Results: 5Comments by: Jocho
File: Combuctor02-01-09
A small suggestion: Could you perha...
Posted By: Jocho
A small suggestion: Could you perhaps add a number to the Soul Shard tab showing how many shards you have? I default UI already has the number, so maybe it's not too hard to implement (I have no knowledge on these things, however).
File: Karni's Crap Filter01-20-09
I'm wondering something that I'm no...
Posted By: Jocho
I'm wondering something that I'm not sure is mentioned anywhere. I've got two characters I play most with, a level 80 and a level 50ish. Obviously I don't want crap being looted by the level 80 character, so I set a filter. But I don't want the level 50ish to miss loot that's good for them. So far I've seen the same price filter seem...
File: Buttonrange01-15-09
Thanks for a small but really usefu...
Posted By: Jocho
Thanks for a small but really useful AddOn! With wrath came an ability for the warlocks to spawn a portal which they could later teleport to. The teleport has a 40 yard range, but there's no feedback for when you're inside that range or not. Could you perhaps make the addon change colour on that button when you're further then 40...
File: CursorTooltip11-26-08
Thanks for the AddOn! I've wanted a...
Posted By: Jocho
Thanks for the AddOn! I've wanted a simple way to just get the tool tip to my mouse-pointer awhile but haven't got the skills to figure out how. Now I know. Thanks! :)
File: EasyRaid06-19-06
I know it's against the rules to as...
Posted By: Jocho
I know it's against the rules to ask for features, so I'm going to ask for a few changes instead. First, the raid-frame is movable as a single unit, where all group-frames are connected to it. Perhaps this could be changed to moving individual party-frames, like CT, and then save thier positions? Secondly, as the raid-frame is...