Updated: 02-05-14 08:42 PM
Addon for:
Updated:02-05-14 08:42 PM
Created:04-25-13 04:49 PM

PerfectRaid (ResInfo)

by: Phanx [More]

This addon is no longer maintained or supported.

It was written mainly as a proof-of-concept. If you are still using PerfectRaid and want to use this addon, you will need to also install a standalone copy of the latest LibResInfo library to make it work in Legion. If you are interested in adopting this addon to continue development, please send me a PM.


Shows casting and available resurrections on PerfectRaid frames.
Zeigt die momentan gewirkte und verfügbare Wiederbelebungen auf PerfectRaid an.
Muestra las resurreciones lanzados y disponibles en PerfectRaid.

It uses LibResInfo, so it does not depend on other players in your raid having anything installed.

Options are available on the "ResInfo" tab on the PerfectRaid options window.

Obviously, you need PerfectRaid in order for this addon to do anything.


Post a comment. If you are reporting a bug, please include version numbers, error messages, screenshots, what language you play WoW in, and as detailed a description of the problem as possible, including steps I can follow to reproduce the problem. Please note that I do not personally use PerfectRaid, so any issues that may arise will not be fixed until you tell me about them.

Please do not send me PMs or emails about addon bugs, suggestions, or questions. I do not provide private support or tutoring of any kind. Post a comment instead!


Compatible with all locales. Translated into English, Deutsch, and Español. To provide translations for another language, post a comment or send me a PM.

  • Updated for changes in LibResInfo
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