Updated: 10-10-12 01:23 PM
File Info
Updated:10-10-12 01:23 PM
Created:10-10-12 01:23 PM

Broker Exit

Version: 3.0.4-Release
by: Jabouty [More]

I found the lack of an LDB logout / reload / forced-exit button to be a royal pain after playing with Broker abit and replacing all my FuBar addons with LDB compliant ones.

Thus Broker_Exit was coded.

It's very small, very simplistic, and to me very helpful. It provides a one click availability to reload, exit or logout right on your LDB display.

You will need an LDB display addon such as Bazooka for this to be useful to you.

<Left Click> on the icon: Reloads your UI.
<SHIFT> + <Left Click>: Logs you out of the game.
<CONTROL> + <Left Click>: Forced Exit (No confirmation, just saves your addon data and exits the game)

This was originally just released on curse, but after being asked to release on WoW Interface as well, I relented and did so. Feel free to comment on any issues that may arise here or at the curse release as well. I will be updating both when I do updates to this addon.

First Release on WoW Interface.
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