Updated: 12-17-11 01:46 PM
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Updated:12-17-11 01:46 PM
Created:01-04-10 06:36 PM

Arp UI  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.99
by: Tobbe8716 [More]

Arp UI

But this will probably work for this expansion and maybe the next to.

If someone is interested in continuing the work PM.


Preview (Youtube)
Small walkthrough of the UI


* 1920x1080 (Main), 1600x900, 1360x768, 1280x768 and 1280x720

* 1680x1050, 1440x900 and 1280x800

* This will work with the resolution above and probly some more but small resolutions my cause the UI to become to small.


* Tracking and Calendar

While hovering the minimap

* Left Click: Ping
* Right Click: Calendar
* Middle Mouse Click: Tracking

* Settings

Graphics and Sound setting are set to standard values. You might want to increase them.

* Extra Bars

There is 2 extra bars in bartender (/bar). If you need more bars enable bar 3 and/or bar 5.

* Config

Alot of options in oUF_Arp like castbars all UFs and some more, open Arp_config.lua.
You can edit and save your changes via Wordpad, Notepad or something similar. More info oUF Arp


I've configured 2 bars that works like classtimer. I have added some of my own. You can choose one of my profile by
/sbf options and clicking on the tab "Profiles" or if your playing a class/specc I dont have you can make you own.
/SBF and make a new profile. Copy from "Arp". Go to the "Spells" tab. Choose "Player Buffs" for tracking buffs/procc,
just check the spells you want to track from the list (you need to have use the spell once before it appears in the tab).
Choose "Target" for tracking debuffs on target, check "List debuffs" for debuffs to appear in the list.

Existing Profiles
* Druid (Feral)
* Mage (Fire and Frost)
* Warlock (Destro, Affliction)
* Paladin (Ret, Prot)
* Dk (Blood, Frost)

How to:

1. Backup

* Go to your "World of Warcraft" folder.
* Copy a backup of the "Interface" and "WTF" folders.

2. Install

* Open the rar and extract the folders inside.
* Choose you resolution.
* Copy the "WTF" folder into your "World of Warcraft" folder.
* Copy "Interface" and "Fonts" folders in your "World of Warcraft" folder.

3. Rename the folders inside the "WTF" folder (WTF\Account\ACCOUNTNAME)

* Rename the folder named "ACCOUNTNAME" to your accountname ex. WOWPLAYER87 (NOT your email)
* When you start the game the first time let the launcher complete the update.
* When you start the game for the first time you will need to choose your resolution, Esc/Options/Graphics.


* Addons update

* Fix for the LFG tooltip (came outside the screen before)
* Skada Update

* Further updates

* Update for 4.3

* Texture fix on targets without classcoloring, shoulnd no longer be white instead colored be reaction
* Update for Skada, oUF_Arp

* oUF_Arp update
* New Skada settings'
* Cleaned WTF

* Update for skada, bw, oUF_Arp
* New anchor on skada window, some new settings aswell
* oUF_Arp new features
- Power is now shown on raidframes
- Targeting issue on raid frames should be fixed aswell

* Fixed Sloppy textures on XP, Bar 3, Bar 5 and Pet bar
* Added Texture for vahicle bar
* Updated some addons
* Fixed bugg on raidframe with targeting

* Removed DBM
* Added BigWigs and Bag Sort (/bagsort /banksort for sorting inventory)
* Changed colors on buffs/debuffs/playerbuffs/targetdebuffs to much the rest of the UI
* Added panel for bigwigs proximity

* Fixed boss fail
* Added Affliction to warlock profile

* Update for alot of addons

* Wrong WTF in the last upload, this one should work better.

* New style
* Update for 4.2
* Updated oUF_Arp

* Change the install system so this should work for other regions then EU
* Added some resolution due to the new system
* Update for addons
* Added DBM setting in optional downloads
* Removed equipped border

* More updates, mostly addons.

*Update for 4.1

* New font, old one is still included if you prefer that. (Last SS)
* Update for some addons

* Update for some addons
* Recolored
* Some fixed in oUF_Arp ex. % on bossframe. Check oUF_Arp for more info
* Replaced bigwigs with dbm

* Update
* Added Announce

* Removed stText, added sStats
* Made Buffs declickable
* Fixed Msbt profile

* Removed xCT, added MSBT
* Update for some addons

* Removed dNameplates and the guild group thingie
* Added caelNameplates, BigWigs
* Made it easier to click the "S" toggle on skada
* Update oUF_Arp

* oUF update, rchat update
* All fonts are now linked to the "Fonts" folder. (delete this folder for original font, or put in your own ttfs)

* Fixed some with the battle text (xCT)
* Update for addons

* Added Xp bar due to cata is well on its way
* Updated some addons
* New raid frames and alot more and less stuff check out oUF_Arp

* Moved player castbar 2 p up (forgot that in previous update)

* Fine adjustment to the buffs
* Moved bags and micro menu (TOP)
* Updated oUF_Arp

* Fixed "?" bugg on bars

* Most of the panels are no longer in kgpanels, config for them is in oUF_Arp, config.lua
* New wtf cleansing is nice
* Removed texture folder, took them from ouf_arp instead
* Removed extra bar profiles, just enable bar 3 and 5 for extra bars now

* Added dNameplates (modified)
* Added prot into palla profile (SBF)
* Added demo into warlock (SBF)
* New screens
* Update for b4, skada and some more

* New textures
* New Tooltip matches the rest of the UI
* Removed som unused textures
* Now castbar for hunter shall move like druid and so on. ( Didnt even know they got a stancebar ;) )
* No new pic atms tho

* Remved wChat, no! CRFM
* Added rChat
* Updated alot of addons
* SBF is no working with whitelist and blacklist options

* Remved bMinimap
* Added no! CRFM and Arp_Minimap
* Updated oUF_Arp

* Added class profiles into SBF
*Druid - Feral
*Mage (Fire and Frost ftm)
*Warlock (Destro)
*Paladin (Retri)

* Updated sbf and ouf_arp
* Made frame bigger for map
* Adjusted buffs and debuff, removed sbf border
* Added new prints

* Removed aad
* Added SBF again YAY!
* Updated ouf_arp

* Removed Prat, Bag_Sort
* Added Skada and wChat
* Skada toggle and panel added
* Minor texture fixes

* 4.0.1 update

* Update mainly oUF_Arp
* Some small changes in settings

* Update oUF_Arp and kgpanels
* Added Paladin - Retri to sbf profiles
* Removed unused frames from sbf profile Arp

* Fixed bugg with texture on extra bars
* Castbar will now be between bar1 and 6 for players without stancebar
* Dkrunes enabled by default

* Fixed dk runes
* Added Stance Bar
* Added 2 extra bars

* New look and new stuff

* Removed bChat added myChat
* Tested i on 3.3.5

* Linked all addons to the "Fonts" folder so if you want to change font all addons follow
* Fixed bug with Raid spawning, the raid moves if the first group isnt full
* Update for bChat
* Removed 1280 x 800 from start, you can stiull use this resolution but the scale on this UI might be to small for your screen
* Clock, moved and changed size on the font
* Shrunk the field that the zone text uses

* Fixed bug with windows overlaping ex. Trade and Proffesions
* Removed bMinimap, Added gMinimap (Modified) again
* Moved minimap to fit with buffplacing on the other side
* Update bChat and move editbox slightly upwards

* UI scale change.
* Renamed skada toggle to "S"
* Took away extra lines on bar 5
* Make raid frame abit higher
* Update for the minimap

* Added Texture for totem bar
* Removed Prat, gMinimap
* Added bChat, bMinimap
* Remodeld chat and raid window

* UI scale lower
* Everything should scale with UI scale now but if you increase it to mutch it will just be a big mess in the middle :)
* Corrected cord in sbf
* Made chat and raid a bit bigger.
* Random

* New Look, some new textures
* Some work on the castbars
* Easier to install
* Changed UI scale

* Remade the WTF
* Removed AltClickToAddItem RTT aesh and Bag_Sort
* Made Textures on bars darker
* Added one more extra bar profile in bartender
* Changed places on Hp and name on target Uf

* Removed gChat
* Added Prat
* Modified gMinimap so it no longer needs gMedia
* Some work on textures Reanchored alot of textures
* Removed title on skada
* Reduced the space between buffs and debuffs

* Fixed issue with the Time showing through windows
* Made the Box around the bar slightly bigger

* Updated Skada
* Added texture to Skada similar to Omen Texture ( Print is available "Raid, Skada and Omen" )
* Moved Raid Frames on 1920 x 1080 abit to the left. Forgot that I moved the Player and Target frame last time ;)

* Fixed alot if misses on all resolutions
* Fixed castbar texture
* Adjust omen box and skada
* Fixed buttonface so if will load on all sbf frames
* Adjusted Combo Points
* Moved player and target slightly
* Made Party smaller on lower resolutions
* Aligned all sbf frames correctly
* Xp is now enabled and some texture for it

* Removed NugComboBar
* Added combo points to oUF_viv4_ArpUi
* Made some changes to chat bar and raid textures
* Increased size on all black lines by 5%
* Graphics and Sound setting are set to standard values as default. You might want to increase them.

* Made the pack alot smaller

* Added resolutions 1680 x 1050, 1440 x 900, 1360 x 768 and 1280 x 800
* Small adjusting on some textures

* Remodeld the Raid Frames
* Moved Raid to the riight into the box
* Removed ycl due to it interfears with skada (the damges and healing is not correct while filter is active)
* Adjusted some textures

* New look
* Added Skada Toggle (on click)
* Removed the ugly clock added STT clock
* Remade some Lua coding in Ouf_viv (mainly for positioning on frames)
* Moved Casting Bar (Player)
* "Disabled" raid 6-8 (You can get them back if you want them)
* Alot of texture reconfiguring and some new artwork
* Moved and resized alot of stuff ex. bars, bags, ect

* Made easier Install
* Update how to
* Removed pError
* Added gError and nibProfileLoader

* Lowered frame strata on objectives track so the text wont shine through any window that overlaps it.
* Deleted som old versions.

* Forgot the font folder !

* Fixed some misses in the artwork
* Move tt up so its a small gap between combat line and edge of the screen
* Moved text and time more to the edges of the target castbar
* Update MSBT so you wont get that blabla spell doesnt not exist
* Update for some other addons

* Added support for arena frame Buffs/Debuff turned off atm
* Update for addons

* Update for 3.3.3
* Moved Spell text and cast time 5 each
* Fixed overlaping issue with gminimap

* Fixed permanent achor for objectives and capture bar throught the minimap
* Removed MoveAnything

* Removed ecb
* Remade oUF_viv built in castbar to my own
* Moved Bar 1,3,5 and 6 a bit

* Added MoveAnything
* Fixed issue with Capture Bar and Objectives Tracking (Achives and Quests) spawning in the wrong location

* Removed AI-MiniMap, LFGMiniMapFix, Recount, Prat
* Added gChat, gMinimap, Skada
* Size change raidframes from 1.5 -> 1.4

* Added one extra profile (Arp Extra Bars) with 2 additional bars with 8 buttons
* Centered bar 1 and 6
* Bag bar and Micro menu is now visable on mouse over. Located left from FPS and at the topright corner of combat window.

* Removed pMinimap, TipTac, Ratingbuster
* Added AI-MiniMap, Rant Tooltip with RTT_Aesh, LFGMiniMapFix
* The tooltip bugg when the LFG screen was out of screen fixed.
* Anchored texture to Minimap. Adjusted textures on Omen.
* Made buffs and debuffs bigger. (from 1.6 to 1.7)
* Cleaned out the wtf.

* Powerbar will now always show on Npc without power like for ex Lady, Saurfang and normal NPCs.
* Update for some addons.

* Update for some addons.
* Adjusted SBF and ecb.

* Update.
* Changed the size on party debuffs (Made them a bit bigger).
* Moved party a bit up for the pet frame (Like 1mm or so)
* Added Arcane Mage to sbf

Checked it with the new patch (everything seems to be ok). Moved Raid Frames so you can see debuff highlighting.

New oUF_viv. Reconfig on kapanels (Stance Bar line will now adjust to diffrent sizes of stance bars, the same with the petbar). Adjusted DXE.

New oUF_viv (debuffs on raid frames and some more). Update for some addons.

1.18 = wrong FILE LOL

Moved TotemBar.

WTF folder was mixed up with the names.

Removed Sstat, added stText. Update

Removed Castbars. Added Ecb again due to castbars bugged on boss casts.

Removed ecb. Added Castbars. Small adjustments to dxe and some other stuff. Target buff max 7 changed spacing, Target debuffs max 15 5/row changed spacing. Update prat and dxe

Forgot to rewrite title and added pet frames for party aswell

Added support for 1680 x 1050

Finishing touches on kgpanels. Changed the bars on omen. Added 14 buffslots on the target frame. Shrunk debuffs on target frame to 7 / row total 21.

Added Recount. Moved Minimap, Omen and DXE. Built frames for Omen and Recount. Changed font for oUF_viv

Removed Suf. Added Ouf viv. Additional Configs. Update

As i thought i missed to config some stuff so i did that now
Added Perror

Added Affliction Warlock profile to SBF
Optional Files (2)
File Name
07-09-11 09:21 AM
05-06-11 12:46 PM

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Unread 02-15-12, 02:56 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Where can i find my friends list?
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Unread 01-22-12, 02:40 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally Posted by Kuchinashi
I'd like to adjust the chat panel and the two bottom black bars, but when I check kgpanels config, it seems like none of these are listed as active panels. Can you tell me where to look for them?

Excellent UI generally -- I love the look of the unit frames particularly.

Go to oUF_Arp, open Arp_Config.lua, Go to
-- Textures --	
	cfg.usetextart = true					-- enable panels
-- bars
	cfg.bars = true							-- show/hide bars
    cfg.panelscale = 1.0					-- scale
	cfg.barwidth = 428						-- Width bars
	cfg.barheight = 40						-- Height bars
	cfg.lineHeight = 5						-- Line Height
	cfg.bar1x = -340						-- x pos bar1
	cfg.bar1y = 4							-- y pos bar1	
	cfg.bar2x = 340							-- x pos bar2
	cfg.bar2y = 4							-- y pos bar2

-- info 
	cfg.useinfobar = true					-- show/hide info texture
	cfg.infobarw = 320						-- Width
	cfg.infobarh = 	16						-- Height
	cfg.infobarx = -4						-- chat and info x pos
	cfg.infobary = 4						-- chat and info y pos

-- chat 
	cfg.usechatbar = true					-- show/hide chat texture
	cfg.chatbarw = 320						-- Width
	cfg.chatbarh = 	16						-- Height
	cfg.chatbarx = 4						-- chat and chat x pos
	cfg.chatbary = 4						-- chat and chat y pos	

-- stance
	cfg.usestance = true 					-- show/hide stance texture
	cfg.sbarwidth = 206						-- Width
	cfg.sbarheight = 14						-- Height
	cfg.sbxpos = 0							-- x pos
	cfg.sbypos = 16							-- y pos
-- minimap
	cfg.usemini = true						-- show/hide minimap background
	cfg.miniheight = 148					-- Height
	cfg.miniwidth = 148						-- Width
	cfg.manchor = 'TOPLEFT'					-- Anchor
	cfg.mxpos = 7							-- x pos
	cfg.mypos = -7							-- y pos
Pretty much the same as kgpanels options.

Edit your options, save, reload ui if ingame.
Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 01-22-12 at 02:41 AM.
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Unread 01-21-12, 07:00 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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I'd like to adjust the chat panel and the two bottom black bars, but when I check kgpanels config, it seems like none of these are listed as active panels. Can you tell me where to look for them?

Excellent UI generally -- I love the look of the unit frames particularly.
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Unread 12-25-11, 12:06 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Re: Re: Re: Raidframe

Originally Posted by Eyatrian
Originally Posted by Tobbe8716

Open oUF_arp.lua

find this line
		self:Tag(self.Name, '[raidcolor][raidhpname]')
remove "[raidhpname]"
/reload ingame should fix both
well in oUF_arp.lua i couldn't find this line, but in Arp.lua.
The Problem now is, the names of the Players disappear, too...
Did you remove the whole line? Should look like this. Tho didnt test it so might be as you say.
self:Tag(self.Name, '[raidcolor]')
if you didnt try this
		self:Tag(self.Name, '[raidcolor][shortname]')
[abbrevname] 14 letters, the tag i use on the bigger frames, shortens npc names
[shortname] 6 letters
[veryshortname] 3 letter

you can choose any of the tages but i think shortname is probly the best
Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 12-25-11 at 12:10 PM.
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Unread 12-25-11, 10:55 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Re: Raidframe

Originally Posted by Tobbe8716

Open oUF_arp.lua

find this line
		self:Tag(self.Name, '[raidcolor][raidhpname]')
remove "[raidhpname]"
/reload ingame should fix both
well in oUF_arp.lua i couldn't find this line, but in Arp.lua.
The Problem now is, the names of the Players disappear, too...
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Unread 12-17-11, 05:44 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Re: Raidframe

Originally Posted by Eyatrian

At first i have to say, that your Interface is absolutely awesome! But i have got one question: Is there a possibility to hide the health numbers in the Raidframe? Additionally i would be great, if i could see ones Name, when he's dead, because of battle resurrection issues.
Open oUF_arp.lua

find this line
		self:Tag(self.Name, '[raidcolor][raidhpname]')
remove "[raidhpname]"
/reload ingame should fix both
Arp UI oUF_Arp
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Unread 12-17-11, 03:50 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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At first i have to say, that your Interface is absolutely awesome! But i have got one question: Is there a possibility to hide the health numbers in the Raidframe? Additionally i would be great, if i could see ones Name, when he's dead, because of battle resurrection issues.
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Unread 12-10-11, 03:21 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally Posted by Worgomn
Noob here in UIs fun thingies
Nice simple Pack ,just the way i like it.
Some advice though...
1st.How do i move the Cast bar?
2nd.How do i fix my party's position.

I'd prefer a simple way,these things look like chinese to me
Open Arp_Config.lua, scroll down to castbar adjust x and y position, save, reload.

Open Arp_Config.lua, scroll down to party and raid adjust x and y position, save, reload.
Arp UI oUF_Arp
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Unread 12-09-11, 03:10 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Noob here in UIs fun thingies
Nice simple Pack ,just the way i like it.
Some advice though...
1st.How do i move the Cast bar?
2nd.How do i fix my party's position.

I'd prefer a simple way,these things look like chinese to me
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Unread 07-26-11, 07:48 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Originally posted by Sugardreams
Hi. Great UI! Quick question - is there a way to move the minimap to the right, and also the quest tracking text to the right as well? I can't find where I need to edit in the Arp_minimap .lua file. Thank you so much!
anchor = "TOPLEFT"									-- Anchor
Btw you need to move the texture aswell, arp_config.lua
cfg.manchor = 'TOPLEFT'					-- Anchor
Arp UI oUF_Arp
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Unread 07-25-11, 03:58 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hi. Great UI! Quick question - is there a way to move the minimap to the right, and also the quest tracking text to the right as well? I can't find where I need to edit in the Arp_minimap .lua file. Thank you so much!
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Unread 05-07-11, 08:29 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Installed the new version and it worked perfectly. Thanks!
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Unread 05-07-11, 05:59 AM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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I have uploaded the new version with the new installment method, added some resolutions. Tell me if it works for you. (tho it should)
Arp UI oUF_Arp
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Unread 05-06-11, 12:48 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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I have uploaded "hopefully" region free WTFs now, pending atm. A small change in the install, you will have to change manually to your resolution when logged on the first time. It will be under Optional Files when its approved.

They are up, feedback from Us players and other regions then eu is appreciated.
Arp UI oUF_Arp
Last edited by Tobbe8716 : 05-06-11 at 01:14 PM.
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Unread 05-06-11, 11:56 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I'm an idiot. At some point, yes, my UI scale option ended up disabled. Totally kicking myself for that one, haha. I feel like I just complained about my computer not turning on without seeing if it was even plugged in :P For the record though, I'm at 1680x1050, and the problems started with 4.1, not 4.1A. that much figured out and it looks good now

That said, I'd be happy to test out a new wtf if you post one!
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