Results: 3Comments by: Lewelyn
File: SmartBuff11-16-07
German localisation: Divine Spirit
Posted By: Lewelyn
Since 2.3, the "Divine Spirit" buff does not work on German clients anymore, but it can be fixed easily: SMARTBUFF_DS = "G\195\182ttlicher Willen"; should be: SMARTBUFF_DS = "G\195\182ttlicher Wille"; PS: Great mod - I can't live without it anymore. ;)
File: X-Perl UnitFrames07-28-07
When using the newest version of XP...
Posted By: Lewelyn
When using the newest version of XPerl, it doesn't show the happiness of my pet. As a hunter, it is quite important to know when your pet becomes contented.
File: Nudge12-08-06
Here is the German localization:...
Posted By: Lewelyn
Here is the German localization: L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return { = "Automatischer Schuss", = "Zurechtstutzen", = "Nahkampf", = "Fernkampf", = "Tote Zone", = "Ausser Reichweite", } end)