Updated: 07-20-08 05:33 PM
File Info
Updated:07-20-08 05:33 PM


Version: 3.2
by: Mmoose [More]

I will not be supporting or updating this mod.


Requires TitanPanel

Titan port of FCgaInstanceInfoFu (if you use FuBar see my other AddOns)

Allows saved instance/raid information sharing guildwide

Version 3.0/3.1
not compatible
(this throws away any comm messages from earlier versions)

Streamlined the comm code and the saved variables to help get rid of the old data, some were having problems getting guild members to upgrade.


if you find a bug, leave me a note, I will start fixing it that evening when I get home from work

Thanks to those that have found issues and tracked me down in-server

Now holding ALT and left clicking will reset all data
saves from having to track down and delete the savedvariables file

I believe I have fixed the issue where saved instances were not being removed from the list and savedvariables lua

dates were being overwritten with each update (working code confused with release code and hosed the thing) this should solve the problem..
Added option to ALT-Left click on the mod to reset data, saves having to track down the saved variables file
Minor bug fix to remove an annoyance popup error
Added version number to display for ease in tracking
Version 3.0
not compatible
(this throws away any comm messages from earlier versions)

Streamlined the comm code and the saved variables to help get rid of the old data, some were having problems getting guild members to upgrade.
fixed problem where older versions of the mod were causing an error with the 3.0+ versions.
Optional Files (0)

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