Updated: 11-14-07 11:19 PM
File Info
Updated:11-14-07 11:19 PM


Version: r373
by: Shadowed [More]

HousingAuthority is a library for developers to use with OptionHouse while OptionHouse provides a centralized configuration area, HousingAuthority helps you create that frame.

Theres two ways to use HousingAuthority, one provides an easy way to convert a table of widgets into a full configuration, another allows you to manually create each widget and then perform small modifications to them yourself.

For documentation on how to use this, see
If you want the latest HousingAuthority you can find it here which includes a couple of examples of how to use HousingAuthority like the one in the screen.

Any questions on how to make X widget or what Y does, you can either post here or reach me on IRC at FreeNode under Shadowed.

r373 | | 2007-11-14 20:59:35 -0800 (Wed, 14 Nov 2007) | 1 line

* Apparently, WoW 2.3 changed buttons so you can't call SetText("") to create the button font string, you have to call SetText("<Something>"),
so fixed that bug (Triggered line #554 error) 
r354 | | 2007-11-10 14:11:49 -0800 (Sat, 10 Nov 2007) | 1 line

* Updated all TOC information to 20300, added revision info to the version field, also the author field is now consistent instead
of using 5 different character names 
r330 | | 2007-10-31 23:29:35 -0700 (Wed, 31 Oct 2007) | 1 line

* Updated OptionHouse to fix a bug that would cause an error about OptionHouseDB when running only the embedded version
r308 | | 2007-10-28 15:17:40 -0700 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) | 2 lines

* Made buttons not look so ugly by adding some positioning code
* Fixed buttons not listening to "width"
r307 | | 2007-10-28 14:50:01 -0700 (Sun, 28 Oct 2007) | 1 line

* Fixed reference issue with colors causing it to not let you use unique colors when multiple color boxes are on the same frame

r299 | | 2007-10-26 14:43:26 -0700 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007) | 3 lines

* Added sorting
* New field, "order" requires a number or nil decides the order that something is displayed in. If you're using grouping then
the order only matters for that group, and wont influence the order that groups are shown in 
* New type, "groupOrder", { type = "groupOrder", group = <text>, order = # }, lets you control the order groups are displayed
in. The area that you specify groupOrder in doesn't matter, it can be done before, after or in the middle of the widget table.

r297 | | 2007-10-26 02:59:06 -0700 (Fri, 26 Oct 2007) | 1 line

* Dropdowns now support multiple options being checked, pass "multi" to enable, the variable is formated as table[key] = true
for each selected value, so if you pass vars = { "foo", "bar" } then it becomes config["foo"]["bar"][key] = true and so on 
r295 | | 2007-10-25 21:32:52 -0700 (Thu, 25 Oct 2007) | 2 lines

* Added SetFocus() call when OnMouseDown is triggered for  edit boxes
* Fixed edit boxes mixing up height and width calls being mixed up
r285 | | 2007-10-25 01:28:30 -0700 (Thu, 25 Oct 2007) | 1 line

* Recoded drop downs so they're now fulled unnamed and have less issues with large strings of text being put inside them, they'll
also now use a scroll frame when they have more then 10 rows inside so when trying to show something that has a lot of rows like
textures or status bars, it'll no longer overflow. 
r271 | | 2007-10-21 18:27:56 -0700 (Sun, 21 Oct 2007) | 1 line

* Added editbox support! Arguments are { type = "editbox", text = "FooBar", height = # or 286, width = # or 85, numeric = false/true,
fontObj = obj or GameFontHighlightSmall } 
r251 | | 2007-10-08 10:13:17 -0700 (Mon, 08 Oct 2007) | 1 line

* Fixed a bug with initDropdown where if this:GetName() throws an error the dropdown would break.
r211 | | 2007-09-26 16:37:48 -0700 (Wed, 26 Sep 2007) | 3 lines

* Added HAObj:InjectUIObject(obj, data) obj is the actual object to display, data is either group, yPos or xPos for manipulating
location if need be 
* Added inject type for CreateConfiguration, arguments are { type = "inject", widget = obj, <data>}
* Hopefully, fixed group height and will no longer have it overlapping on the last widget
r209 | | 2007-09-26 14:09:28 -0700 (Wed, 26 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Fixed a stack overflow with ClearFocus on line #332
r200 | | 2007-09-25 13:57:47 -0700 (Tue, 25 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Toc updated to 20200
r195 | | 2007-09-22 11:56:59 -0700 (Sat, 22 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Updated to OptionHouse-1.1
r188 | | 2007-09-21 01:22:20 -0700 (Fri, 21 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Fixed set and onSet being required for CreateButton, this should have been committed already but it didn't for some reason...

r184 | | 2007-09-21 00:34:28 -0700 (Fri, 21 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Fixed updateFrameLevels to actually check that the obj has a SetFrameLevel and GetChildren, since FontStrings don't have it
r183 | | 2007-09-21 00:19:42 -0700 (Fri, 21 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Changed HA:RegisterFrame to accept no arguments, it'll simply supply a blank table itself
r182 | | 2007-09-17 15:49:37 -0700 (Mon, 17 Sep 2007) | 6 lines

* Should probably add OptionHouse because we require it now
* Removed some old error messages
* Widget creation has been changed (no major bump as this is backwards compatible), removed the idea of stages, when you call
HAObj:GetFrame() will return the frame as normal and also save how many widgets were saved. If you call it again and total widgets
hasn't changed we simply return the frame without positioning. 

If you added more widgets and call HAObj:GetFrame() again then we clear all points/position all the widgets like normal and return
the frame. 

r180 | | 2007-09-16 23:15:33 -0700 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Fixed a bug where if you didn't specify both a set and onSet for a button it'll error
r179 | | 2007-09-16 23:09:03 -0700 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) | 2 lines

* Fixed CreateButton saying you should call CreateLabel instead
* Added xPos and yPos optional fields to CreateLabel, allows to control how far it is from other widgets
r174 | | 2007-09-14 03:19:12 -0700 (Fri, 14 Sep 2007) | 3 lines

* Cleaned up a couple of comments/white space
* Fixed argcheck for CreateGroup so you don't have to pass both background and border
* Fixed UpdateDropdown to not argcheck for text
r173 | | 2007-09-13 21:35:25 -0700 (Thu, 13 Sep 2007) | 3 lines

* Moved buttonClicked to the correction location so it's not right 
* Moved the list of type -> function to it's a single table, no reason to recreate it every time CreateConfiguration is called.

* A beta wiki page is up!
r170 | | 2007-09-08 15:08:59 -0700 (Sat, 08 Sep 2007) | 4 lines

* Fixed some widgets overlapping on the group backdrop
* New API, HAObj:UpdateDropdown( { var = var, default = default, list = list } ) arguments work the same as CreateDropdown, default
and list will be updated to the passed values, var is used to find the specific dropdown 
* New API, HA:GetObject(frame) turns a frame from HAObj:GetFrame() into HAObj
* Fixed an argcheck that wasn't allowing numbers to be used as the default for dropdowns
r168 | | 2007-09-06 16:36:24 -0700 (Thu, 06 Sep 2007) | 4 lines

* MAJOR HAS BEEN BUMPED TO HousingAuthority-1.2
* Added maxChars = # to CreateInput, just calls SetMaxLetters(maxChars)
* Added manualInput = boolean to CreateSlider, creates an input next to the slider that can have the number entered manually,
still a few kinks with this 
* Fixed a couple of argchecks
r167 | | 2007-09-06 15:34:28 -0700 (Thu, 06 Sep 2007) | 8 lines

* Changed HouseBuilder example to account for sliders messing up positioning, also added 4 total examples for testing instead
of just one 
* Fixed positioning issues with sliders
* Reduced height/width of buttons
* Fixed entries in the dropdown all appearing as checked
* Fixed color picker not showing up in front of the OptionHouse frame
* Fixed column positioning code will work a lot better now
* API HAS BEEN CHANGED. set, onSet, validate are now called like func(var, value) EVEN if var is a table. get has been changed
to be called like func(var) 

r166 | rophy123 | 2007-09-06 14:44:58 -0700 (Thu, 06 Sep 2007) | 2 lines

* Refresh frameLevel of dropdown arrow button when changing the dropdown's frameLevel.
r165 | rophy123 | 2007-09-05 22:39:45 -0700 (Wed, 05 Sep 2007) | 4 lines

* Added OptionHouse as OptDeps.
* EditBoxes now clear focus on pressing enter.

r159 | | 2007-09-05 00:53:46 -0700 (Wed, 05 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Updated build script to actually work
r156 | | 2007-09-05 00:11:40 -0700 (Wed, 05 Sep 2007) | 3 lines

* Removed calls to OptionHouseFrames.*, we now create our own instance of OptionHouse so we can call GetFrame. You MUST make
sure OptionHouse loads before HousingAuthority.lua 
* Added CreateButton which, suprisingly enough creates a button table data accepts var, set, text like everything else, you can
also add template to change the style, or width to customize the width instead of using the texts size 
* Updated HouseBuilder to use a button as an example too
r155 | | 2007-09-04 01:37:03 -0700 (Tue, 04 Sep 2007) | 2 lines

* Fixed some typos in CreateGroup that would cause border/backdrop to not be set correctly
* Fixed dropdown setting incorrect keys
r154 | | 2007-09-03 18:03:27 -0700 (Mon, 03 Sep 2007) | 1 line

* Changed var to accept a number or a string
r153 | | 2007-09-02 23:35:08 -0700 (Sun, 02 Sep 2007) | 2 lines

* HousingAuthority now uses LibStub
* MAJOR HAS BEEN BUMPED, the LibStub version is now HousingAuthority-1.1
r152 | | 2007-08-31 10:58:52 -0700 (Fri, 31 Aug 2007) | 3 lines

* Added table recycling to color picker and dropdowns
* When the frame argument isn't passed with frameData then it'll create a new unnamed frame parented to OptionHouse's addon frame.

* Removed DongleStub, going to play with LibStub
r148 | | 2007-08-30 11:45:06 -0700 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 2 lines

* Grouping should be fully implemented now and work perfectly
* Added in columns support, pass columns = # into the frameData table, right now only 1 and 2 will support any mixing of frame
types, when you get into 3 you'll need to specifically order the frame types so they fit together 
r146 | | 2007-08-30 00:09:50 -0700 (Thu, 30 Aug 2007) | 1 line

* Added beta grouping code in, positioning/heights still need some tweaking, but the grouping code works
r142 | | 2007-08-29 15:11:01 -0700 (Wed, 29 Aug 2007) | 5 lines

* Build script (Stolen from OptionHouse and broken horribly I assume now)
* Added in the grouping code, you can define a group by adding group = "Header text" in each widget, once you define one widget
as in a group all the others must be too 
* Changed frame data positionType to columns, 1 shows one by one, 2 uses 2 columns and so on, you really shouldn't go over 3
* Changed font for help/error to GameFontNormalSmall (trial)
* Help is now green, error is red (also trial)
r138 | | 2007-08-28 23:46:44 -0700 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 4 lines

* Basic group code in so I can continue work on it tomorrow
* Groups can have some small changes, either by calling HAObj:CreateGroup({text = "This is an example group", background = {
r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}, border = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0}}) or calling it as a group type in CreateConfiguration 

Group text must match up with all the other widgets in the same group or else they wont be added, they'll wrap around all the
widgets in it's group and be given a label/backdrop 
r136 | | 2007-08-28 18:41:32 -0700 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 1 line

* Fixed a setValue error when getValue is called
r131 | | 2007-08-28 01:02:54 -0700 (Tue, 28 Aug 2007) | 1 line

* When we load a default, will call setValue so the change takes effect with the addon and not just the UI
r128 | | 2007-08-27 23:07:45 -0700 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007) | 3 lines

* Fixed a couple of argchecks not accepting a string or table for var
* Fixed a non-existence error message, and the fact that it called string.join not table.concat
* Fixed onSet never being called due to all the sets returning
r126 | | 2007-08-27 20:42:40 -0700 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007) | 1 line

* Added Revision keyword
r121 | | 2007-08-27 16:30:03 -0700 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007) | 1 line

* Fixed a bug where false returns to get would make it use the default value, instead of using the default value when nil
r117 | | 2007-08-24 21:33:52 -0700 (Fri, 24 Aug 2007) | 5 lines

* Renamed CreateFontString to CreateLabel, it'll increase the yPos between the row above and below it so it can be used as a
"category" header 
* Added a basic help/validate display, it'll likely change or be tweaked later but it's usable
* Fixed up everything

With this, it's beta but not production beta, see HouseBuilder.lua for API examples will get a wiki page up somepoint.
r116 | | 2007-08-24 17:25:48 -0700 (Fri, 24 Aug 2007) | 6 lines

* Added all widgets to the example
* Changed code so we can implement the compact mode of formatting
* Drycoded most of the validate and help code
* Fixed some argchecking for the functions
* Added HAObj:CreateFontString
* Added returns to all the widgets so you can do custom modifications if needed
r115 | | 2007-08-23 21:33:48 -0700 (Thu, 23 Aug 2007) | 2 lines

* Beta, everything is usable except for the help/validate functions
* Added numeric argument to inputs, uses SetNumeric(true) and GetNumber instead of SetText/GetText
r114 | | 2007-08-23 12:08:16 -0700 (Thu, 23 Aug 2007) | 1 line

* Stuff
r113 | | 2007-08-23 00:10:08 -0700 (Thu, 23 Aug 2007) | 3 lines

* Added example code
* Implemented the basic API's the more "advance" things aren't tested including scroll frames and dropdowns
* Added HAObj:CreateConfiguration(data, frameData) will explain about this later, but lets you convert table into GUI if you
dont want to call the functions manually 
r112 | | 2007-08-22 19:54:32 -0700 (Wed, 22 Aug 2007) | 2 lines

* Forgot to add DS and a TOC
* Forgot to commit ConfigHouse removal
r111 | | 2007-08-22 16:52:40 -0700 (Wed, 22 Aug 2007) | 1 line

* Added in base positioning code

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