Results: 2Comments by: Hegor
File: Cartographer03-04-07
I had a problem where I had to rena...
Posted By: Hegor
I had a problem where I had to rename the wtf, interface and cache folders. I had a lot of herbs marked on the map in different zones and a few notes in Cartographer. What files do I need to import in Cartograper Import to get them back? I've tried a copying the old Cartographer folder over to the new interface/addons and other th...
File: Cartographer02-20-07
Updating to latest version??
Posted By: Hegor
I'm sure I'm not the first to ask this but I can't find an answer. I have an older version of Cartographer where I've placed notes in various zones. If I upgrade to the latest version how can I carry those notes over to the newer version? Is there a file I need to copy that contains these or what?