don't manually upload the zip myself. With winrar you can 'extract archive as folder', not sure if winzip/stuffit/other programs have a similar feature. If everyone thinks the way its been its too much trouble I'll work on physically uploading the archive myself such as I do for WoWUI which doesn't have a SVN.
I was actually fixing this problem for myself today; all you have to do is change your repository structure slightly. Rather than "\trunk\Looter.toc" you can make it "\trunk\Looter\Looter.toc".

See here for more info:
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Unread 07-27-08, 08:12 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by EVmaker
As for the automatic opening of ooze bags and clams, I don't know if that is possible (or exactly legal) as every action needs to be started by the player technically, ala this mod autoloots for you, but you initiate the action by doing whatever that opens the loot window.
Hmm... Maybe thats the reason I can't find my old anymore.
If I remember right per example a clam was opened/looted just at the next loot I picked up after it. Real nice for a lazy guy like me because I didn't need to look in my inventory. But clicking a button isn't that bad if Blizz doesn't want it to be done automatic. So I will try CrowBar for this. Thx for the answer.
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Unread 07-27-08, 02:35 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Re: Re: Please include folder in archive

Originally posted by Ienen
I was actually fixing this problem for myself today; all you have to do is change your repository structure slightly. Rather than "\trunk\Looter.toc" you can make it "\trunk\Looter\Looter.toc".

See here for more info:
Thanks for the advice and tip. Made a quick 'test beta', and it looks like the SVN zip generator now makes the zip for the mod with the "Looter" folder structure like it should be, so many thanks.

And on the note of the above, all versions from this point on from should be in their own "Looter" folder.
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Unread 07-31-08, 04:43 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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1.0.4 Update

Added a little bit of text to the prospecting and on/off checkboxes to make them a little more clear. Also improved the Quest item looting stuff a bit (see readme and/or change log)

Next thing will probably be being able to 'shift click' (or to be determined other key) on an item in your inventory to add it to the custom loot list.
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Unread 08-01-08, 01:27 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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To the negative voters

I perfectly understand if you want to or are going to vote the mod down in your opinion, but could you at least have the common deceny to leave a comment about why, or what could be improved in your view to make it better?
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Unread 08-01-08, 05:51 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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1.0.5 Update

Next version should be released in a couple hours. Being able to turn the minimap button on or off with slash or menu is already done, almost done optional 'loot if item value is greater than' with slash and menu toggle.
Last edited by EVmaker : 08-01-08 at 05:51 PM.
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