Results: 29Comments by: Be3f.
File: AzCastBar08-14-24
Blizzard broke it yet again :( I...
Posted By: Be3f.
Blizzard broke it yet again :( In "acb_Castbar/acbCast.lua" change line 47 and 48: local astral = GetSpellInfo(556); local hearth = GetSpellInfo(8690); to local astral = C_Spell.GetSpellInfo(556); local hearth = C_Spell.GetSpellInfo(8690); --- There was a couple more edits but I lost track since I've been updating...
File: AzCastBar07-28-24
TWW Update
Posted By: Be3f.
For anyone still using this it broke with TWW pre-patch (11.0) The fix is simple though: In "acb_Castbar/acbCast.lua" change line 132: local subText = GetSpellSubtext(spellID); to local subText = C_Spell.GetSpellSubtext(spellID);
File: AzCastBar11-01-20
This does indeed make the addon wor...
Posted By: Be3f.
This does indeed make the addon work, but the profiles "page" is still not opening. When I press the button it doesn't do anything. Do I need to do anything else special in order to get this working? Yeah, I noticed later on and fixed it but forgot to update the upload here, but there's an official update now so there's that :), T...
File: AzCastBar10-20-20
Hi, I fiddled around and got a vers...
Posted By: Be3f.
Hi, I fiddled around and got a version that should be working. Let me know if it's borked.
File: Stuf Unit Frames (and Raid)11-22-19
Small wish for further features; te...
Posted By: Be3f.
Small wish for further features; text tag for alternate power such as maelstrom
File: Chicchai12-26-17
Thanks for the updates :)
Posted By: Be3f.
Thanks for the updates :)
File: Long Forgotten Hippogryph11-07-17
Thanks for making this, got my moun...
Posted By: Be3f.
Thanks for making this, got my mount earlier today :)
File: SilverUI 202-20-15
definitely something new, I'm mostl...
Posted By: Be3f.
definitely something new, I'm mostly curious to see how the HUD was made.
File: S3lim UI12-28-14
What do you use for skinning Bigwigs?
Posted By: Be3f.
What do you use for skinning Bigwigs?
File: Supt - interrupt display09-24-14
Nice little addon, thanks!
Posted By: Be3f.
Nice little addon, thanks!
File: Infinity Plates05-23-13
E: Well, should be adressed now, ac...
Posted By: Be3f.
E: Well, should be adressed now, actually. :) Yay, thanks! have a banana :banana:
File: Infinity Plates05-22-13
Still working. Only needs an update...
Posted By: Be3f.
Still working. Only needs an update to change the castbartext font.
File: Backpack05-11-13
I know that hasn't been updated in...
Posted By: Be3f.
I know that hasn't been updated in a very long time but would it be possible for a small update for the bank? First time you visit the bank the bags are displayed (bagId) -1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, as it should. The next time you visit the bank, it goes 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, -1 (from top to bottom). Cheers :).
File: OmniCC05-11-13
Same problem, but it's every time I...
Posted By: Be3f.
Same problem, but it's every time I /rl. :( Get the newest version from Curse :).
File: Aurora04-23-13
Re: Re: Re: Aurora graphic issue
Posted By: Be3f.
First, thx for the quick reply. The close x is something i can live with. So let me be more precise, which lines do i have to edit to get rid of the space between border and background. I like the gradient border and without the 'space' it would fit to the rest of my UI. I tried to find it in the aurora.lua, but lua is not 'my' lang...
File: LineSplit04-19-13
Could be useful, thanks !
Posted By: Be3f.
Could be useful, thanks !
File: nibWatchFrameAdv03-29-13
Aww yeah!
Posted By: Be3f.
Aww yeah!
File: Chicchai03-28-13
Recently found this sexy thing and...
Posted By: Be3f.
Recently found this sexy thing and it still works as of patch 5.2. Would it be possible to make the chatframe expand downwards instead of up ? (to go along with
File: QuseMap03-06-13
For anyone getting an error when us...
Posted By: Be3f.
For anyone getting an error when using this sexy thing (patch 5.2). replace line 111-133 with: rd:SetScript("OnEvent", function() local _, _, difficulty, _, maxPlayers = GetInstanceInfo() if difficulty == 0 then rdt:SetText("") elseif maxPlayers == 3 then rdt:SetText("3") elseif difficulty == 1 then rdt:SetTe...
File: Halven UI (1920x1080 wide)03-01-13
I'd like to use own, but nib said i...
Posted By: Be3f.
I'd like to use own, but nib said it right, good work! looks sexy <3.
File: PinkLightning10-24-12
It's pink, I'll give you that :)
Posted By: Be3f.
It's pink, I'll give you that :)
File: stAddonManager10-27-11
Working like a charm + respect <3
Posted By: Be3f.
Working like a charm + respect <3
File: stAddonManager10-27-11
One more thing :3 Interface\AddOns...
Posted By: Be3f.
One more thing :3 Interface\AddOns\stAddonManager\stAddonManager.lua:200: attempt to call method 'Size' (a nil value) Sorry, but I actually forgot to mention it in the previous post.
File: stAddonManager10-26-11
Hi saft, tried it out but I get thi...
Posted By: Be3f.
Hi saft, tried it out but I get this error Interface\AddOns\stAddonManager\stAddonManager.lua:178: attempt to call method 'Point' (a nil value) but looks sexy, cheers :)
File: Rosoaa's UI09-30-11
I'm looking forward to the new version
Posted By: Be3f.
I'm looking forward to the new version