Updated: 07-18-10 09:17 AM
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Updated:07-18-10 09:17 AM

NotesUNeed  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v6.63.33500
by: Telic, AJH16


NotesUNeed v6.63.33500 - Adrill of Eonar (US)
Originally created by Telic of Dragonblight (EU)

- fixed ChatFrameEditBox issue as reported by ameyaselene. Thanks for the great bug report.

Additionally, if anyone else would additionally be interested in working on maintaining this mod with me, I am looking in to setting NuN up on a repository to allow multiple contributors to work on it. PM me if you want to get involved.

AJ (Adrill of Eonar/US)

Feature-rich, searchable Notes database with many automated features, and additional NuN tooltips for viewing note details.

Make Contact Notes on other Players, or General Notes on anything else.

This AddOn is for making your own custom notes on players, and quests, and items, etc. and does not come with any pre-made notes.
It does provide an Export and Import Feature for sharing of sets of notes, or publishing of note databases.

There is no longer an "Alternative" version of NuN, and the default Modifier keys for creating notes from Container Items and Hyperlinks is now simply "<Alt>-Left Mouse Click". For anyone unhappy with this key-Combo, then they can now specify their own via the NotesUNeed Options frame.

Compatible with Titan via : TitanNotesUNeed

Compatible with LibDataBroker AddOns via : NuN-LDB

Below is a summary of NotesUNeed functionality, but you should read the Readme.txt file for much more detailed discussion on these subjects.

Main Features of NuN

1.) Create Player Notes (aka Contact Notes) :
- Create Contact notes :
a) using new NuN buttons in the Friends Frame
b) using the NuN Micro Buttons described in point 3
c) using slash commands
d) via new NuN options in the player context menu
e) Or via any of the automated methods mentioned below
- NuN can auto-populate many details about race, class, guild, etc.
- Also add your own free Text notes
- auto maintain Friend / Ignore Lists across different Alts
- auto-note people you Party with
- auto-note Guild members
- auto maintain notes on your own Characters plus Levelling notes
- Rate Players via Right click menu and see that Rating in Tooltips
or tagged to Player Names in Chat

2.) Create General text notes on anything you like :
- Create General notes :
a) via the Micro Buttons in point 3 below;
b) via slash commands;
c) use the NuN Modifier when clicking on Container Items or Hyperlinks
(Default "<Alt>-Left Mouse Click" but can be changed in Options)
d) importing from a Plugin database
e) receiving notes in-game from other NuN users
f) Or via any of the automated methods below
- Options to auto maintain Quest Notes which will save a few kinds of notes
a) Quest notes that record quest details plus Quest Giver name and location
b) Quest progress notes which record location when completing quest objectives
c) Quest History detailing when a given Toon Accepted, and Completed quests
- General notes can be saved at Account or Realm level
- Scripting - LUA scripts can be executed from General notes by :
a) Using the Run Script button in the frame
b) Slash command "/nun -x <NOTE_NAME>"
c) Execute one NuN Note from another NuN Note with the following command :
NuN_ExecuteNote("<Note Name>")
- General notes can be assigned the following Types for easy searching :
a) ITM - Item notes
b) QST - Quest notes, and quest objective notes
c) NPC - Notes made on NPCs and Mobs
d) LOG - NotesUNeed records Transmission logs when you send/receive notes
e) LUA - Keep your own in-game scripts library and execute notes like Macros
f) - or just leave blank ;p

3.) NuN has a MicroButtons panel with 4 buttons for quick access to features.
This frame can be moved by dragging the small border surrounding the buttons, and can be hidden if not needed (see slash commands). From left to right the buttons are :
- Options : toggle the NuN Options frame
- Note Browser : toggle the NuN Note Browser frame
<Alt> Left Click to browse General notes only
Right Click to browse Quest History
- Contact Note : create a note for the current target
will create a General note if current target is an NPC
<Alt> Click to re-open the last opened Contact Note
- General Note : create a General note
will create an NPC note if current target is an NPC
<Alt> Click to re-open the last opened General Note

4.) Note Browser Window.
This is where you can view the list of notes you have :
- default sorting is your Faction, then Opposing, then General Notes
- search for notes containing text you specify in the edit box
a) Left click : Case insensitive search
b) Right click : Case sensitive search
- filter visible notes from the Options Frame
e.g. to only show Quest Notes, or NPC Notes
- a tick indicates a General note is saved at Account level
- hover over a note to see its contents in a Tooltip
- Right-Click to open the sticky NuN PinUp Tooltip
- <Shift>Left-Click to paste the note name in to open chat box
- After filtering and searching to narrow down the visible set of Notes, you can :
a) Mass delete those listed in the browser frame
b) Export listed notes for other players to install and Import

5.) Options frame - open via the Microbuttons or slash command "/nun"
Configure NotesUNeed here, or filter the notes to appear in the Note
Browser frame. For example, to just look at NPC notes, or browse
Quest History for one of your Toons

6.) Backup and Restore functionality to save your database
This functionality is kept in separate LoadOnDemand AddOns to save memory.
Both the Backup and Restore processes will execute a ReloadUI()

7.) Import and Export of notes Databases
Share sets of notes with friends, or publish notes databases as a Plugin
for others to Import

8.) Broadcasting & Sending of NotesUNeed Notes
Broadcast Raid Instructions for Boss enchounters or PvP strategy, or
just your enchant selling menu; Or send formatted notes for other
NotesUNeed users to add to their database.



Slash Commands

/nun : Toggles the NotesUNeed Options window

/nun -h : Displays this list of Slash commands

/nun <note title> : Will attempt the following :
1. Fetch a saved Contact note with that name
2. Fetch a saved General note with that title
3. Create a new Contact note if a player of that name is in your party/raid group or is within target range
4. Toggles the NotesUNeed Options window

/nun -t : Fetches the saved Contact note for the current target, or creates a new one, or shows your own characters note if no valid target. Since v2.00.1800, this command will create notes for NPCs and populate some basic information about them.

/nun -g : Creates a new General Note, untitled.

/nun -g <note title> : Fetches the existing General note with that title, or Creates a new General note with that title.

/nun -ch <name> : Create a Horde Player Character note for the given name without validating it
/nun -ca <name> : Create an Alliance Player Character note for the given name without validating it

/nun -tt : Toggle NotesUNeed Tooltips on/off

/nun -micro : Toggle the NotesUNeed Microbuttons panel hide/show

/nun -x <note title> : Tries to execute the specified note as a Lua Script. If no note exists, then will open the Note Search window

/nun -i <name> : to stop NotesUNeed trying to ignore a player

/nun -f <name> : to stop NotesUNeed trying to befriend a player

/nun -resetlists : to reset NotesUNeed's Friend/Ignore lists to those of the currently logged Alt

/nun -purgeexport : to clear Exported records and allow the creation of a newly named set of records

/nun -delay [number of seconds] : transmissions to channels have a default delay between each line being sent of 0.33 Use this slash command to change this value. Will report the current value if you do not pass any seconds value.

/nun -restrictwho : stops NuN from automatically trying to gather /who information

Slash Commands for Sending Messages

- sends General type note text

- sends General type note as Formatted text

- sends Contact type note text

- sends Contact type note as Formatted text

where -
"NOTE_NAME" = the name of the note or note title
"SEND_METHOD" = how to send the note e.g. "GUILD", "RAID", "WHISPER", "CHANNEL", etc.
"SEND_PARAMETER" = Optionally required (i.e. who to WHISPER to -OR- the Channel ID/Name)
NOTE: using any of these slash commands will close any currently open note.

Changes in v6.63.33500 from v6.62.30500

- fixed ChatFrameEditBox issue as reported by ameyaselene. Thanks for the great bug report.
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Unread 12-12-06, 08:04 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: 20000 Support

Again, sorry for delays. Assuming that Blizzard apply their 2.02 Patch tomorrow - I'm waiting for that to be installed before I release an update.

I already wasted a lot of time fixing MapNotes (Fan's Update), only to find the 2.02 Blizzard Patch is going to fix the PetDismiss() issue anyway.

Basically there are a couple of bugs in the version I'm working on, and i want to see if the 2.02 patch will fix the issues - or if I really have to fix something from my side.

Thanks for your patience so far
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Unread 12-14-06, 07:04 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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!!! Make a MANUAL (i.e. outside of the game) Backup of your
file before upgrading and logging in to WoW with this version !!!

WoW Patch 2.xx Compatible Beta Version (Awaiting some Blizzard bug fixes in v2.02)


OR if you updated the TOC of the old version yourself, and received the above error, you MUST Read the file above.
Your notes may seem to have disappeared, but you should also check the /SavedVariables/NotesUNeed.lua.bak file, as they may have been copied there when you encountered the above error.

The new version of WoW can object to some notes made in earlier versions of WoW. Sorry, but there is nothing I can change in the code to fix this. Its just another one of those undocumented changes to the way WoW treats text strings in the SavedVariables files, and if you suffer from this error, you should read the above file, that is included in the zip file.

This file also explains about the Blocked Action messages you may receive, that will hopefully be fixed when the Blizzard 2.02 Patch is released.
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Unread 12-15-06, 03:43 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Please READ the 'NotesUNeed and WoW2.01.txt' included in the Zip file.

Please READ the 'NotesUNeed and WoW2.01.txt' included in the Zip file.

Sorry if that instruction was not clear. I mention it in the Known Bugs section above, but I'll try to be clearer :

you will get messages saying certain Actions have been blocked by NotesUNeed.

The Blizzard 2.02 patch is meant to be fixing many of these issues - and I am not going to be fixing them until we see what the next WoW Patch does.

I will address any remaining errors AFTER the 2.02 Patch.

Again, I am sorry, but I put the blame for this squarely on Blizzard. I wasted a lot of time investigating these kinds of issues for MapNotes (Fan's Update), only to find that Blizzard intend to fix things from their side instead - its just a shame that 2.02 was not released on 12/12/06, and that we have to wait at least another week.

(The work around for using bag items is to move it to an Action bar slot, and left click on it.)
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Unread 12-19-06, 05:38 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Please READ the 'NotesUNeed and WoW2.01.txt' included in the Zip file.

Originally posted by Telic
The Blizzard 2.02 patch is meant to be fixing many of these issues - and I am not going to be fixing them until we see what the next WoW Patch does.
Another week goes by and no fix from Blizzard.

NuN goes buh-bye now. /plonk

Ya know, other mod authors fixed theirs, but I guess you're special.
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Unread 12-22-06, 12:15 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Yup, I'm special, I'm trying to release an update even though there are problems, and Blizzard say they'll fix them

Plenty of AddOns have not been updated, and plenty have the same issues as mine, but I'm still trying.

Still, if you can't wait and blame me for Blizzard's delays, then good riddance to you

btw, if you can find an AddOn that adds extra features to Unit Right Click menus without causing problems with the Duel and PetDismiss commands, then feel free to point it out to me. I'll even give that author credit for the fix they found. It's all about community, and choice and cooperation in my book....something I suspect you aren't familiar with
Last edited by Telic : 12-22-06 at 12:18 PM.
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Unread 12-22-06, 03:43 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: @Phurion

Originally posted by Telic
....something I suspect you aren't familiar with
I'm a software developer who also supports code maintained by a 3rd party company. On more than one occasion I've had to put stop-gap measures in place so my customers can do their work instead of waiting ("passing the buck" like you seem to do) for someone else to fix my customers problems.

Your attitude will only LOSE fans of your addons. Your mods aren't unique, and there are others that can be substituted in a heartbeat. So keep it up and you'll be writing mods for only yourself, which I'm sure you ARE familiar with.
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Unread 12-22-06, 04:44 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Re: @Phurion


Well I've been developing software for ten years, and feel quite happy blaiming the delay on Blizzard - especially as they mentioned on their forums 3 weeks ago that they would fix the problems; AND especially as they have just uploaded 144Mb patch to their servers to correct the issues - including Duel according to a couple of people I have talked to.

You are a fool who I would never employ, who hasn't taken in to account that I maintain 5 AddOns and this is the only one still with errors because I refuse to fix errors that Blizzard promised to fix.

In fact why are you still monitoring the comments if you have uninstalled ? I was quite serious, if you are too stupid to wait for support, then sod off

I hope you have also complained to all the other AddOn authors with errors ?
Have you complained to the authors of "Perl Classic Unit Frames" for example ?

You are an ignorant fool imo, and probably a liar about the software developement. YOU said "Pass the buck", and raised the issue of money !!!!! but, lets not forget that Blizzard are being paid to implement the fixes they promise on forums WEEKS earlier, and I'm not being paid at all; And neither are any of the other AddOn Developers who got nerfed by Blizzard recently.

Honestly, take your stupidity elsewhere, and save us all the trouble of reading your comments

Oh, and you STILL forgot to tell me about the authors who corrected the PetDismiss and Duel errors (without deleting their functionality) - I'd be happy to learn from how they fixed their functionanilty Otherwise, crawl away and die you ignorant fool.


Originally posted by Phurion
I'm a software developer who also supports code maintained by a 3rd party company. On more than one occasion I've had to put stop-gap measures in place so my customers can do their work instead of waiting ("passing the buck" like you seem to do) for someone else to fix my customers problems.

Your attitude will only LOSE fans of your addons. Your mods aren't unique, and there are others that can be substituted in a heartbeat. So keep it up and you'll be writing mods for only yourself, which I'm sure you ARE familiar with.
Last edited by Telic : 12-22-06 at 04:59 PM.
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Unread 12-22-06, 04:52 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Place holder
Last edited by Telic : 12-22-06 at 05:00 PM.
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Unread 12-22-06, 04:54 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Re: @Phurion

Originally posted by Telic
Honestly, take your stupidity elsewhere, and save us all the trouble of reading your comments


What a retarded jagoff.

Don't worry Telic. I stopped running your sloppy code already. 10 years? I'd believe that was your age, maybe.

10 years barely even scratches the surface on how long I've been in the software business. Keep it up junior. Some day you may get to call yourself a senior developer.

Loser. And you're right...good riddance.
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Unread 12-22-06, 05:01 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Re: Re: Re: Re: @Phurion


That's about right.

ALL talk, and no reasoned argument ;D

How about addressing the points I make.

Do you need me to draw picutures to help you understand ?


Originally posted by Phurion

What a retarded jagoff.

Don't worry Telic. I stopped running your sloppy code already. 10 years? I'd believe that was your age, maybe.

10 years barely even scratches the surface on how long I've been in the software business. Keep it up junior. Some day you may get to call yourself a senior developer.

Loser. And you're right...good riddance.
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Unread 12-22-06, 05:02 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Changes in v5.40.20000 from v5.30.20000

- NotesUNeed will now record the locations where Quest Objectives/Items were achieved/dropped if you are auto-noting Quests
For example if a quest is called "Kobold Camp Cleanup" and you are auto-noting Quests, then NotesUNeed will record 2 notes for the Quest.
One called "Kobold Camp Cleanup" which stores the quest details from each stage of the quest; And one called "Kobold Camp Cleanup:Objectives" which will record your Map locations when objectives were completed / quest items received.
Character specific details of when you Accepted, Completed and Handed In a quest on a given character is still only available when browsing QuestHistory while logged in as that character - by viewing the toolip when mousing over the list of quests after selecting to Search for NotesUNeed QuestHistory from the Options frame.

- as a result of some old changes in previous versions (forced by changes in WoW), new line characters (carriage returns) now use up 2 characters in the text box.
Because of this, the number of characters being reported in the NotesUNeed edit boxes has not been an accurate guide, but this has now been fixed.

NOTE: it seems that the WoW Patch 2.02 may never arrive, so included here are further compatibility changes for WoW Patch 2.xx

- fixed the Blocked Action issues when using/disenchanting bag items

- PetDismiss problems have been fixed in the latest Burning Crusade Beta, and there doesn't seem to be a way for me to fix them until the Blizzard patch is released (without removing the Right Click Menu Player Rating buttons).
The problem can be avoided by NOT using the NotesUNeed Right Click Player Rating functionality. (Sadly, you can't even roll your mouse over the Player Rating button in the Right Click menu, so the safest way to close a Right Click menu is to use the Escape key - you can still use all the other options on the menu)
If you do get the issue, you can use the following script to cleanse your execution path :
/script ReloadUI();
The above script is case sensitive, and allows you to re-load your User Interface without having to completely log out and back in again

- Duelling Blocked Action issues have not been fixed in the latest Burning Crusade Beta. But the slash command still works.
(If anyone can explain to me why the Duel function is Secure I'd be interested to hear? I've been struggling to come up with a way in which I could cheat during a battle/raid by challenging people to duels ^^)

Basically, I'm hoping that once Blizzard release a Patch, then the only permanent problem will be with Duelling from the Right Click menu - and as people can still use the Slash Commands, I'm not gonna worry about it.

Please READ the "NotesUNeed and WoW2.xx.txt" file included in the archive/zip file for NotesUNeed v5.40.20000 for any further details, clarification. (Or if you receive Unfinished String errors)
Last edited by Telic : 12-22-06 at 05:29 PM.
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Unread 12-23-06, 06:10 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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thank you :-)

I want to distance the majority of users from that fool phurion, and thank you for your efforts.

Ive always appreciated the way you added functionalty that people needed, and that you keep this up to date.

lets hope Blizz can pull their finger out with the remaining fixes
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Unread 12-23-06, 07:27 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Changes in v5.42.20000 from v5.40.20000

- updated more function hooks to ensure secure hooking is used where indicated by function attributes. Especially for PaperDoll frame, but also even if no visible errors were noted previously.
(Should fix the Blocked Action error when using Items directly from the Character sheet)

- fixed the ability to create notes from the character sheet
NOTE : ONLY need to <Alt><Left Click> on Character sheet items to create/paste in to NotesUNeed notes.
(i.e. no need to use the <Shift> key on Character sheet items, and users of the Alternate version of NotesUNeed should also simply <Alt><Left Click>)

- fixed a small issue when clicking on Ignored players in the Social frame to make sure any open Contact note is updated - as per functionality on the other pages of the Social frame.

- fixed a small bug when deleting Quest History entries by Right Clicking and confirming deletion

NOTE: Again, PetDismiss and Duel errors can't be fixed (as far as I know) without removing the Right click Player Rating functionality; Sorry, but I'm not willing to remove the functionality atm, only to have to put it back in again when Blizzard fix the issues in their next patch. So check the "NotesUNeed and WoW2.xx.txt" file included in the archive - or check earlier Patch notes below for more details.
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Unread 01-06-07, 11:43 AM  
A Defias Bandit
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Changes in v5.45.20000 from v5.42.20000

- NEW Microbutton functionality.
1.) can now quickly access Quest History notes by Right-Clicking on Search Microbutton (i.e. the Magnifying glass)
2.) can now quickly access the list of General Notes by Alt-LeftClicking on the Search Microbutton

- Chat Frame Hooks changed which should fix problems connected to Pet Bars and handling, when pets are summoned during combat

- With a Mob/NPC targetted, using either the Player or General Microbutton will open/create a note for that Mob/NPC

- when noting completion of Quest objectives, Zero messages will be ignored as they aren't useful and just take up space

- fixed the bug of the Save button not working for general notes if still editing the title (withouth ever having moved the text cursor to the main body of text) Hopefully that should fix the problem as it was reported. (Thanks to Giddily for the Pic.
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Unread 01-07-07, 02:10 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Odd conflict with Extended Quest Log

It looks like when both NotesUNeed and Extended Quest Log are installed, the world map is reset to the current zone after about 5 seconds. Either mod installed on it's own work fine and the world map is not affected.
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