Results: 2Comments by: Daarky
File: Scrolling Combat Text08-24-09
Sword spec
Posted By: Daarky
I've been using SCT for years, it's one of my favorite mods. I can't figure out how to get it to show extra attacks from sword spec any more though, is this still possible? I've tried every custom event I can think of to get it to work, but nothing seems to do it. Thanks.
File: Scrolling Combat Text10-23-08
Special crits event.
Posted By: Daarky
Hello, I posted this a couple days ago over on your wowace thread, but incase you don't read there any more.. You actually originally helped me with this, but I can't manage to get it working with the new way events work = {display="", type="DAMAGETARGET", search=ACTION_SWING, critical=1, selfonly=1, r=256/256, g=256/256, b...