Updated: 08-11-08 12:59 PM
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Updated:08-11-08 12:59 PM

Scout - WotLK version

Version: 3.0.0b
by: algritz [More]

#### WotLK Version ####

I haven't tested all features yet, if any problem found, just report them here.


The little PvP helper

1. Description
2. Features
3. Installation
4. Version history
5. Command list
6. Bugs / Issues
7. To-do list
8. Credits

Description :

- Scout is a little add-on that serve one purpose : Reporting PvP-enabled players of the opposite faction.

Features :

- Scout does its job by sending a message to the LocalDefense channel, in which you can see the Rank, the Name, the Race, the Class, the Level of the spotted player.

It will also inform of the general location of the ennemy by displaying the Area and sub-area.

Also, for increased accuracy your own coordinates are sent. There is at the moment no way of customizing this message.

To help you get to the right 'spot' in case someone else is using this add-on, your own coordinates are displayed on the top part of your mini-map.

The reporting is done on the 'Target_Player_Change' event, that meant when you acquire a new target.

Installation :

- Simply put this folder in your /interface/add-ons/ directory
- Issue a '/scout default' command to set the default values

Version history :

1.0 : Initial release, allows to report Target reguardless of faction / Player control / PvP status
1.0.1 : Fixed an issue where reports were done to the 'say' channel instead of 'LocalDefense' channel
1.1 : Now checks if target is from opposite faction
1.2 : Now checks if target is PvP-Enabled
1.3 : Now cheks if target is player controlled
1.3.1 : Fixed an issue where player level was -1 (?? level player)
1.3.3 : Fixed an issue where Target's Pets were resulting in an error (introduced by version 1.3)
1.4 : Added 'PvP-enabled' at the end of the string
1.5 : Added Coordinates to mini-map and to the report string
1.5.1 : fixed an issue where reporting a target resulted in a nil value error (introduced by version 1.5)
1.6.0 : Added the possibility to disable / enable the mini-map coordinates
1.7.0 : Added the possibility to disable / enable the add-on
1.8.0 : added an help menu
1.9.0 : Settings are now saved between game sessions
1.9.1 : Compatibility With 1.9 (TOC upgrade)
1.9.2 : fixed the .TOC version number (introduced by version 1.9.1)
1.10 : Added a Status command
1.11b1 : Added option for Manual reporting
1.11b2 : Added the option to report to the WorldDefense channel (still in developement)
1.11b3 : Fixed the manual reporting (yet to be tested)
1.12b1 : added the option for semi-automatic reporting (yet to be tested)
1.13b1 : added a cache system (yet to be tested)
1.14b1 : added a minimap-blip on reporting (yet to be tested)
1.15b1 : Better reporting of ?? targets
1.16b1 : Better reporting of current zone
1.16b2 : Fixed an issue with manual reporting of pets
1.16b3 : Fixed an issue with manual reporting of players
1.16b4 : fixed an issue with Semi-automatic Reporting
1.16.1 : Fixed issue with Cache
1.17 : Compatibility with 1.12 (TOC upgrade)
2.0.1 : Code clean-up, BC Compatibility
2.0.2 : Fixed a caching issue
2.0.3 : Fixed the empty 'Manual report' error
2.0.4 : Fixed a display issue when coords were enabled
2.0.5 : Prevents reports from firing while duelling
2.0.6 : Prevents report from firing when in sanctuary area
2.0.7 : Compatibility with 2.4.3 (TOC upgrade)

Command list :
/scout on : Enables the add-on
/scout off : Disables the add-on
/scout mapEnable : Enables the mini-map coordinates
/scout mapDisable : Disables the mini-map coordinates
/scout manual : Sets the reporting to manual mode
/scout automatic : Sets the reporting to automatic mode
/scout semiautomatic : Sets the reporting to semiAutomatic mode (default mode)
/scout status : Displays the add-on's settings
/scout showCache : displays the cache content
/scout default : Sets the default value
/scout help : Displays the help message

Bugs / Issues :

- It is currently possible to spam the LocalDefense if two players are using this add-on and targets the same unit, both will issue a report.

Credits :
- Persheal, Shilthinyk, Smallhoof (my chars on Suramar Realm)
- Kwatarm (also on Suramar), my first beta-tester, thanks man !
- that random guy in Oggrimmar that I made freaked out during the first tests of my add-on --> sorry I forgot your name :-(
- Blizz for creating such an outstanding game !
- All of those that helped me on the UI & Macro forum
- chocolatemalt for some of the proposed changes to come

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