Results: 4Comments by: Dirty30-Mouze
File: Bongos304-09-08
Originally posted by Veltor Ok, I...
Posted By: Dirty30-Mouze
Originally posted by Veltor Ok, I really need to ask, I searched everywhere on the Bongos3 guide on WoWWiki, and I looked here (there is no search for the Comments on this website, so sorry if I missed it). But what in the wrld is a possess bar? What is possess mode? What can I do with "possess" and how does it works? Sorry...
File: Bongos304-08-08
Posted By: Dirty30-Mouze
Its there a macro or check that I can use to get a bar to only show up while im in Possess Mode? (Ie mcing a critter) THe check posses box works great and whatever mob i take over his abilities fill in there... but IM trying to make "the bongos3 possess bar" only show up when im MC'ing and not hang around empty but visibe 99% of...
File: ShaderMod CritTracker 3.0 Modded03-30-08
OMG 2.4 PLease =D
Posted By: Dirty30-Mouze
Hehe PLease 2.4 Update. I hope not hard.. Miss this mod so much and cant find replacment that does what it does.
File: ShaderMod CritTracker 3.0 Modded01-20-07
SHader Mod Preist spell Shadow Word : Death not recognized
Posted By: Dirty30-Mouze
OMG Love the Mod. UNfortunately the priest SPell SHadow Word: Death is not recognized by the Mod atm =/ It most defintly can CRIT, and Id love for it to be recognized by the mod. Was hoping to find Shader mod updated somday to include this Gem of a SPell... This will of course make me UNSTOPABLE (har har).. THanx i...