Results: 2Comments by: Avelie
File: oUF_Anomaly10-30-09
Re: Buffs/Defuffs frame
Posted By: Avelie
Hi Haste, I posted a while back about including your UF's in a compilation with credit, which you agreed to. Life interfered and I got put behind in working on it. I had a couple questions about them I was hoping you might be able to answer. 1) How do I make the Health Bars class coloured (and similarly, the names of players whi...
File: oUF_Anomaly08-29-09
I absolutely love this! I have twe...
Posted By: Avelie
I absolutely love this! I have tweaked it heavily but I am interested in adding this to a new compilation I made (credit given of course), but wanted to ask for permission first. Please let me know :) edit: This is what it looks like! I have removed party frames and cast bars and guild names too.