Updated: 10-07-19 03:02 PM
Classic (1.13.2)
Updated:10-07-19 03:02 PM
Created:10-07-19 03:02 PM

Titan Panel Classic [Reputation]

by: kernighan [More]

Titan Classic [Reputation]

Titan Classic Reputation is a reputation plugin for Titan Panel Classic. It allows you to more easily monitor and track your faction standings with any faction you may be farming reputation with. Titan Classic Reputation provides the following features.

Displays the faction data of a given faction in a customizable button directly on Titan Panel Classic.
Toggle auto-change display of most recent changed faction.
Toggle the Blizzard Character Reputation Page.
Quickly verify standings with factions using the customizable tooltip to display the factions you care about by simply mousing over the button.
Toggle session data summary which displays the total gained reputation since your last login/reload as well as a Reputation per hour breakdown.
Announce your faction standing changes in a local raid warning.
Mik's Scrolling Battle Text support for faction standing change announcement.
Color Coding based on faction standings, built in color scheme, armory color scheme, or a generic basic colors solution.
Achievement style announcements upon a faction standing change. This makes those reputation grinds a bit more eventful and can be toggled on/off for those minimalists out there.
Added in support for Glamour

Titan Panel Button Customization Options:

Show/Hide Faction Name
Show/Hide Standing Name
Full/Abbreviated Standing Name
Current/Max Progress of the current standing level.
Percentage calculation of progress.
Titan Panel right-side button support

Separate Titan Panel Button Tool Tip Customization Options:

Show/Hide Standing Name
Full/Abbreviated Standing Name
Current/Max Progress of the current standing level.
Percentage calculation of progress.
Show/Hide Factions from the tooltip by standing level.
Show/Hide Factions from the tooltip by groups.
Show/Hide Faction Statistics.
Show/Hide Session Summary Data (RepPerHour).
Minimal tooltip display option
Tooltip scaling support

Additional Feature

Blizzard Inactive Faction Support - If you wish to omit a faction from the tooltip entirely. Simply visit the Blizzard Reputation Pane and set the faction to be "Move to Inactive". The tooltip's behavior will not process any faction with this flag enabled. Note: When using the Blizzard Reputation Pane you should be aware that collapses groups in this pane, effects the ability of the plugin to gather data from the factions in the collapsed group.

Special Thanks

Lastly, the majority of the work on this addon was done by Aquator and PapaSolDragon for the Retail version

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